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Neverwinter Nights q's from a D'n'D n00b (might be just general D'n'D q's)


So I'm totally hooked on this game right, I'm playing a Neutral Evil Druid - hes just this gnarly dude who casts spells and controls creatures and doesnt really help people unless theres something in it for him, but doesnt really go out of his way to be a total bastard either.

Heres me with my pet spider, wolf and dog, but now I've just got 2 spiders:


So my questions:

On his stats page it says Neutral(50) Evil(9)

What should it say for a Neutral Evil character? Is this about right?

I want to take one level of Monk to enable me to use crossbows but the game wouldn't let me, is this because my character is partly evil?

Would taking just one level of Ranger or Wizard (at level 7 or 8) to get the ability to use crossbows stuff up the later stages of my Druid character? I don't want to miss out on being able to cast the most powerful Druid spells.

If I cast something like 'stone skin' on myself and then cast 'bark skin' do the effects stack up?

Thanks in advance.

Email Dacian. He can answer any D&D question you can think up, and he guided me to a monk\ranger\weapon master that tears ass like you can't believe.

if he emails you back, he'll probably try and guide you towards a more bruiser type character. You tell him that I said to stop peddling that noise, and to get a goddamn phone hooked up.


Alignments are on a scale of 0-100, 100 being Lawful / Good and 0 being Chaotic / Evil. As far as a NE character goes, you're doing fine alignment-wise.

As far as taking another level of something, what level cap are you playing with? If you're playing with one or both expansions, the level cap is pretty high, and taking a level of another class shouldn't mess you up.


explodet: Just the original game, I think I read I need expansion packs to go past level 15 dont I?

Tre: That'd make sense, ta.
Both packs will let you start out anyway, think the first pack isn't even supposed to be you same dude.

The second pack IS your same dude and you get hit with rough shit pretty fast. If you start a new character in HOD, is let's you level to 15 right away. Plus they ake all your EQ away for awhile anyway, so just playing HOD could be viewed as skipping right to the best stuff.
It's what I did.
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