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New Gameplay Information on Lightning Returns


This may have gotten lost in the other thread so I will leave it here. From Kagari's excellent writer at NC:


Alongside the previously posted Dengeki report, Famitsu has their own report on the systems of Lightning Returns.

The first nugget of information is a comparison of the Easy and Normal battle difficulties. We already know that on Easy Mode you recover HP on the field and your GP consumption and taken damage are reduced, but apparently there’s more. In Normal Mode you can escape battle with a penalty of one (1) in-game hour from your time, but on Easy Mode there’s no such restriction. Furthermore, when you get struck by an enemy before battle in Easy Mode you don’t lose any HP as opposed to Normal Mode, where you also are unable to auto-recover your health anywhere. The game’s battle system is now revealed to be called “Style-Change Active Time Battle”, or “SATB”.

When you start Lightning Returns, you have 5 EP (Energy Points, a multipurpose resource) and can only hold 6 items. Back at The Ark, Hope will give you items, restore your GP, and even give you valuable hints. Once you visit The Ark for the first time you gain access to the customization of Lightning’s abilities and equipment, and this is also where the game’s systems open up to you. For those who don’t remember, you return to The Ark after the Battle Tutorial section that was shown off as the E3 Demo.

In older Final Fantasy games, there was often an “optimize” option for equipment that gave you the equipment with the best stats. This took on a different form in XIII and XIII-2, where you could optimize based on balanced, offensive, and defensive equip sets. In Lightning Returns, this function becomes the “auto-ability” option, which slots a Schema with spells and abilities that fit well with that Schema’s stats and abilities. Although it wasn’t really elaborated on, Famitsu mentions that if you wear “complete sets” of Schema and accessories their overall effectiveness will increase. Different Schema have different starting ATB values you have to pay attention to, as well as differences such as ATB recharge rates, strength of knockout attacks, or the duration of knockouts that you have to keep in mind. Finally, some Schema have “characteristic abilities” that you cannot remove from them.

Next up is shops. There’s a large number of shops in the Luxerion area, near the North Station where Lightning first arrives in the city. There are varying kinds, and of course different shops of the same variety may contain different items. Here is a short list of the kinds of shops you can expect to see around the town, and a short description of what you can find there.

1. Equipment Shop: You can buy Schemas and accessories/decorations at these kinds of shops.
2. Blacksmith: You can buy weapons or shields here.
3. Magic Store: You can strengthen your abilities at this shop by combining the abilities you obtain from enemies. Synthesizing abilities of the same kind and level produces more powerful commands. It wasn’t mentioned, but it seems likely this is where you will also buy battle commands.
4. General Store: Recovery items such as potions are stocked within.
5. Restaurants: You can eat different meals at different prices to restore HP.
6. Inn: You can sleep or rest for chosen amount of time to recover a proportional amount of HP.
7. Information Shop: Here you can purchase secret reports, which detail things like enemy weakspots and knockout methods.
8. Prayer Canvas: The board seen in some of the earlier trailers, which give you quests to fullfill for people across the city. Many of the quests found here are item retrieval or “fetch quests”, and it’s said that completing them will earn you Chocolina’s gratitude.
9. There’s a wandering ‘black marketeer’ merchant named Tenio who you can find all over the world, but his item supply is fairly limited.

Anyone you can talk to will have a white speech bubble over their head, and NPCs will have a small stars underneath that. As previously mentions quests award you with stat gains, but they can also provide you with items, decorations, and gil.

When exploring the field or cities, monsters may appear even in populated areas. If you ignore them they might even start attacking NPCs, although supposedly they will not attack quest-givers. Extra-strong monsters can be found in various places out in the world, referred to as “accent monsters”, which (along with boss creatures) are part of the group of creatures you an upload victory scores of to social sites/SNS. (You can also upload screenshots via SNS, although they make no mention of how you take said screenshots.) One of these monsters is called “Zomokku”, and readers might recognize it as being the green dragon in the header image for this article!

The Famitsu writer (who got a chance to ply the game) said the fight with Zomokku was so hard that he eventually had to escape, losing time and precious EP. He recommends only fighting the creature later in the game once you are prepared, although luckily this dragon only appears once you’ve cleared one of the main-story quests (a tailing mission in Luxerion).

