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NeoGAF Forge & Custom Game sharing topic & FAQ


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
In this topic we post links to the custom game variants and forge maps GAF members have created. Encouragement and feedback is STRONGLY encouraged. Like someone's game type but think movement speed should be 10% slower or the starting weapons should be different? LET THEM KNOW, so they can test it out and release a version 2, or just go ahead and tweak it yourself and put it up on your share.

Let's be open-minded, try out each other's stuff, remix each other's game types and maps, and create lots of Awesome through the magic of collaborative creativity.

If anyone has questions about how the forge functions or anything else regarding map & gametype creation and sharing, this is the place for it as well.

I'll TRY to keep the OP updated with the latest GAF gametypes and favorite GAF gametypes, but I'm notorious for being flakey with that kind of thing, so no longterm promises.

:: Resources ::
Snowbound Canvas
Sandtrap Canvas
Epitaph Canvas
Guardian Canvas
High Ground Canvas
Isolation Canvas
Last Resort Canvas
Narrows Canvas
The Pit Canvas
Valhalla Canvas

:: GAF Gametypes ::
Vampireball (Download) (More Info) by Aaron
Helm's Deep (Gametype+Map) (More Info) by Traveler
Thor (Download) (More Info) by Penguin
Rocket Race Air (Download GT+Map) (More Info) by traveler
Rocket Ham (Download) - (More Info) by Mr. Lemming
Rainbow 6 Pinky (Download) - (More Info) by typo (Still work in progress)
Insane Hammer King (Download) - (More Info) by MMaRsu
Zero-G Rockets (Download) - (More Info) by GDJustin.

:: GAF Custom Maps ::
Zanzibar (Download) (More Info) by Sp3eD

Please follow the following format (or something close to it) when posting your custom maps and game types, so I don't need to do a ton of formatting myself when updating the OP!


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Zero-G Rockets (Download)
Author: GDJustin
Variation of: Slayer
Designed for: All maps, specifically wide-open ones (Snowbound seems best)

Extended Description:
It's pretty simple really - 1) Gravity is set as low as it'll go - 50%. This makes jumps REALLY floaty. 2) Movement speed bumped up to 150% - this helps to offset the slower in-the-air pace. 3) Unlimited Rockets.

Potential Tweaks
-Win condition is 25 right now and seems a bit high. 15-20 leads to shorter, tighter matches.
-Start everyone with a bubble shield?
-Increase damage or lower shields slightly? A direct-hit is required for a kill right now, and it can be tough.


Insane Hammer King


Author: MMaRsu
Variation of: Team King of the Hill
Designed for: Specifically wide-open ones (Valhalla or Last Resort seems best)
-Score to win : 200
-3 points if your inside the hill p/s ,off hill points is -1
-Outside the hill 200% movement speed, inside the hill 2x overshields, 75% player speed, 150% player gravity
-All gravity hammers, no vehicles
-Best played in 4 party's of 2, but you can change it, and it still works
-No friendly firing
Is there anything you can place on the map that are unalterable, like a permanent blockade or something? And how do you make floating objects?


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Son of Godzilla said:
Is there anything you can place on the map that are unalterable, like a permanent blockade or something? And how do you make floating objects?

You can place blast shields and other items of the sort. Are they *literally* unalterable/unmovable? No. But some of them are big enough/heavy enough that they're unlikely to move very much at all over the course of a game as long as there's no gravity hammers or anything turned on.

To make a floating item, I BELIEVE you need to first place an item down like a crate, or whatever, then place an item on top of it, then remove the crate. I haven't tried this personally so I'm not positive.


First tragedy, then farce.
Can anyone find a way to limit the number of players in a slayer game..

in Halo 2 I created a game type that was a Rocket Arena knock off.. you could have 10 players in the game, but only two would go at once... then the winner will live on and the next in line will spawn in the game..

Ive allready redone the maps so that they will work perfect for these one on one matchups... but I cant get it to work in the gametype anymore :(

The rest of the gametype is set up perfectly and was a ton of fun with my friend last night, but right now it wont work if more than two people play (which is the whole point of rocketarena).


First tragedy, then farce.
Son of Godzilla said:
Is there anything you can place on the map that are unalterable, like a permanent blockade or something? And how do you make floating objects?

