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Netflix' Documentary MH370: A Plane That Disappeared is pure trash


Dreams of a world where inflated review scores save studios
Just finished this 3 part documentary. Literally 0 new info on the actual plane missing but instead they let conspiracy theorists and Facebook groups moms talk about their "findings". Those findings are nothing but trash.

My favorite part was when experts said they found pieces of the wreckage highly likely to belong to MH370 and the French lawyer lady arguing that "highly likely" doesn't mean it actually belonged to the plane but then goes off about Russian spies and other random theorists without any proof.

Don't waste your time on this.
Yeah I mentioned in the other thread that it's garbage because it gives way too much time to conspiracy theorists.

I literally did a face palm when that one guy was describing a Russian saboteur piloting the plane from the electrical compartment.
Star Trek Reaction GIF


A documentary just needs to be informative and entertaining. There's no chance that Netflix filmmakers would have access to some new ground breaking information that the authorities don't have already.

The Tinder Swindler didn't have anything new either - apart from recorded interviews with the victims.
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Gold Member
My favorite part was when experts said they found pieces of the wreckage highly likely to belong to MH370 and the French lawyer lady arguing that "highly likely" doesn't mean it actually belonged to the plane but then goes off about Russian spies and other random theorists without any proof.

You must have not been paying too close attention, because Florence de Changy (she's a journalist) does not support the Russian hijack theory--that's aviation journalist Jeff Wise, who does indeed come across like an idiot. Florence, on the other hand, supports the US shoot down theory, which is also supported by ex-airline CEO, Marc Dugain. She also acknowledges that the theory has loose ends...and admitted as such in the documentary.

Also, the experts you're referring to who keep finding the wreckage, is actually one person, Blaine Gibson, who has been accused of "planting wreckage" by Jeff Wise (and families of MH370 victims), and whose background has been called into question since he has deep Russian ties (and a business).

At this point, the whole thing has, for all intents and purposes, become unsolvable...much like the JFK Assassination.
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I had zero interest in the documentary after seeing the trailer. The conspiracies are all pretty batshit and fail to take into account how backwards Malaysian airspace can be. The Malaysian government is broken top to bottom.

Flying MH was great after that incident. I was flying business class alone for less than the price of an economy ticket. I took MH17 as a sign that Malaysians weren't meant to fly and went back to SQ.


Gold Member
The conspiracies are all pretty batshit and fail to take into account how backwards Malaysian airspace can be.

The shootdown of a passenger airliner isn't exactly what I'd call batshit. It happens a whole lot, actually. Just look at the last 40 years. I mean, holy shit. :messenger_astonished:

I agree with your assessment of Malaysian airspace and thought the documentary did touch on the incompetence of the Malaysian government, but the problem is that Jeff Wise launches into his awful Russian hijack theory and then everything else takes a nose dive.
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A documentary just needs to be informative and entertaining. There's no chance that Netflix filmmakers would have access to some new ground breaking information that the authorities don't have already.

The Tinder Swindler didn't have anything new either - apart from recorded interviews with the victims.
The piece of the landing gear from MH370 that a Madagascar fisherman had in his possession before knowing it was part of an aircraft.
Or how about the British engineer that used used tracking data to pinpoint the crash site on the 7th arc in the South Indian ocean.

There's lots of new info the documentary could have focused on but I turned it off the moment I started seeing them talk about Kazakhstan and Russian spies getting access to the flights avionics.
Like yeah all these other countries won't see a 777 entering and exiting their airspace on the way to Kazakhstan 🤣🤣🤣🤣. The Facebook group leader believed the pilot was responsible then the very next episode he says its the Russians 🤣🤣🤣
Like GTFO. I can't believe I wasted an hour watching this trash.

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Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
Graham Hancock’s son is one of the head honchos of reality programming at Netflix, so expect deeply stupid shit.

Fuck they already dedicated an entire series to his father’s absurd Atlantis tales.


Graham Hancock’s son is one of the head honchos of reality programming at Netflix, so expect deeply stupid shit.

Fuck they already dedicated an entire series to his father’s absurd Atlantis tales.

You've not read his books have you?

Cliff notes: There's evidence for a lost human civilization that that existed before the Younger Dryas event. Thus Atlantis is part of that.