Upon reaching Luxerion you’re set on a main-story quest that involves investigating the murders of women with “rose-pink hair” (like Lightning), but you can also take part in side quests revolving around the religious cult and the murders. These involve investigating and interrogating people. While it’s not mentioned where it is exactly, there is also an area where Chaos has spread more profusely near Luxerion. Sources have translated this area as “Death Border” (or something like that), but there’s no official English name as of yet. In this place, though, enemies are much, much tougher.

Also provided by the report were a list of places and things that halts the progress of the in-game time, and a list of some basic actions Lightning can use on the field. Time stops when you are:

1. Talking to people.
2. In a cutscene.
3. In battle.
4. In menus.
5. In The Ark with Hope.

The basic actions you can take are:

Dashing: Consumes the “action meter”, which is the ATB Gauge of whatever Schema you’ve set as your default for battle. It allows you to move faster while you’re dashing, and when you stop your action meter slowly recover.

Jumping: As far as we know it doesn’t cost from the action meter, but it seems pretty much identical to jumping XIII-2.

Strike: You can attack enemies in the field for an advantage in battle, but you can also break objects which might hide goodies for your journey. You can’t use strike when your action meter is empty, but it doesn’t seem to actually reduce the meter.

Sheathe: If you don’t sheathe your weapon in towns or in the presence of civilians, they will become scared of Lightning.

In the datalog you can find battle tips, such as when to guard, when to perform a counterattack, or how to battle more efficient. One of these battles tips is instead of button mashing during fights, use an attack or guard skill when the attacks connect. For example, if you like to use spells the best time to press the button to do the next magic attack is when the first one actually hits your enemy.

Additional information from Kagari herself:
The latest report out of Dengeki Online focusing on Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII focuses once again on its various battle systems. While somewhat similar in many ways to the systems of XIII and XIII-2, Lightning Returns attempts to combine action-based mechanics into the mix in a style similar to a mix of the former, such as the systems found in Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII and Final Fantasy Type-0. The details of this system – dubbed “Amazing ATB” – are further explained by Square Enix’s own Daisuke Inoue and Nobuyuki Matsuoka.

The keywords of the game’s battle system are “judge and response,” according to game design director Yuji Abe. The systems from FFXIII and XIII-2 have essentially been taken and adjusted to a new one focused on a sole player character. From the beginning, the team had a goal of creating a battle system that allowed the player to feel like they were “playing together with Lightning.” Similar to FF Type-0, pressing a button will immediately cause Lightning to react – whether through button placed skill action or simple movement on the field via the analog sticks, it allows for instantaneous player to Lightning conversion. FFXIII-2′s Requiem of the Goddess DLC offered players the first look at what a singular character experience would be like, so using those concepts as a base, the overall battle foundation of Lightning Returns was formed.

Unlike XIII and XIII-2, however, Lightning’s recovery options will be severely limited this time around. HP will no longer automatically recover after each battle. If the player wishes to heal her, they’ll have to make use of a new resource called Energy Points. Healing can also take place from potions and other items, but the limited nature of those will be made apparent straight away. Resource management is a key element of Lightning Returns – and together with the solo-based combat experience, the team describes adjusting monster difficulty as being sufficiently challenging.

Similar to most action games, using the Guard ability will allow Lightning to lessen damage from enemy strikes. Unlike most action games, however, the use of Guard and other defense abilities isn’t free – ATB allocation will be consumed in the process. One of the newer features to the series is the inclusion of Counterblow, a sort of bonus mode that will allow Lightning to interrupt enemy actions with precision timed attacks. In order to execute Counterblows successfully, the player will need to “judge” the monster’s movements and form a “response” based on what they see. The team has taken steps to adjust movements of enemies that have appeared in the previous two XIII titles so players might experience something a little more fresh. As Lightning has the ability to move around the field during battle, those extra-skillful can lop off parts of specific monsters if they please – the bonus being these broken parts offer up exclusive loot.

One particular ability Lightning can make use of is a decoy of herself that can keep an enemy at bay while the player can maneuver around for a back end attack. This ability will also cost Energy Points, but is just one example of the many useful things Lightning can do in her solo battles.

