Ok, been out of comics for about the last 3/4 of a year... and apparently the landscape has changed severely. Will explain some of the confusion and what I know of things
Avengers - When last I left our heroes, they just finished with Avengers Disassmebled (Avengers 500) and the future was unknown as to what was going to happen. Now I see GLA, New Avengers, whatnot. help.
Coutndown to Inifinite Crisis? What is it. It sounds like a new crisis like crossover (i.e. galactic/dimensional scale or whatnot) but looking at the five bajillion crossovers it sounds more like a Ultimate Secret War type thing (government, secret society, espionage)
House of M? No clue whatsoever what is going on with it.
X-books. I see some appear to be gone, some renamed, or whatever. When I left there were like 3 major x-books (X-Men, Uncanny, Astonishing) and a bunch of offshoots (DistrictX, Exclaibur, New X-Men Academy, etc).
What are your favorite Marvel and DC books right now. I have to scale back from what I was spending (upwards of $60/week after 20% discount) and which definitely means eliminating most independents (I was born and raised a Marvel Zombie and for the most part enjoy reading the big two stuff, even when it is just average). Just looking to see what some of the favorites from the big two are right now.
Will ask more questions as I think of them.
Oh, and was Green Lantern Rebirth any good? Is there any sort of expectations of the new Hal Jordan series?
Avengers - When last I left our heroes, they just finished with Avengers Disassmebled (Avengers 500) and the future was unknown as to what was going to happen. Now I see GLA, New Avengers, whatnot. help.
Coutndown to Inifinite Crisis? What is it. It sounds like a new crisis like crossover (i.e. galactic/dimensional scale or whatnot) but looking at the five bajillion crossovers it sounds more like a Ultimate Secret War type thing (government, secret society, espionage)
House of M? No clue whatsoever what is going on with it.
X-books. I see some appear to be gone, some renamed, or whatever. When I left there were like 3 major x-books (X-Men, Uncanny, Astonishing) and a bunch of offshoots (DistrictX, Exclaibur, New X-Men Academy, etc).
What are your favorite Marvel and DC books right now. I have to scale back from what I was spending (upwards of $60/week after 20% discount) and which definitely means eliminating most independents (I was born and raised a Marvel Zombie and for the most part enjoy reading the big two stuff, even when it is just average). Just looking to see what some of the favorites from the big two are right now.
Will ask more questions as I think of them.
Oh, and was Green Lantern Rebirth any good? Is there any sort of expectations of the new Hal Jordan series?