I thought it would be fun to get a ranking of NeoGAF's favourite Street Fighter characters. To make it a bit more interesting, ranking will be done by getting an average score per character - because who doesn't like data and statistics!
Copy the list of characters below and give each a score between 1-10: 1 = worst, 10 = best. Send your list to me in a PM and I will round up the scores at the end of the week. You may give ONE character a score of -1 and ONE character a score of 11. The rest must be between 1-10.
Ranking can be based on whatever. If you were born in 2010 and have never played a Street Fighter game before you can rank them based on their character design idk. You can leave the score blank if you don't know or are apathetic toward a character.
Note: This series has far too many characters and a lot have had too few appearances to be memorable. For this rank, I have used the Street Fighter V roster as it, for the most part, includes series regulars and favorites but I have removed all of the new characters including old NPCs that were made playable. If there is a character not listed that you would have given an 11 score, you can add them as #31. If there are enough mentions, they might make it to the ranking!
UPDATE: Rate is finished! - results begin on post #8
Copy the list of characters below and give each a score between 1-10: 1 = worst, 10 = best. Send your list to me in a PM and I will round up the scores at the end of the week. You may give ONE character a score of -1 and ONE character a score of 11. The rest must be between 1-10.
- Alex
- Akuma
- Balrog
- Birdie
- Blanka
- Cammy
- Chun-Li
- Cody
- Dan
- Dhalsim
- E.Honda
- Gill
- Guile
- Ibuki
- Juri
- Karin
- Ken
- M.Bison
- Nash/Charlie
- Oro
- Poison
- R.Mika
- Rose
- Ryu
- Sagat
- Sakura
- Seth
- Urien
- Vega
- Zangief
Ranking can be based on whatever. If you were born in 2010 and have never played a Street Fighter game before you can rank them based on their character design idk. You can leave the score blank if you don't know or are apathetic toward a character.
Note: This series has far too many characters and a lot have had too few appearances to be memorable. For this rank, I have used the Street Fighter V roster as it, for the most part, includes series regulars and favorites but I have removed all of the new characters including old NPCs that were made playable. If there is a character not listed that you would have given an 11 score, you can add them as #31. If there are enough mentions, they might make it to the ranking!

UPDATE: Rate is finished! - results begin on post #8
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