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New GT4 screens









Nitpicky Time......

Beetle hub caps are never that shiny.

What the hell's going on in the window of the Miata? Blurry texture?

That RX8 pic is fucking art.


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
No car is ever that shiny. That applys to all of the cars.


Holy shit. Are these pics from that photomode or something? That is the closest I`ve ever seen to photorealism, excepting the rally shot. The others are just incredible.


Yes, these are definitely posed shots from the photo mode, 'cept for that rallying one. I remember that background from the E3 photo mode demo, it's in Osaka somewhere. Very pretty.

Pics of replays just piss me off. Most of the time you're behind the wheel and that always looks significantly less impressive. I want to see the game "wow" me when it's behind the car and not always in replay. I don't think I can ever stand to sit through even one lap of a replay.


It's cool to have replay, or touched up shots as long as the devs aren't trying to pass them off for ingame.
evilromero said:
Pics of replays just piss me off. Most of the time you're behind the wheel and that always looks significantly less impressive. I want to see the game "wow" me when it's behind the car and not always in replay. I don't think I can ever stand to sit through even one lap of a replay.

The goal here is to SELL the game. Everybody knows what the driving portion looks like ; they want to be wowed by the graphics.


Littleberu said:
The goal here is to SELL the game. Everybody knows what the driving portion looks like ; they want to be wowed by the graphics.

It's false advertising if you ask me. Remember GT2? I want some gameplay shots, shots of customization your car etc..


works for Gamestop (lol)
Well it's not like some developers release 1600x resolution screenshots with anti-aliasing and stuff :p


Replays use the ingame graphics fyi. You'd know this if you set up a gt3 lan party and watched a real time race in replay views. Things look exactly like a normal replay, even the heat haze is present, this ofcourse will be the same with gt4. We all know photomode locals look better than the gt4 tracks. Again, replay pics aren't misleading, replays use the ingame graphics like the cutscenes in halo2 or mgs3 use the ingame graphics.


cobragt3 said:
Replays use the ingame graphics fyi. You'd know this if you set up a gt3 lan party and watched a real time race in replay views. Things look exactly like a normal replay, even the heat haze is present, this ofcourse will be the same with gt4. We all know photomode locals look better than the gt4 tracks. Again, replay pics aren't misleading, replays use the ingame graphics like the cutscenes in halo2 or mgs3 use the ingame graphics.

Your post is misleading.


seismologist said:
are the photo mode graphics real time?

No, the game takes your inputs and creates a sorta render on the fly with extra lighting and reflection effects and stuff.



Wyzdom said:
errr, isn't it just the resolution and then after that YOU apply the filters you want?

Nah, I think you have to pick what filters you want before it creates the picture. I could be wrong, though, the demo was months ago, and what they showed us wasn't the finished interface.



teiresias said:


That's obviously photo mode, but it's sooooooo pretty!!
that to me looks like a 1st hear 3D student having fun with pre-made models. Everything is strange looking.


I hope that in that 500+cars there will be a lot of new models. I'm almost getting tired of seeing screens with 'regular' cars in them. PD should step it up and include many more exotics and very high end cars.

I hope we'll be pleasantly surprised.


Isnt it in-game gfx, but minus the AI and physics calculations and so the devs use the extra power to increase visual effects?


Fusebox said:
Isnt it in-game gfx, but minus the AI and physics calculations and so the devs use the extra power to increase visual effects?

yeah, but its real-time, in-game graphics nonetheless...

damn those are pretty though


Fusebox said:
So its in-game graphics with non-in-game visual enhancements?

see, what's being debated over isn't whether they are in-game visuals or not, but what is considered as in-game. i'll concede and say they're at least real-time, which is impressive enough for me.

i don't mind spruced up visuals during replays simply from the fact that they can do it...


I think its more the glass that looks unrealistic than the cars. That makes the car overall look super extra shiny. The environment map for the body shouldn't be the same as the environment mapping for the windows.

Loosk great though. Do the extra effects make it look like its running at 100FPS? :D


The photo mode pics are definitely "in-game" and "real-time" because the PS2 generates those pics based on your settings of car, camera angle, envirement, applied filter, etc...The difference is, during the gameplay, PS2 only have 1/60 sec to generate a picture (frame) based the current setting, but in the photo mode, PS2 can take its time (seconds even minutes) to render a much more detailed picture like what we saw above.


The Inside Track
lunlunqq said:
The photo mode pics are definitely "in-game" and "real-time" [SNIP]
PS2 can take its time (seconds even minutes) to render a much more detailed picture like what we saw above.

Hu-hu, whatever.


Amazing...anyone knows how long it takes to render those pics ?
The lightning seems to be using some kind of fresnel and a hint of radiosity; it's HARD to nail reflections and lightning this 'right' even on professional packages like maya or lightwave and it would take several (several) minutes to render similar images, and hours to input every parameter needed for each material.
The guys at Poliphony are amazing when it comes to this kind of things, they really know what they're doing.


element said:
that to me looks like a 1st hear 3D student having fun with pre-made models. Everything is strange looking.

You obviously have never met any first year 3d students.
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