Final Fantasy XIII and XIII-2′s battle scoring system remains in place – including the player’s battle score, stars earned out of five, and time elapsed during battle. Using the social network features built into the game, players can upload their own high scores for the world to see on platforms such as Facebook and Twitter.

Those wishing to take a more laid back, defensive approach to the game will be able to make use of various items and equipment that will boost Lightning’s damage soak. Being able to customize Lightning is part of the game’s RPG flair – and one similar to some of the party customization from FFXIII and XIII-2. Instead of Paradigms, the player will establish specific equipment sets – or Schema – to lay out abilities and stats Lightning can take into battle. Enemies will of course have various weaknesses, so equipping the correct magic or other attack skill is key. Some abilities will come as rewards for defeating monsters or bosses, including some that combine magics for wider use.

Lightning can make use of healing magic such as Curaga at the cost of EP, although like most things in the game, making use of such resources should be done with caution. Conservation is key and Energy Points will surely come in handy against some of the game’s bosses.

Information on monsters and their weakness won’t come from Libra/Scan this time around but through conversations with a specific NPC in towns. They’ll be able to provide Lightning with information on a monster and it’s potential drop abilities. The bestiary itself is still in its final phases, but around 50% of the enemies appearing in the game will be new to the XIII series. Enemies at night will react differently, possibly with glowing eyes – this is something the team says players really need to watch out for.

The amount of time left in the world of Nova Chrysallia is extremely important, even for monster hunting. As time passes, enemies will gain strength rather than strong enemies being confined to specific areas. After four days pass, enemies will be stronger on the fifth day so it may be wise to plan some of the bigger battles ahead of time to avoid unexpected challenges. Players can avoid normal battles if they wish, although the team has focused a lot of adjustments on enemy appearance on the field and their power levels throughout the story.

Not only will Lightning’s parameters increase through the use of whatever she’s wearing, but also through the process of quest completion. In lieu of battle, Lightning can shoulder some quests should the player find themselves stuck on a particular enemy.

Every day at 6am, Lightning will return to the Ark, where she’ll regain HP and Energy Points – similar to the properties of save points from some of the previous Final Fantasy titles. The team suggests planning big fights around this feature, as it’ll give players that extra security before going into battle. The game will offer an Easy Mode – along with a Normal and Hard Mode – which will allow Lightning to slowly recover HP on the main field. The development team is currently making adjustments for this mode as well as balancing for the other two difficulty levels.

Matsuoka finished the article by saying he wants players to experience the large, content-filled world of Lightning Returns. Inoue said that while he felt there was some resistance from fans by splitting the ATB gauge into three segmented parts, he looks forward to players experimenting with the battle system and gaining some satisfaction from it. He is also looking forward to players customizing Lightning’s outfits and her wide variety of color options and accessories.

Game is coming together!


The new gameplay information detailing here all sounds pretty good so far, and the amount of customization seems like it'll be pretty good so far.

Hopefully it turns out nicely in the final product.
While this all sounds nice, it still amazes me that it took them 8 years to figure this (aka basic design elements) out. Third times the charm (at least in regards to gameplay), or at least hopefully.


Honestly the more I hear of this title the more it sounds like I'd potentially enjoy this game, but I've never played the first two FFXIII titles and it would feel weird jumping in at this point... I'm getting scared that I might actually have to play them ;.;
Honestly the more I hear of this title the more it sounds like I'd potentially enjoy this game, but I've never played the first two FFXIII titles and it would feel weird jumping in at this point... I'm getting scared that I might actually have to play them ;.;

Believe me, it's still weird even if you've followed the "trilogy" from the start. Just read a summary and jump on in if you don't feel that the other two interest you.


I think I'm most interested in the ability system and synthesizing. It sort of makes me think of BBS command melding. However, having the ATB attached to the battle system with only a single character seems odd to me.


Junior Member
When exploring the field or cities, monsters may appear even in populated areas. If you ignore them they might even start attacking NPCs

Sheathe: If you don’t sheathe your weapon in towns or in the presence of civilians, they will become scared of Lightning.

These are actually pretty cool details. I hope they're common place in all future mainlines.


Tagg, I edited the summaries to be a little clear.