Oh and BTW that Netflix series you DIDN'T watch had nothing about Atlantis in it.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
You've not read his books have you?

Cliff notes: There's evidence for a lost human civilization that that existed before the Younger Dryas event. Thus Atlantis is part of that.

Oh and BTW that Netflix series you DIDN'T watch had nothing about Atlantis in it.

The evidence of a lost human civilization that existed before the Younger Dryas is shaky at best, misinterpreation of evidence at worst. To complicate matters even more, Netflix chopped the interviews with the archeologists so they appeared to support him.

I'm not going to claim we know everything. and that we know is definitevely true. But hancock keeps doing this schtick where he blames archeologists for not doing things, when he is very aware that funding is super limited and blaming archeologists for not excavating basaltic terrain where voids are known to naturally occur as the lava cools and gas bubbles get trapped is downright hostile. Between his Rogan appearances and this Netflix special I'm sure he could crowdfund a dig below nang badong (sp?). Is he doing that? Because he didn't mention that in the show. Like he didn't mention that dating dirt is essentially meaningless unless you can demonstrate that dirt was walked on by humans.

Look, I have a passing interest on archeology but this guy is an actual archeologist (to be fair, he's fresh from college) and he goes deep into his claims, he also interviews the archeologists featured on the netflix show. Granted he is somewhat hostile/flippant towards Hancock so be ready for that, but it's worth a watch just to hear the other side of the story.

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You've not read his books have you?

Cliff notes: There's evidence for a lost human civilization that that existed before the Younger Dryas event. Thus Atlantis is part of that.

Oh and BTW that Netflix series you DIDN'T watch had nothing about Atlantis in it.
Graham Hancock has some fun thoughts about things, but holy shit don't buy into it. I have never seen anyone abuse and twist history to his favor more than Hancock. He's also one of these people who don't think logically and buys into everything, he's hiding 90% of his controversial thoughts so people won't ignore him, but once in a while, he will say shit so stupid it's impossible to take him seriously.


The evidence of a lost human civilization that existed before the Younger Dryas is shaky at best, misinterpreation of evidence at worst. To complicate matters even more, Netflix chopped the interviews with the archeologists so they appeared to support him.

I'm not going to claim we know everything. and that we know is definitevely true. But hancock keeps doing this schtick where he blames archeologists for not doing things, when he is very aware that funding is super limited and blaming archeologists for not excavating basaltic terrain where voids are known to naturally occur as the lava cools and gas bubbles get trapped is downright hostile. Between his Rogan appearances and this Netflix special I'm sure he could crowdfund a dig below nang badong (sp?). Is he doing that? Because he didn't mention that in the show. Like he didn't mention that dating dirt is essentially meaningless unless you can demonstrate that dirt was walked on by humans.

Look, I have a passing interest on archeology but this guy is an actual archeologist (to be fair, he's fresh from college) and he goes deep into his claims, he also interviews the archeologists featured on the netflix show. Granted he is somewhat hostile/flippant towards Hancock so be ready for that, but it's worth a watch just to hear the other side of the story.

Look, how about this. I'll DM you Fingerprints of the Gods read it and you don't have to agree but well be on the same page. That will be an interesting discussion. Your position is already covered in that book.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
Look, how about this. I'll DM you Fingerprints of the Gods read it and you don't have to agree but well be on the same page. That will be an interesting discussion. Your position is already covered in that book.

Have you watched the videos?

I'm not going to read his book but I'll watch the show, if you watch the videos.
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Have you watched the videos?

I'm not going to read his book but I'll watch the show, if you watch the videos.

I've watched the netflix series and it's basically the video version of book 2. Which is less compelling that Fingerprints of the Gods to be fair.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
I've watched the netflix series and it's basically the video version of book 2. Which is less compelling that Fingerprints of the Gods to be fair.

My offer stands, you watch the linked videos that summarize the archeological position on the things he mentions and I’ll watch the Netflix special to get up to speed to his claims.

The piece of the landing gear from MH370 that a Madagascar fisherman had in his possession before knowing it was part of an aircraft.
Or how about the British engineer that used used tracking data to pinpoint the crash site on the 7th arc in the South Indian ocean.