I wish there was a way to set an object to not move at all.. I tried to limit the arena size for my rocket arena 'mod' and had to resort to giant piles of hard to move things. If someone really wants to they can get through it.. they will most likely be killed prior to that happening, but I wish I could make it so that there is no possible way to move them.

Rainbow 6 Pinky (Download)
Author: typo / Junker Seed
Variation of: VIP / Escort
Designed for: Wide-open Maps (or long, narrow maps like High Ground)

Extended Description:
One team has to escort a pink-uniformed VIP from one side of the map to the other. Straightforward... The catch?
- No shields (except for VIP, but it's only at 10%)
- VIP moves 10% faster than everyone else.
- VIP cannot board vehicles or pick up any weapons
- VIP only has a Magnum with limited ammo
- VIP team default loadout is Battle Rifle and Plasma Pistol
- Everyone else should have Assault Rifle and Sword.
- Only the VIP team has grenades (except for the VIP)

It can be tweaked (just made it), and I haven't had time to test it out (message me on Live [Junker Seed] to try out a game or two). I was striving for realistic gunplay in an alien world. I might have to tweak the gravity to be realistic... will probably do that now.


I got a question. How do you get territories or go to points (if you're playing VIP) to stay in the air? Want to make a air version of rocket race, but they keep falling down when I place them in forge!


I'm currently making a version of Rocket Race for Snowbound, just checking everything works well and then will upload it. The blank maps are very useful so cheers for those.


Not Wario
Working on a Helm's Deep gametype for High Ground. As it stands now:

-Based on 1 Bomb Assault. Intended for 2 teams of 10-6, attacking/defending respectively.
-Starting weapon is sword. No other weapons near the attacking teams base. (Thinking of adding a few spikers or some other mid to close range weapon)
-Defenders get 4 snipers for their "elven archers" and 2 Gravity Hammers to help keep the attackers at bay once they've "scaled the walls." (They also get a few inciendiary grenades to throw down on them)
-Equipment is as follows: Defenders get a few mines to help compensate for the weakness of the right wall. The "Uruk-Hai" get a few gravity lifts to act as their "ladders."
-In terms of changes to the actual map, I've filled in the right wall with lots of large crates; it can still be crossed easier than the rest, but it's definitely a challenge now. The bunker leading into the base has also had crates placed into its entrace. The hatch that opens into that same bunker has had a grav lift placed underneath it, which permanently closes the hatch and makes it impossible to enter into. (I want all the conflict to take place at the wall.)
-Lastly, the defenders have three Mongooses for "Horses" in case they wish to make one last glorious charge out. :lol

If you have any suggestions, they'd be appreciated. I might be throwing up the gametype variant as well as the map variant later today.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Cuckooo said:
I'm currently making a version of Rocket Race for Snowbound, just checking everything works well and then will upload it. The blank maps are very useful so cheers for those.

That's great news. I was contemplating doing the same thing for isolation.


Not Wario
I'm actually going to try and make an all aircraft based Rocket Race for Sandtrap. Intended for 2-teams, each side will have a Hornet and several accompanying Banshees.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
traveler said:
Working on a Helm's Deep gametype for High Ground. As it stands now:

-Based on 1 Bomb Assault. Intended for 2 teams of 10-6, attacking/defending respectively.
-Starting weapon is sword. No other weapons near the attacking teams base. (Thinking of adding a few spikers or some other mid to close range weapon)
-Defenders get 4 snipers for their "elven archers" and 2 Gravity Hammers to help keep the attackers at bay once they've "scaled the walls." (They also get a few inciendiary grenades to throw down on them)
-Equipment is as follows: Defenders get a few mines to help compensate for the weakness of the right wall. The "Uruk-Hai" get a few gravity lifts to act as their "ladders."
-In terms of changes to the actual map, I've filled in the right wall with lots of large crates; it can still be crossed easier than the rest, but it's definitely a challenge now. The bunker leading into the base has also had crates placed into its entrace. The hatch that opens into that same bunker has had a grav lift placed underneath it, which permanently closes the hatch and makes it impossible to enter into. (I want all the conflict to take place at the wall.)
-Lastly, the defenders have three Mongooses for "Horses" in case they wish to make one last glorious charge out. :lol

If you have any suggestions, they'd be appreciated. I might be throwing up the gametype variant as well as the map variant later today.

