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New HALO 2 info from the Oct OXM


From TXB:

-You have an option to turn active camo on or off so power ups are back
-Quickmatch and optimatch games will change your stats but party-based games will not.
-The guass cannon is confirmed in the OXM and in multiplayer
-The scoripian's movement and turret turning speed are both toned down
-In the Banshee, pressing left on the thumbstick and A simultaneously executes a barrel roll (similar to Crimson Skies)and right and A makes the banshee do a backflip, etc.
-The FRG isn't gone, it was assigned to the B button.(Banshee)
-The beam rifle overheats after four successive rounds, not two.
-Along with the swords only gametype, there was a sword and pistol gametype (no, not duel wielded :p)
-The Wraith is in multiplayer and it is a bit overpowered (Bungie noted this in the playing time so it will be tweaked most likely.) It also has a boost.
-You can customize any gametype like Halo PC, even the spawn of the vehicles.
-Lockout was described to house the Flood and study them. Where is lockout located?!
-They "have plans for downloadable content...we want to always keep it fresh and alive and cool and changing it up for our fans"
-Health bar is out-Confirmed.
-Wraith, scorpian, and banshee can all be boarded.
-When boarding either tank, the spartan or elite throws a grenade into the hatch and watch the driver explode while you take the seat afterwords.
-Your level will determine who you get matched up against in Quickmatch and optimatch.
So health is really gone... That bothers me quite a bit, to be honest.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
what is FRG
what is a wraith

when you get active camo, does it have a set amount of use that you can turn on and off for as much power as there is? Like a battery?


FRG = Fuel Rod Gun. Remember projectile that the Hunter's fire? It's that. Banshee has it as a secondary weapon now.

The Wraith is the Covenant Mortar Tank. Y'know, the thing you encounter in Assault on the Control Room and Two Betrayals.

I think when they say you have the option to turn active camo on or off, they mean choose whether you want it and other power-ups to be available in multiplayer matches.

Semjaza Azazel said:
What is taking its place? I've not kept up on Halo 2 news/rumors.
Well it works like this:

You have a stronger shield, when it is depleted, you can still take a couple of hits... So, you do have a health bar still, it just isn't visible to you. If you survive after your shield is knocked out, and it recharges, you will be 100% new... So basically, there's no lasting damage after you come out of a firefight.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
Semjaza Azazel said:
What is taking its place? I've not kept up on Halo 2 news/rumors.

Just the shield. So if you can hide, you get back to full health essentially.

I'm not sure how I feel about that. I think if there is more skill on one team, this will help absolutely murder the other team.

i.e get in a huge gunfight kill 2 dudes, wait, replenish shield, kill other 2 get flag, score.


It bothers me quite a bit. I'm worried there's going to be quite a bit of camping going on in HALO 2.


You have an option to turn active camo on or off so power ups are back
aw. i was looking foward to a powerup-less game. i hope there aren't any teleporters, at least..

edit: with all the customization they're allowing, i'd be surprised if we weren't able to turn powerups off entirely.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
epmode said:
aw. i was looking foward to a powerup-less game. i hope there aren't any teleporters, at least..

edit: with all the customization they're allowing, i'd be surprised if we weren't able to turn powerups off entirely.

Well you will be able to have a no powerups game,

why don't you like teleporters? I loved stashing a ghost beside one in blood gulch, getting the flag, teleporting out and driving to safety


It isn't gone completely. There's still health, you just can't see it... Which is what I don't get... :/

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
PanopticBlue said:
Why would they decide to remove the health bar completely?

Edit: Maybe the host can enable/disable the health bar?

I did find it frustrating playing on legendary when you would make it to a check point with 1 red bar, only to have to fight an assload of elites or something, maybe it's to combat that. It would be good to have an option though.
catfish said:
why don't you like teleporters? I loved stashing a ghost beside one in blood gulch, getting the flag, teleporting out and driving to safety

Well I think they've disabled the flag carrier from driving also..




Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
PanopticBlue said:
Well I think they've disabled the flag carrier from driving also..

That is a problem......

don't you have to hold x to not drop it as well? Which i actually wouldn't mind, the amount of times I have died while trying to fight around a flag and keep picking it up.

Our 4v4 LAN games already run for about 2 hours 4 3 flags, pretty much someone only ever scores by driving away with it, I dunno how this can possibly work.


I like the removal of a health indicator. You all know good and well in heroic or legendary your dead meat more times than none if your sheild goes. The same applies to my multiplayer experiences, the backup health is still there, you just dont need to be distracted by it, and it prolly ads a bit of excitement not knowing if they next hit will kill you.
Now that I think about it...I'm kinda glad that health is gone. It's like...You win a shootout with someone else, and almost die...Next person you run into your gonna get flattened. Not anymore, it's mono y mono again right after.


First tragedy, then farce.
I think the lack of health will make scoring easier.. instead of getting shot going into and coming out of the base by respawners and being mostly dead when you get to the flag, you will still be at full health when you get the flag, and on even footing with them.. it makes it more likely for the more skilled team to win.