There's lots of new info the documentary could have focused on but I turned it off the moment I started seeing them talk about Kazakhstan and Russian spies getting access to the flights avionics.
Like yeah all these other countries won't see a 777 entering and exiting their airspace on the way to Kazakhstan 🤣🤣🤣🤣. The Facebook group leader believed the pilot was responsible then the very next episode he says its the Russians 🤣🤣🤣
Like GTFO. I can't believe I wasted an hour watching this trash.

Thanks for that link! This is amazing:



THE Prey 2 fanatic
The best documentarians probably get better deals from HBO. But for everyone else, well.

I liked The Social Dilemma. Behind the Curve wasn't released by Netflix, but it's often on their platform, so if it's still on there then I recommend it for a fun watch.
Fun fact, the prime minister when all this shit went down is now in jail serving a 12 year sentence for the 1mdb scandal which paid 100k usd (allegedly) to finance a now null and void marriage between KimK and Kanye West. The Pm is now pursuing his masters while in jail.
Thanks for that link! This is amazing:

Yeah no worries.

I was hoping the documentary was going to be based off this latest developments and also the damaged landing gear door. In fact I kept watching hoping it would pop up but the more they veered into consipracy theory nonsense the more offputting the whole experience became.

Ocean Infinity has said they're interested in doing another search but would require clearance from the Malaysian Government to go ahead. End of this year or early 2024 is the next proposed launch date to start the search based on this latest information.

That plane will be found and everything points to the pilot.

Lets look at some of the facts:

* The Pilot, one of Malaysia's most experienced pilots so knows his job and his aircraft very well. Was made an instructor and examiner for the 777 fleet in November 2007.

* Co-pilot was an inexperienced wet behind the ears 27-year-old. So we know who has the authority in this scenario.

* Conveniently the plane went dark just as it was leaving Malaysian air space and entering into Vietname airspace and only the pilot is able to turn off these systems. Coincidience on the timing to confuse air traffic controllers of both countries as you're about to do a handover from Malaysian air traffic to Vietnam?

* Plane flew along the air traffic borders as it turned around back towards Malaysia.

* Plane flew over the pilots home town when it returned into Malaysia airspace before heading out to south indian ocean.

* Pilot could easily depressurize the cabin from the cockpit. Passengers had only 15 minutes of oxygen in those masks when they dropped down from the ceiling. The pilot has a much more advanced mask with longer oxygen supply. So he could quite literally knock everyone out by himself.

* Former Australian prime minister revealed at the time that it was understood by the highest levels in Malaysian Government that this was a pilot mass murder/suicide.

* The landing gear door found in Madagascar has signifcant damage to the inside as compared to the outisde suggesting the landing gear was down when it crashed. Close examination of the piece suggested a high speed crash into the ocean.

* Ocean drift analysis on the debris found so far combined with Richard Godfrey's latest tracking data of MH370 has the origin of the pieces in the general area of the crash site in the south indian ocean close to the 7th Arc where the initial search for the aircraft was conducted.

I'm no expert in any of this but everything we know so far points toward one man. The Pilot. Only thing left to find out is what was the motive.
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My favorite part was when experts said they found pieces of the wreckage highly likely to belong to MH370 and the French lawyer lady arguing that "highly likely" doesn't mean it actually belonged to the plane but then goes off about Russian spies and other random theorists without any proof.
"Highly likely" lol. They matched the serial numbers of three of the pieces to that of the plane. And 18 more are confirmed to have come from either a Boeing 777 operated by Malaysian Airlines or a Boeing 777 in general. So unless there are any more of those missing they are from it. And all where found in the western Indian Ocean and analyses of the debris pattern/currents has actually given us a rough location of where it must have crashed.

Did a lot of research myself on this a while back if you cant tell. Even made this infographic for reddit regarding all known facts.


Also if you want a good documentary on it. Check out LEMMiNO video.

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Literally 0 new info on the actual plane missing but instead they let conspiracy theorists and Facebook groups moms talk about their "findings". Those findings are nothing but trash.
Yeah I read an article before the show came out saying this would pretty much be the case, so I didn't even bother watching.
Just finished this 3 part documentary. Literally 0 new info on the actual plane missing but instead they let conspiracy theorists and Facebook groups moms talk about their "findings". Those findings are nothing but trash.

My favorite part was when experts said they found pieces of the wreckage highly likely to belong to MH370 and the French lawyer lady arguing that "highly likely" doesn't mean it actually belonged to the plane but then goes off about Russian spies and other random theorists without any proof.