This sounds fantastic. If you can, make the bomb-arming time super short, I suggest. If the team gets in, they should win - they should have to wait for a 10-second arm. I would also consider moving the arming location out of that little back room into the open middle area. Still back a ways from the wall - but not super close to the wall.
Rocket Ham (Download)
Author: Mr. Lemming / Sicher
Variation of: Slayer
Designed for: All maps

Extended Description:
Much like the name suggests, you have rockets and you have hammers. Infinite rockets and hammers in fact. 200% shields keeps things interesting. First to 20 kills wins.

1. Shields are at 200% to encourage more hammer usage. With shields less than 200% rockets kill you in one hit. Since they are a ranged weapon and the hammer is not, obviously the rockets were used a ton more. Bumping up the shields made players use the hammer more, as a direct hammer pulse is still a single hit kill even at 200%.

2. Shields are also at 200% to make encounters last a little bit longer. Fewer anonymous rockets smacking you from the side and more interesting back and forth battles.

3. You can't switch to your hammer and use it instantaneously. Keep that in mind as you are rushing someone, switching to the hammer when you unload your rockets.

4. Infinite ammo. I played around with different weapons on the map and finite ammo, but settled on no weapons on map and infinite ammo. No one lives long enough to run out of ammo anyway. I originally wanted players to conserve their rockets, and thus not have any on the map... bumping the shields up rendered this desire moot.

5. Sometimes swinging a little bit earlier and knocking players off the level is more satisfying than killing them outright.

6. Remember, hammers can knock rockets away with proper timing. Slamming a rocket back at some jerk is very satisfying.


Not Wario
GDJustin said:
This sounds fantastic. If you can, make the bomb-arming time super short, I suggest. If the team gets in, they should win - they should have to wait for a 10-second arm. I would also consider moving the arming location out of that little back room into the open middle area. Still back a ways from the wall - but not super close to the wall.

I'm guessing you meant shouldn't, and since the focus is on the action at the wall, I will do that. Thanks for the input!


0G M3mbeR
Sweet Canvas's. I was planning on doing that, but it would take WAY to much effort.

I think my first project is going to be remaking Zanzabar One Flag CTF (IMO the best map / gamemode in all of H2 by miles). Im in the process of blocking off all the areas that you couldn't get into with containers. Should be fun :)


Not Wario
Rocket Race Air- (Download GT+Map)

Finished the variant of Rocket Race I was designing for the air.

-Only works on Sandtrap, which I included a variant of, right now. (May try to create a Valhalla version later.)
-Intended for 5 vs. 5
-Each side, like Rocket Race, has a VIP they need to escort across the skies, (used the crate trick) and carry to different points. (I increased the radius to 3 instead of the default .75 to compensate for the tricker-to-manage nature of flying) Everyone is also invincible.
-2 Banshees and 1 Hornet (which is necessary for the VIP) per side. All are indestructible. (That number was the most allowed- I would have preferred to have had all Hornets and lots of them, but it wouldn't let me)
-Gravity has been increased to prevent rocket jumps to the escort points.
-Each person carries a rocket launcher and a plasma pistol. (Dunno how much rockets actually throw off aircraft.) Both have infinite ammo.

Let me know what you think. (I can take harsh criticism- I didn't actually get a chance to test it after all.)


I've finished my rocket race on Snowbound, will upload it tomorrow after fine tuning.

I'll also be testing out all the other maps itt tomorrow as I just love Forge and user created content.


Thor (Download)
Author: Penguin
Variation of: Slayer
Designed for: All maps, specifically wide-open ones (Snowbound seems best)

Extended Description:
Only weapons you get are the sword and gravity hammer.
The only way to score is to get a beat down.
believe higher jump and a bit faster characters as well.


Unlimited Capacity
Ok, ive been working on my "Tom Clancy's..." line of game types, and i think i have enough of a hold on it and enough content to have a "beta" now lol.