Mods, if my title of the thread, though made in jest, becomes too distracting (already is), could you just take that portion out?


should have just localized type-o if they were going to make a similar battle system? at least sounds interesting though. battle system has always been the best part about these games for me.


Alright let's try to have this thread at least start out on the right foot.

Thanks Seda. I'll do better next time !

Also: is this indeed a confirmation there will be three modes? The first article says Easy and Normal but Kagari's summary mentioned a Hard mode that was discussed before but it kind of seemed like the same Norman mode of the last game. It would be really welcome after FFXIII-2's normal mode's 'challenge'.


Despite having the game on pre-order, I'm really not sure what to expect from Lightning Returns.

I'm probably one of the few that actually enjoyed Final Fantasy XIII, but I was really disappointed in Final Fantasy XIII-2, despite the supposed "improvements" they offered. That's why I'm very apprehensive to go into Lightning Returns, although they definitely do appear to changing a lot of things up [for better or worse].

As for why I have it pre-ordered? I am not ashamed [well...maybe partially] to say that my reasoning was for the Cloud Costume DLC [as well as the Buster Sword + victory fanfare!]. How could I resist!?

I'm hoping that this is truly the end of the Lightning Saga, though. I have a feeling that it will be, but you never know...


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Wow, that's a lot of info! I just woke up and this is overwhelming - as soon as I get to work, I'll start digging myself into this information-fest :D

Edit: what was the original OT title?


Wow, that's a lot of info! I just woke up and this is overwhelming - as soon as I get to work, I'll start digging myself into this information-fest :D

Edit: what was the original OT title?

No breasts allowed.

I was trying to talk about new LR info without all the breast nonsense in the last thread ><


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
and can only hold 6 items
This is awesome. I love having to prioritize what items I should be equipped with, depending on what mission/monster I'm about to encounter. This mission requires me to kill this Flame Bomb? I'll be equipping fire resistant, water damaging, along with some other "standard" comsumables.
Once you visit The Ark for the first time you gain access to the customization of Lightning’s abilities and equipment, and this is also where the game’s systems open up to you. For those who don’t remember, you return to The Ark after the Battle Tutorial section that was shown off as the E3 Demo.
Hopefully this isn't like 5 hours into the game. I'd love if the game would start showing up its gameplay potential as early as possible *cough FFXIII *cough*
Time stops when you are:

1. Talking to people.
2. In a cutscene.
3. In battle.
4. In menus.
5. In The Ark with Hope.
Woooo! This is such a relief :D So basically, the only time the time will be ticking is when you're running around. Good!
Sheathe: If you don’t sheathe your weapon in towns or in the presence of civilians, they will become scared of Lightning.


This game has a lot of resource management; I like how nearly every action you take spends at least one of the resources, but fills another one. I expect it to become a favorite in the series for at least a few people, if only because its ideas are unique and reward learning the system.

The battle system is what this game will really hinge upon, since a good battle system combined with all the resource management could easily leave its own mark.


Suffering From Success
Sheathe: If you don&#8217;t sheathe your weapon in towns or in the presence of civilians, they will become scared of Lightning.
Lightning's Creed Final Fantasy 13.

This game sounds like a micromanagement nightmare given form.


I still don't understand how costumes and schema interact.

It is really nice they are finally putting in a hard mode.


The amount of time left in the world of Nova Chrysallia is extremely important, even for monster hunting. As time passes, enemies will gain strength rather than strong enemies being confined to specific areas. After four days pass, enemies will be stronger on the fifth day so it may be wise to plan some of the bigger battles ahead of time to avoid unexpected challenges.

I find this interesting, certainly gives a lot more breathing space to the order you can do things in if that's what they're going for.

I'm wondering if hard will be unlocked after a playthrough.

Game sounds different enough to be something special no matter what happens, worst case scenario is it becoming a sort of cult classic.


For example, if you like to use spells the best time to press the button to do the next magic attack is when the first one actually hits your enemy.

In the previous thread, I did some closer analysis of the Japan Expo demo. Lightning's damage numbers would randomly spike down with no clear indication why.

This is probably it.

The demo also made it look like timing Block/Evade would reward bonuses as well. Looks like the game will be fairly timing heavy! Yay!


