We've just got a new PC in at work, it's a pacard bell 2.4ghz celeron job and the rest of the PC's in the office are old pentium 2's running Windows 2000. We have one PC in the corner running as the server and all the PC's are networked together and sharing the internet (from a hub I think). The new PC we just got is running Windows XP and will not detect the bloody network (as far as I can tell) or the internet and I need to set it up. It DID detect the network and one stage and you could access all the stuff on the network but my co-worker reinstalled windows and now as far as I can see you cant access the stuff on the server. The main priority is getting windows xp to detect and share the internet connection, I couldnt get IE to detect it even when the network was working.
Windows XP network wizard is a bit crap, I've spent ages before at home trying to get it to detect the internet connection from my router and it loves taking hours to find the bloody thing.
And yes, I suck at my job.
Any help? Please?
We've just got a new PC in at work, it's a pacard bell 2.4ghz celeron job and the rest of the PC's in the office are old pentium 2's running Windows 2000. We have one PC in the corner running as the server and all the PC's are networked together and sharing the internet (from a hub I think). The new PC we just got is running Windows XP and will not detect the bloody network (as far as I can tell) or the internet and I need to set it up. It DID detect the network and one stage and you could access all the stuff on the network but my co-worker reinstalled windows and now as far as I can see you cant access the stuff on the server. The main priority is getting windows xp to detect and share the internet connection, I couldnt get IE to detect it even when the network was working.
Windows XP network wizard is a bit crap, I've spent ages before at home trying to get it to detect the internet connection from my router and it loves taking hours to find the bloody thing.
And yes, I suck at my job.
Any help? Please?