Here's the altered rules (these are general rules, ill list map specific stuff in the next paragraph): There are shields, but no recharge on them. Ive lowered the damage resitance and upped the damage dealt slighty so the shields give u just enough time to react. On each map, there are 2 deployable cover's and a bubble shield near each spawn, as well as flares (flashbangs), trip mines, and one regenerator at different points of the map. Ive made a custom powerup similar to the UAV in CoD 4, where for 10 seconds that one person gets an enhanced radar (tracks everyone). The powerup gives u a waypoint that everyone can see however, so its a risk/reward type of thing.

Now, ive gotten 3 maps redone so far: The Pit (Marine Base), High Ground (Radio Station) and Zanzibar/Last Resort (Power Plant). I've gone through and decorated each map with more cover to hide behind, as well as more debris and fusion coils to destroy/blow up:D.

On The Pit, there is an additional "weapon locker" area with battle rifles, frags and fire bombs. On the opposite side there are magnums, which are very powerful in this game type.

In High Ground, the team on the beach starts with a couple battle rifles at their spawn since they are at a slight disadvantage. There are also 2 weapon locker areas, one presumably for each team.

In Zanzibar, its similar to high ground in that it has 2 weapon locker areas, bit no team starts with the battle rifles. There is also one sniper rifle on the map.

Soooooooooooo, if ur interested in playing, add Tetsuo2k to ur friends and send me a message.


Not Wario
_tetsuo_ said:
Ok, ive been working on my "Tom Clancy's..." line of game types, and i think i have enough of a hold on it and enough content to have a "beta" now lol.

Here's the altered rules (these are general rules, ill list map specific stuff in the next paragraph): There are shields, but no recharge on them. Ive lowered the damage resitance and upped the damage dealt slighty so the shields give u just enough time to react. On each map, there are 2 deployable cover's and a bubble shield near each spawn, as well as flares (flashbangs), trip mines, and one regenerator at different points of the map. Ive made a custom powerup similar to the UAV in CoD 4, where for 10 seconds that one person gets an enhanced radar (tracks everyone). The powerup gives u a waypoint that everyone can see however, so its a risk/reward type of thing.

Now, ive gotten 3 maps redone so far: The Pit (Marine Base), High Ground (Radio Station) and Zanzibar/Last Resort (Power Plant). I've gone through and decorated each map with more cover to hide behind, as well as more debris and fusion coils to destroy/blow up:D.

On The Pit, there is an additional "weapon locker" area with battle rifles, frags and fire bombs. On the opposite side there are magnums, which are very powerful in this game type.

In High Ground, the team on the beach starts with a couple battle rifles at their spawn since they are at a slight disadvantage. There are also 2 weapon locker areas, one presumably for each team.

In Zanzibar, its similar to high ground in that it has 2 weapon locker areas, bit no team starts with the battle rifles. There is also one sniper rifle on the map.

Soooooooooooo, if ur interested in playing, add Tetsuo2k to ur friends and send me a message.

Sounds similar to what Typo is doing. Maybe you two ought to collaborate.


Not Wario
Sp3eD said:
Finally done with my Zanzibar remake.


Started with the canvas and added everything from going back and forth from Xbox to 360 on my TV.

Upon spending the last 7 hours on this one thing is very clear, there needs to be an option to make objects immoveable.

Yes! I've been trying to block off some areas of High Ground for my Helm's Deep gametype and I've run into this problem as well. I wonder if this sort of thing could be patched in or not. I would love some more Forge options as DLC. (Shield Walls plez)


Not Wario
Helm's Deep- (Gametype+Map)

A (hopefully) interesting take on the climatic battle from Tolkien's The Two Towers. Players take on the role of the marauding Uruk Hai and defenders of Rohan in a gametype designed for use with the High Ground variant also named "Helm's Deep."