Don't waste your time on this.

Sorry to bump an old thread but new developments on MH370. The University of Liverpool Professor Maskell and his team are analysing data relating to an amateur radio technology called Weak Signal Propagation Reporter (WSPR) to see if it could be used to track the final flightpath of the aircraft. The work onthis will be completed in the next few months and will be the data used to conduct a new search.

Also these words from Richard Godfrey are so true of this whole Netflix MH370 situation and its disgusting and sickening that Jeff Wise and his crackpot mates have been given the Netflix platform to spread BS conspiracy theories.

Richard Godfrey on 10 March 2024 at 16:18


MH370 can happen again, it will just have a different flight number next time.

It is obviously easier for the Malaysian authorities to look where MH370 is not to be found and it is obviously cheaper on a no find, no fee basis.
It is obviously easier for the world’s media to repeat some conspiracy theory, than do their homework and find the facts.

There are 120 books on MH370 and each one has another theory.

They can’t all be right

Personally, I do not believe any of them are right.

They are all trying to make money out of a tragedy.
The worst example was the Netflix documentary featuring the main two competing conspiracy theories.
Fiction is better than fact.
Speculation is easier than evidence.
Sensationalism is more interesting than science.

Not only does the truth get buried, the cause for the disappearance of MH370 will not be known and we will not learn the lessons out of this tragic incident.

Flying will be no safer and MH370 can happen again.
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Episode 1 is pretty factual, while ep2 and 3 are indeed pure trash.

I agree.

It's sad though that they thought to put conspiracy theorist nutjobs on the documentary than actualy aviation experts that had more credible information surrounding this tragedy. I was expecting to see in depth analysis on the flaperon that they found on Renuion Island. Hell, even Richard Godfrey in his blog offered more insight into the barnacles that they found attached to the flaperon. So they did chemical analysis on these barnacles to understand their origin.

Stuff like this was missing from that documentary but like Richard said, the media and some social media channels are using this tragedy to profit from it.
Greendot did a good one too. I'd rate his videos the best on YouTube in regards to aviation troubles

No one can say what though, it's all hypothesis.

Yes but all the aviation experts working on this case all agree what facts they have at hand all point to the pilot.

1) The plane transponder goes off right on the border between 2 different air spaces is the perfect way to confuse air traffic controllers and cover your tracks as you escape. Transponders don't turn themselves off.

2) Flying right on the border of Malaysia/Thailand. Again this can't be coincidence as the plane ducks in and out of Thailand and Malaysia airspace.

3) Pilot likely knew Malaysia military radar would track the plane but banked on the incompetence of the organisation to not pursue a foreign flying vessel in their airspace as there was a serious disconnect between the Malaysian Military and civilian aviation (Malaysian Airlines). Pilot likely knew this.

4) The plane making a turn at Penang (which turns out to be the hometown of the pilot).

5) Malaysia Government fecking up the search from minute 1. They only sounded the alarm bells 4 hours. 4 fucking hours after realising something was wrong.

6) The crash site is in one of the most remote parts of the worlds oceans way out of the way of any shipping lanes and largely unexplored. A region known for very harsh weather conditions. Can't be coincidence that the plane continued flying until fuel exhaustion some 6 hours after it went missing.

Bro, if you wanted to hide a plane never to be found, THIS ^^^ is what you'd be doing. Too much of what we know points to a skilled individual behind the controls because that what you'd need to pull off a stunt like this.
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Yes but all the aviation experts working on this case all agree what facts they have at hand all point to the pilot.

1) The plane transponder goes off right on the border between 2 different air spaces is the perfect way to confuse air traffic controllers and cover your tracks as you escape. Transponders don't turn themselves off.

2) Flying right on the border of Malaysia/Thailand. Again this can't be coincidence as the plane ducks in and out of Thailand and Malaysia airspace.

3) Pilot likely knew Malaysia military radar would track the plane but banked on the incompetence of the organisation to not pursue a foreign flying vessel in their airspace as there was a serious disconnect between the Malaysian Military and civilian aviation (Malaysian Airlines). Pilot likely knew this.

4) The plane making a turn at Penang (which turns out to be the hometown of the pilot).