In short, you'll never notice the health meter's gone. In the Zanzibar demo, health behavior felt pretty much that same as in the first game. A few direct pops and you're dead, run and wait for the health to recharge, etc.
Nobody has commented on the best part of this yet:

"We can't say how many maps there will be, but we do have plans for downloadable content. in fact, its not just about downloading a couple things here and there. Once Halo2 is on Xbox Live...we want to always keep it fresh and alive and cool and changing it up for our fans."

hot damn. :D


Junior Member
They need teleporters but allow you to throw-teleport a grenade into the other side. You could kill in ball/timed based games by hiding in the teleporter. Or in that board with the water in the middle and two bases, you easily could slay people charging out of a teleporter.


Thanks for the cool avatar. I won't use it...until you die. MUAAHAHAHAHAHA...*cough*


Honestly, I'm all for downloadable maps over time. The only crappy part will be if it's only like 1/5th of the people online with the map. I hope people aren't too cheap to download new maps at $1, or $2 a piece or something.
energy fully recharging is going to make halo a whole lot more campy...
no more having to head for the health after a draining fight?
that actually takes out a bit of the strategy of having to manage timing on when you should head to get a health pak... but oh well... better for me...


The Faceless Master said:
energy fully recharging is going to make halo a whole lot more campy...
no more having to head for the health after a draining fight?
that actually takes out a bit of the strategy of having to manage timing on when you should head to get a health pak... but oh well... better for me...

IMO, maybe.. we'll see, if you make gameplay more goal-oriented.. ie CTF type it really helps to make this style more skill-oriented. It keeps 4 camper D ppl from shooting down if they have a uphill angle and effectively taking no damage..


Junior Member
The Faceless Master said:
energy fully recharging is going to make halo a whole lot more campy...
no more having to head for the health after a draining fight?
that actually takes out a bit of the strategy of having to manage timing on when you should head to get a health pak... but oh well... better for me...

Either you waste time camping or you waste time going to get health. My take on the situation. Just run to an isolated spot to simulate getting the health. :p


I honestly can't wait for this shit, I want to pre-add ppl to my XBL account, so I can not have assholes to play against.

Has anyone thought about starting a Halo XBL list on the online forums at some point soon?


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
i think the "no health" (kind of a misnomer) thing is just a logical next step that bungie started with by having shields in halo 1. it will keep the game always moving fast, and thats a great thing IMO. i dont see how it will promote camping, in fact, i'd say it would promote more gung ho style of play *shrugs


also from the txb forums but has some more gameplay info

1) If I threw a plasma grenade onto another plasma grenade that was on the ground they would stick together and turn a light blue-purple color. And 2 seconds later a charged explosion (almost twice the size) would result. Pretty damn cool imo! Talk about laying a trap for a flag capturer
2) When 2 players look at each other and throw a human grenade at each other at the same time, they’ll actually bounce against each other and fall to the ground.
3) Explosions from rockets, grenades and plasmas do less damage when thrown into water, and you’re near the blast. ...Maybe the blast radius is less, I’m not so sure.
4) If a human (and maybe covenant) grenade are thrown at an incoming rocket, they both blow up at impact. Nice Bungie! (I died)
5) Rocket jumps still kill you :\ Maybe some maps will allow the over shield power up.
6) Crouching into a very high fall will still do less damage then not crouching (essentially bending your knees to take the fall).
7) They apparently fixed the “rocket-glitch” YAY!
8) Driving a “boosted” ghost into a warthog is still hella fun (ghost gets the vert).
9) Grenades are rare.
10) Duel weapons aren’t as cheap as “killer” as you think. ...Well they are, but they aren’t TOO cheap.
11) Whacking someone in the back still kills them in one whack. If not in the back then usually 3 solid whacks to take him down. More momentum towards your enemy still causes more melee damage. ...Meaning if you jump at your enemy and swing you’ll do a lot more damage, and then it’ll only take 2 whacks to kill him.
12) The rocket is awesome (note, I hate rocket whores). But the blast isn’t as powerful as Halo’s.
13) Grenades concussive explosion aren’t as powerful as they were in Halo either. If you remember, there was a max damage that grenades did to players in Halo. Where even if you had %200 life, you would take more damage than if you had %100 life. This has been removed (thank someone at Bungie for mending that)!
14) Halo 2 is way cooler than the screen shots and crappy vids on the net give it credit to.



Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
scans are up at gamefaqs... really really shitty quality though
catfish said:
I did find it frustrating playing on legendary when you would make it to a check point with 1 red bar, only to have to fight an assload of elites or something, maybe it's to combat that. It would be good to have an option though.
I was never able to complete the game because of an instance like the one you just mentioned. The game saved me at a checkpoint that was in the middle of an intense firefight, and I havd NO health whatsoever. There was honestly no way I could possibly beat that part. I tried dozens of times.
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