General Rules (Player Traits):
-Players have 300% shields, but they don't recharge.
-Movement is reduced to 90% and gravity increased to 150% to help compensate for the ease of access in the broken down right wall. (Crates are also placed in it to help stem the flow)
-No grenades in Middle Earth. (I couldn't allow them because they let players move the crates blocking off the "illegal" entrances. :p The defenders do, however, have inciendiary grenades at their disposal)
-Starting weapon is the sword. Infinite ammo.
-1 Bomb Assault

General notes (Level Design):
-Right wall is filled in with crates to prevent easy access. Same for the bunker entrance. The bunker hatch has had a grav lift placed below it, sealing the hatch shut and preventing further entrance into the bunker. The focus here is on the conflict at the wall and these changes were implemented for such ends.
-Bomb arming zone is just inside the wall. Once again, this also reflects the emphasis on the battle at the wall. (It also compensates for the extra help the defenders get in the sealing of several of the entrances) Defenders are to stop the attackers entrance at all costs.

Defenders of Rohan loadout:
-Four snipers are placed on the wall for your "Elven Archers." Two gravity hammers are also provided for help with warding off ascending attackers.
-Several inciendiary grenades are also provided for use at the base of the wall.
-Trip mines are the only equipment given. Like the inciendiary grenades, these can be used as further deterrants to the enemy's ground movement.
-Lastly, 3 mongooses are provided in case you wish to make a heroic last stand charge out of your base on your "mighty steeds."

Uruk-Hai loadout:
-Bomb carrier cannot hurt anyone.
-Three grav lifts are provided. These are your siege ladders.
-That's all you have provided beyond your default swords. You do have the advantage of an easy to get to (once inside the wall of course) bombing spot as well as the (recommended) advantage of numbers. (The GT is intended for 10 to 6 players, defending/attacking respectively, as indicated by the map title.)

Give me your feedback if you try it out. I'd appreciate any thoughts, negative or positive.

Edit: Just revised the GT to make detonations go faster, rounds go quicker, and max score to win higher. I also revised the map to give the Uruks deployable shields so that they had more to do than simply rush the wall in an attempt to get through in addition to strengthening the bunker defenses. It is now completely impenetrable without explosives or the grav hammer.


Nice! I was gonna make a thread for exactly this purpose, nice to see if done very well, GJ GDJustin.

I'm working on HaloStrike atm, and I'm almost done v0.1.
I'll have a full writeup for that once I up the gametype and map, but I'm sure most could guess what it's like.

I've also started on FrontLine Force, a homage to the HL1 MOD. Basically a fast paced territories.

I do see testing as a big concern for myself.

What I propose is that some nights, all of us GameType creators get together and play all of our own created modes. Say, one night we play many matches of 3 different gametypes, give feedback, and then another night play many matches of another 3 gametypes.

What do you guys think?


Vampireball (Download)
Author: Aaron
Variation of: Oddball
Designed for: All maps, moderate sized groups.

Extended Description:
Too many tweaks to mention, but essentially everyone starts with gravity hammers and shotguns with no weapons or vehicles on the map, moving a little faster than normal, and with no shield regen, but they'll get a 10% healing bonus from what damage they cause. Now the ball carrier moves at 200% and his life drains off a bit, but he's a melee monster and gets a 50% heal for each hit. He's also cloaked, but he doesn't have any radar. First person to 50 wins.

There are two balls as default, but if you're playing with a full sixteen you might want to up that to three, or down to one for a small group. Only tested it split screen so far, so hopefully I'll have the chance to get a big group together to see how it really works out.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
I updated the OP.

Flighty, I think that sounds like a great idea.

I personally have downloaded every game type in this topic so far, and will eventually make my way through them (I'm downloading lots of random finds from bungie.net too.


I've been tinkering with the idea of an American Gladiators Assault game. You know the one where the Gladiator shoots tennis balls from up high, while the player has to either take them out or reach the goal in a limited amount of time. Each of four "station" has a different weapon with very limited ammo.

I've been trying to use High Ground for this, but I'm having trouble figuring out some of the logistics/rules. I suppose it would be a lot easier if people played it honestly, but I'm not sure that they will.

Also, I'm not sure how well it would fly with only two people playing per round. I may have to tweak this some.


GDJustin said:
Zero-G Rockets (Download)
Author: GDJustin
Variation of: Slayer
Designed for: All maps, specifically wide-open ones (Snowbound seems best)

Extended Description:
It's pretty simple really - 1) Gravity is set as low as it'll go - 50%. This makes jumps REALLY floaty. 2) Movement speed bumped up to 150% - this helps to offset the slower in-the-air pace. 3) Unlimited Rockets.