Please do not let me serve on a jury. I am actually a crazy person.
Ok, good for Easy\Normal, but is there an Hard mode?

I feel we can safely say, without sounding Perfo-like, that the gameplay news keeps getting better and better.


Thirteen flew over the cuckoo's nest
Thanks for sharing this with us and trying to keep the topic focused on the infos. Let's see how long it lasts.

Again all the new informations released are quite refreshing and interesting for me. The time-management mechanics, that at start I feared was just an underdeveloped mechanic put there just for saying it's there (time-travelling in XIII-2, I'm looking at you now), seems rather complicated and interconnected with every single element of the game. There's probably a deep system behind it that will make it fun discovering how to deal with it. They're also dealing better than before with costumization, difficulty balance, sense of freedom and so on. I also like the little details they're putting into it, for example reading that Lightning should scheathe her weapons inside the cities or citizens will be scared... that's something western RPGs did for quite some time, funny to see it finally coming to jRPGs too. It helps the atmosphere.

Few years ago we were playing in a strictly controlled corridor enviroment where freedom to players where left in how to battle, today with a third chapter they're promising me an huge jrpg set in an huge jrpg world with genuinly funny mechanics and intriguing universe. On paper it already sounds as one of the best FF ever to get hyped for. In reality, I hope all the promises can find a concrete proof of existence when the game releases.

One thing helps: the team is over-confident about the game they have. At every single moment they let players touch the game, and every single time they gave us new infos to talk about. The idea is that they know to have a potentially good game, something I didn't feel at the time of XIII and XIII-2 releases. Perhaps after 5 years they're giving us the masterpiece this series deserves.

I'm positive.


This may have gotten lost in the other thread so I will leave it here. From Kagari's excellent writer at NC:


Additional information from Kagari herself:

Game is coming together!
Um, this is actually all from this thread I made yesterday with bullet points which then that writer worded better, but it's not from the site itself, as you can see:


Thirteen flew over the cuckoo's nest
They really changed Light-san quite alot in the previous months, this a comparison between the first time we've seen her in LR and her latest appearance. I stand of the idea that they announced LR too early and that potentially ruined a bit the hype that they could've created later on. They're still doing pretty well, because the game keeps getting better and better, but the announcement was really poorly executed and bland. Btw:

the model from one year ago

her more detailed and quite different recent model


They really changed Light-san quite alot in the previous months, this a comparison between the first time we've seen her in LR and her latest appearance. I stand of the idea that they announced LR too early and that potentially ruined a bit the hype that they could've created later on. They're still doing pretty well, because the game keeps getting better and better, but the announcement was really poorly executed and bland. Btw:

the model from one year ago

her more detailed and quite different recent model

The new texture they're using for her eyes makes it look like she put a lot of eye shadow on. Or she got punched in the face by the people from the religious cult.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Wow, that's a huge improvement! Niiice!


The 13-day time limit has always worried me about this game. I feel like I'll have anxiety while playing it.


Thirteen flew over the cuckoo's nest
The new texture they're using for her eyes makes it look like she put a lot of eye shadow on. Or she got punched in the face by the people from the religious cult.

The changes are actually more in line with what we've seen with FFXV. They're trying to &#8211; by preserving the same unique style &#8211; make the characters look less like dolls and more realistic, but at the same time by keeping them away from total realism. If you notice Noctis & co. too have "red" skin around the eyes and all, it's probably they're way to deal with theproblem. I think it works to a certain degree.

I'll post these here too btw, from the first hour of gameplay, plus more pictures here: http://game.watch.impress.co.jp/docs/news/20130801_609700.html



And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Those off screen shots look soooooooooooo good. Like, from a technical perspective as well.


game is looking better and better. think i will enjoy LR very much.

Well hopefully they are improving graphics now and it's not looking like the PS2 game it seemed to look like.

You really need to get back to PS2 games and say that again. Tired of that argument in 10 threads about this game already


Everything in the OP is fantastic news. It looks like it will be a worthy FF game. Still a little worried about the clock ticking, as I like to do everything only once in FF games, and I like to grind and max out my character(s). Hope I will be able to do that without being to conserned about the countdown.
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