5) Malaysia Government fecking up the search from minute 1. They only sounded the alarm bells 4 hours. 4 fucking hours after realising something was wrong.

6) The crash site is in one of the most remote parts of the worlds oceans way out of the way of any shipping lanes and largely unexplored. A region known for very harsh weather conditions. Can't be coincidence that the plane continued flying until fuel exhaustion some 6 hours after it went missing.

Bro, if you wanted to hide a plane never to be found, THIS ^^^ is what you'd be doing. Too much of what we know points to a skilled individual behind the controls because that what you'd need to pull off a stunt like this.
You didn't watch the video did you :messenger_tears_of_joy:

That's exactly what was in it.


Yes but all the aviation experts working on this case all agree what facts they have at hand all point to the pilot.

1) The plane transponder goes off right on the border between 2 different air spaces is the perfect way to confuse air traffic controllers and cover your tracks as you escape. Transponders don't turn themselves off.

2) Flying right on the border of Malaysia/Thailand. Again this can't be coincidence as the plane ducks in and out of Thailand and Malaysia airspace.

3) Pilot likely knew Malaysia military radar would track the plane but banked on the incompetence of the organisation to not pursue a foreign flying vessel in their airspace as there was a serious disconnect between the Malaysian Military and civilian aviation (Malaysian Airlines). Pilot likely knew this.

4) The plane making a turn at Penang (which turns out to be the hometown of the pilot).

5) Malaysia Government fecking up the search from minute 1. They only sounded the alarm bells 4 hours. 4 fucking hours after realising something was wrong.

6) The crash site is in one of the most remote parts of the worlds oceans way out of the way of any shipping lanes and largely unexplored. A region known for very harsh weather conditions. Can't be coincidence that the plane continued flying until fuel exhaustion some 6 hours after it went missing.

Bro, if you wanted to hide a plane never to be found, THIS ^^^ is what you'd be doing. Too much of what we know points to a skilled individual behind the controls because that what you'd need to pull off a stunt like this.
This is still just speculation and all its achieves is slandering the guy. If enough people starts accepting it it becomes truth and we might have another Air New Zealand Flight 901 situation on our hands.

The documentaries are trash in general because almost nothing new happened in the last 10 years so they are just spit shining what was once said. I mean in every story there will be consiracies. BTW another YT channel that I highly respect is this guy (Mentour Pilot). He is a captain on the 737, makes very deep insightful videos on aviation and stepped up his visual game too, now probably one of the best aviation channels out there. He just relesed this video a few hours ago:

As far as my two cents, as someone that was a flight attendant on Emirates for 7 years, no matter what is being said about how someone turned off the responder/radar etc so they cant be traced, there are TWO ADT R406 on board the aircraft, one in the front and one in the back. Long story short its a transmitter that automatically turns on in case of emergency like high g-forces impact or water submertion. I know this as an FA because every day we had to check that we are fit to fly so we had to double check the indicators every time before each take-off. So how does a plane dissapear with two transmitter devices on board that are not controlled by the pilot?

Yes, you can turn them off manually but its not something you can do in secret, everyone would see you and especially a pilot, even if he is the captain will never be seen tempering with safety equipment outside his cockpit. Plus there is also a double check by the purser if the R406 is operational. So when they say that they are blaming the pilot....trust me, he himself could not do this unless the WHOLE cabin crew was in on it which sounds ridiculous.

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The documentaries are trash in general because almost nothing new happened in the last 10 years so they are just spit shining what was once said. I mean in every story there will be consiracies. BTW another YT channel that I highly respect is this guy (Mentour Pilot). He is a captain on the 737, makes very deep insightful videos on aviation and stepped up his visual game too, now probably one of the best aviation channels out there. He just relesed this video a few hours ago:

I saw this today, if the figure 8 pattern is true based on the new tech, that’s some damning evidence. His thinking it was becuse the pilot was making sure there were no ships around to see the plane ditch. My thought was he was burning fuel off, so there wasn’t and oil slick on the surface. I always thought this was the pilot suicide.
I saw this today, if the figure 8 pattern is true based on the new tech, that’s some damning evidence. His thinking it was becuse the pilot was making sure there were no ships around to see the plane ditch. My thought was he was burning fuel off, so there wasn’t and oil slick on the surface. I always thought this was the pilot suicide.