Potential Tweaks
-Win condition is 25 right now and seems a bit high. 15-20 leads to shorter, tighter matches.
-Start everyone with a bubble shield?
-Increase damage or lower shields slightly? A direct-hit is required for a kill right now, and it can be tough.

Two thumbs way up for this.
One of my favorite modes in the game so far.
I really like it on, The Pit? I think it is. Crazy hijinks.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Hey, thanks! I *was* working on this really elaborate gametype that involved low grav and rockets and complex scoring, but then I remembered that sometimes (actually lots of times) simple is better. It's easier for people to understand what your gametype is, and is often more fun.

If you haven't already I'd appreciate you giving the gametype a positive rating on bungie.net.


GDJustin said:
Hey, thanks! I *was* working on this really elaborate gametype that involved low grav and rockets and complex scoring, but then I remembered that sometimes (actually lots of times) simple is better. It's easier for people to understand what your gametype is, and is often more fun.

If you haven't already I'd appreciate you giving the gametype a positive rating on bungie.net.
Done and done.

Some modifications, I've used.
Increased the speed to 200% with less players make it more tighyl contested since can find each other quicker.
Played on the new lockout, don't know the name.. I;m sorry. The higher speeds and quicker jumping is an advantage and disadvantage since can fall off edge if jump around too much adds a bit more fun to it I feel.

Some questions since couldn't find...

is it possible to start people off with a specific type of grenade?

I had an idea to do something called Dodgeball.
The only way to get points is to stick someone with a plasma.
Except don't know any way to make it so start with plasmas or anything.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Penguin said:
is it possible to start people off with a specific type of grenade?

I had an idea to do something called Dodgeball.
The only way to get points is to stick someone with a plasma.
Except don't know any way to make it so start with plasmas or anything.

Hehe, that gametype actually already exists :p I was testing it out with some buddies of mine yesterday.

In fact, I've downloaded TWO versions with that same concept - one was actually called dodgeball, too.

Here's a link to get you started:



THanks for pointing out this thread on the official Halo thread, GD Justin. I was just thinking about Forge maps a second ago. :D


GDJustin said:
Hehe, that gametype actually already exists :p I was testing it out with some buddies of mine yesterday.

In fact, I've downloaded TWO versions with that same concept - one was actually called dodgeball, too.

Here's a link to get you started:


Well thanks for that saved me some trouble.

I hope this hasn't been done either.
And not quite sure if it will work as I need a better way to block off exits and stuff.

Well guess first shall explain the gametype and issues having.

Trying to call it RumbleHam or HamRumble, don't know yet.
Basically, only weapon you have of course is the gravity hammer. Which deals no damage and the player is invulnerable.

However you play in the center of Guardian and try to knock each other off of the stage with the wave of the hammr. To help this increased player speed to 200% and dropped player's jumping to 50%.

issue having right now
How do you control starting point? all the respawns are in the center of the stage but the start is on the ground level in some room.

2)Not quite sure how to close it off. Put crates in all exits but you can still jump around some obstacles due to the lower gravity and also the fact that well some of the level is reachable from other parts of the pit.

Any help would be appreciated.


Not Wario
Thanks to some feedback from the Bungie forums, I just fixed a problem with Helm's Deep. There were a few hidden spawnpoints in the water near the Uruk camp that kept spawning defenders. This has now been changed.

Here's the link to the new version: http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=13279988

I already changed my OP on the matter, but GDJustin might want to edit the OP as well.

(Bungie needs to find a way to let us "update" the files in our file shares so I don't have to keep making a new thread every time I want to publish a new one.)
One more game variant before I mess around with Forge:

Spartan March (Download)
Author: typo / Junker Seed
Variation of: Escort VIP
Designed for: All maps

Extended Description:
Another escort variant, somewhat inspired by 300. VIP is slow-moving and can't jump high--very vulnerable. VIP carries a Sword and Sniper Rifle. VIP influence gives you similar physical attributes, but allows you to withstand more damage (faster shield recharge, etc.)--for the sake of defending the VIP with your bodies. VIP team is equipped with Sword and Spartan Laser. Enemy team is equipped with Swords and Rocket Launchers. Everyone has unlimited ammo, but cannot pick up other weapons. No one can board vehicles (to my knowledge).


