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Need Hamster Help

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Hey does anyone else out there have a Hamster? My gf and I just got one a month ago and are starting to wonder fi they can get fleas. Lately he's been scratching a lot. I know they are obsessed with grooming, but this looks more akin to a dog scratching and biting its fleas than grooming. Do you ever take these guys to the vet and can they even get stuff like this? We have a VERY clean apartment and neither of us have constant itching so I'd suspect its either nothing, or its something the little guy brought home from the pet shop. I dunno. Just wanna try and get a few opinions. Thanks!
Thanks for nothing, you worthless bitches. If I ever see you on Xbox LIVE, me and siamesedreamer are going to teabag the shit out of your corpse. You bastards. :)
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