For me honestly, I cant really wrap my head around a suicide attempt because it is way too intricate and with many deviations to look like someone just wanted to off themself. There was that case Air Berlin if Im not mistaken, when the FO locked himself inside the cockpit while the CA went out for a piss. Thats suicide, all you have to do is turn off the autopilot, push down on the yoke and down you go. To me at least it just doesnt add up what kind of suicide plan was this, all the secrecy if that was your main goal. If its suicide, it is the longest and most planned suicide attempt ever and most people dont do that, they just go for it because mentally if its taking too long you would be rethinking your choices way too many times before the last moment.
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yeah, I don't buy the suicide theory either as that is such a roundabout way to do it. Turning off the transmitters, the deliberate flight path deviations, and flying manually for long hours. It doesnt' make sense to do all that if the motive is suicide. So far everything seems to suggest whoever flew the plane not only wanted to crash it but to hide it so no one will be able to find it.


yeah, I don't buy the suicide theory either as that is such a roundabout way to do it. Turning off the transmitters, the deliberate flight path deviations, and flying manually for long hours. It doesnt' make sense to do all that if the motive is suicide. So far everything seems to suggest whoever flew the plane not only wanted to crash it but to hide it so no one will be able to find it.
What? Not suicide, but wanted to crash the plane so no one would find it?

What did the pilot do then? Jump out the plane before it hits the water into a waiting boat?


You can say this about Netflix in general to be honest. Their documentaries are all cookie-cutter trash that wastes your time and doesn't give out any info you can't get on Wikipedia. They're just throwing shit out there as fast as possible. But I say this as someone who was thinking about watching this so thanks.
Their sports documentary series are pretty good. 🤷‍♂️


but instead they let conspiracy theorists and Facebook groups moms talk about their "findings". Those findings are nothing but trash.
You can say that is all of social media in general. What an absolute disaster for current generations:

1. Boomers - radicalised
2. Millenials - radicalised + depressed
3. Later generations - no critical faculties + radicalised + depressed

We will look at this decades from now and wonder how we did allow that to happen.


I saw this today, if the figure 8 pattern is true based on the new tech, that’s some damning evidence. His thinking it was becuse the pilot was making sure there were no ships around to see the plane ditch. My thought was he was burning fuel off, so there wasn’t and oil slick on the surface. I always thought this was the pilot suicide.

For me honestly, I cant really wrap my head around a suicide attempt because it is way too intricate and with many deviations to look like someone just wanted to off themself. There was that case Air Berlin if Im not mistaken, when the FO locked himself inside the cockpit while the CA went out for a piss. Thats suicide, all you have to do is turn off the autopilot, push down on the yoke and down you go. To me at least it just doesnt add up what kind of suicide plan was this, all the secrecy if that was your main goal. If its suicide, it is the longest and most planned suicide attempt ever and most people dont do that, they just go for it because mentally if its taking too long you would be rethinking your choices way too many times before the last moment.

yeah, I don't buy the suicide theory either as that is such a roundabout way to do it. Turning off the transmitters, the deliberate flight path deviations, and flying manually for long hours. It doesnt' make sense to do all that if the motive is suicide. So far everything seems to suggest whoever flew the plane not only wanted to crash it but to hide it so no one will be able to find it.
With all due respect to you 3:

the wolf of wall street idgaf GIF

Are you impacted personally by the crash? Maybe I'm weird/old/both - for me this was 5 minute news that was somehow stretched into years by the media. All in line with getting people "engaged".
So in all likelihood he depressurized the cabin and flew around with 200 dead people for six hours dodging radars just to find a good ditching spot? I would love to hear a professional take on the psychology surrounding that.

And why the hell do pilots have controls to disable transponders and cabin pressure in the first place?


With all due respect to you 3:

the wolf of wall street idgaf GIF

Are you impacted personally by the crash? Maybe I'm weird/old/both - for me this was 5 minute news that was somehow stretched into years by the media. All in line with getting people "engaged".

You clicked on the topic despite the subject being clearly described in the title didn't you?


Id much rather believe someone like Randall Carson over neogaf nutjobs anyday of the week. Joe Rogan takes Graham Hancock seriously, and I don't see why I shouldn't. Plato doesn't make up shit. Atlantis existed. I don't believe in aliens. I do believe in ufos.
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