HaloStrike (Download + Map) (More Info) by FightyF (TerraRhythm)

HaloStrike (Download)
Author: FightyF (TerraRhythm)
Variation of: Assault
Designed for: Small tactical maps, ie. The Pit

Extended Description:
-1 way Assault, that is one side are the Attackers and the other Defenders
-Human Weapons only
-no shields, 200% damage resistance, 75% of normal speed, 200% gravity (ie. "realistic" movement and health)
-3 lives only

Description of The Pit - HS edit:
-2 Bombing points, only 1 must be completed
-weapons are categorically stashed in different areas near the spawn. Player spawns with pistols only and must arm themselves by visiting these "lockers". More powerful weapons are located in more remote areas of your half. Very powerful weapons are located in the middle of the map, so the two teams can fight for them.
-bombing points have been made into "choke points" with lots of cover. Crates, barricades, and debris litter each bombing point.
-all weapons and items to do not respawn. If weapons "lockers" are empty, you must find and use weapons left by the dead.


Not Wario
Anxiety- (Download)

Anxiety is a Single VIP Escort based gametype in which the focus is on extreme tension for the VIP. Features are as follows:

General Rules:
-3 minute rounds with 5 escort points to win. 4 rounds in total, so ties are possible. If the VIP dies, the round ends.
-No weapons on map. Every player has infinite ammo.

Non-VIP Traits:
-Everyone is invisible and has a motion detector set on enchanced with the maxed range.
-Sniper rifles are your only weapon.
-Players are slowed and gravity increased slightly.

VIP Traits:
-No shields and 10% damage endurance ensure that any hit is fatal for the VIP.
-VIP has a waypoint over his/herself visible to everyone. (It should also be noted that the VIP doesn't benefit from the same invisibility everyone else has)
-The VIP carries only an energy sword, both for its uselessness against snipers and its distinctive glow, drawing even more attention to the VIP.
-What's the VIP's one advantage? Speed. The VIP has maxed speed and extremely low gravity. The rule is flight, not fight. (Just testing it out, I was able to reach all 5 escort points on Valhalla in under a minute and 30. The time limit is set at 3, so the VIP's only worry should be enemy interference.)

As always, both negative and positive feedback is welcomed. I haven't designed a map around this time around, but I would strongly suggest it be played on Valhalla and Sandtrap. The VIP is almost difficult to control in confined spaces and sniping is hampered elsewhere. (I think I saw a Valhalla variant where someone had fusion coils constantly spawn out of the sky- that would be a natural fit for this if you have it.)

While I've liked the concept of all my other ideas, I still have yet to ascertain whether they actually PLAY well. In that respect, I feel more confident about this gametype than I do the others.


How do you make your own custom powerup? Is there a website or guide on what all the placements do? For example I don't know the difference between a spawn point and spawn area.


missed this thanks Ghaleon.

OK first of all get mine here:

Map Varient:
Beach Storm

Game Type:
2 Team Standard Territory's

Now Halo 3 has the same thing as every other existing WW2 FPS a DDay style beach landing game.

Attackers: Storm & Clam the cliffs
Defenders: Don't you dare let them do it.

Beep Test (Both Map & Game Variant)

Like the famous fitness test where you have to shuttle run over and over till you drop the first to 10 wins.

To be played in Beep Test Game mode (VIP) with each person in a different team.

Any thoughts of input would be great, let me know what you think & rate me if you like :D


Unlimited Capacity
Gowans007 said:
missed this thanks Ghaleon.

OK first of all get mine here:

Map Varient:
Beach Storm

Game Type:
2 Team Standard Territory's

Now Halo 3 has the same thing as every other existing WW2 FPS a DDay style beach landing game.

Attackers: Storm & Clam the cliffs
Defenders: Don't you dare let them do it.

Beep Test (Both Map & Game Variant)

Like the famous fitness test where you have to shuttle run over and over till you drop the first to 10 wins.

To be played in Beep Test Game mode (VIP) with each person in a different team.

Any thoughts of input would be great, let me know what you think & rate me if you like :D

idownloaded ur beach storm one, ill give u some input later today if i can
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