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New Halo Multiplayer Idea (GAF hear me out)

So I was playing ODST today after playing Battlefield 1943 the last few weeks and I got a great idea (well, I think it is).

Big maps with 12 v 12 similar to the size of the BF 1943 maps, some for example like in the city of New Mumbasa. Others like the area from for example the demo area of Halo 1 (don't know what it's called). Just big set pieces with more players.

As for vehicles, Air, Sea and Land should all be there. Halo already has most of them so that shouldn't really be a problem. So both Covenant and UNSC armies (not only UNSC this time !) vehicles.

UNSC - Vehicles
- Hornet
- Warthog / Mongoose
- Scorpion

Covenant - Vehicles
- Banshee
- Ghost
- Wraith

Games should be "drop in/drop out" like Battlefield with ingame progression. Games should be a bit longer than in BF 1943 and spawn protection is a must. No spawn killing like in BF 1943.

UNSC - Units
Start: Marine
- Assault Class: Assault rifle, Rocket launcher (1 bullets), 1 Frags, Bubble Shield
- Sniper Class: Sniper rifle, Magnum (H3), Trip Mine, Gravity Lift

After 10 kills

Upgraded Classes: Marine
- Assault Class: Battle rifle (not as precise as in Halo 3 though), Rocket launcher (2 bullets), 2 Frags, Bubble Shield
- Sniper Class: Sniper rifle, SMG, 2 Trip Mines, Gravity Lift
- Vehicle Class: SMG, Pistol, Frag, Vehicle Upgrade (with a Vehicle Class behind the weel: Warthog becomes a Gauss Warthog, Scorpion becomes Grizzly, Hornet becomes Hawk)
Upgrade: ODST (once chosen, can't be changed)
- ODST Class: Silenced SMG, Mag Pistol, 2 Frags, 2 Flame grenades, Visor Mode, Drop ability (like is seen in Section 8)

After 25 kills

Upgrade: Spartan (ODST Class doesn't upgrade)
- Spartan Assault Class: Battle Rifle, Dual SMG, 2 Frags, Bubble Shield, Overshield
- Spartan Sniper Class: Spartan Laser, Dual SMG, 2 Frags, 2 Trip Mines, Overshield
- Spartan Vehicle Class: Dual SMG, Mag Pistol, 2 Frags, Overshield, Vehicle Upgrade (with a Vehicle Class behind the weel: Warthog becomes a Gauss Warthog, Scorpion becomes Grizzly, Hornet becomes Hawk)

Covenant - Units Brutes have a bit more health
Start: Mixed
- Assault Class (Elite): Plasma rifle, Fuel Rod (3 bullets), 1 Plasma, Bubble Shield
- Sniper Class (Jackal): Beam rifel, Plasma Pistol, Trip Mine, Gravity Lift
- Vehicle Class (Brute): Spiker, Plasma Pistol, Spike Grenade, Vehicle Upgrade (with a Vehicle Class behind the weel: Ghost becomes Chopper)

After 10 kills

Upgraded Classes: Elite
- Assault Class: Carbine, Fuel Rod (6 bullets), 2 Plasma, Bubble Shield
- Honor Guard Class: Energy sword, Plasma pistol, 2 Plasma Grenades, Small overshield, Short cloack mode
Upgraded Classes: Brute
- Vehicle Class: Brute Shot, Dual Spiker, Spike Grenade, Power drain, Vehicle Upgrade (with a Vehicle Class behind the weel: Ghost becomes Chopper, Wraith becomes Wraith with Shield)
- Honor Guard Class: Gravity Hammer, Spiker, Spike Grenade, Flare
- Jet Pack Class: Dual Spiker, Needler, 2 Spike Grenades, Jet Pack
Upgraded Classes: Jackal
- Sniper Class: Beam rifle, Gauntlet, Plasma Pistol, 2 Trip Mines, Gravity Lift

After 25 kills

Upgrade Classes: Elite
- Arbiter Class: Dual Energy swords, Carbine, 2 Plasma Grenades, Overshield, Longer cloack mode
Upgraded Classes: Brute
- Chieftain Class: Gravity Hammer, Brute Shot, 2 Spike grenades, Bubble Shield, Overshield
Upgraded Classes: Jackal
- Sniper Class: Beam rifle, Indestructible Gauntlet, Plasma Rifle, 2 Trip Mines, Deployable Shield, Gravity Lift
Upgrade: Hunter
- Hunter Class: Hunter weapon, Shield, Overshield

The reason I thought of the ingame upgrading is because I always find it sucky not to be rewarded during a multiplayer. I'm not talking about a nice new rank after I don't know how many games. I think being rewarded during the game could be great, and it would maybe stimulate some people to do something besides camping on a small part of the map. Also both parties will be able to use each others vehicles (but a Covenant Vehicle Class can't upgrade UNSC vehicles), as for picking up weapons etc... no. Refill of your weapons yes, but no changing weapons. Ranking up and medals should still be in it of course.

Personally I think this would be awesome. If Halo Reach would be like this, it would be the game of the forever. (Come on, share, and yes, I had nothing to do this fine evening)
R Squared said:
I guess it could be cool, but it just kinda sounds like a tweaked and reskinned Battlefield.

What about a tweaked and reskinned WoW...

R Squared said:
I guess it could be cool, but it just kinda sounds like a tweaked and reskinned Battlefield.
Yeah really inspired by Battlefield, but the Halo touch would make it special (just like Halo Wars is with AoE)


I think Halo multiplayer needs something, anything that changes it up so it's not the same boring thing that was from a 2001 game. Halo 3 seems really outdated next to games like CoD and Battlefield.


Darklord said:
I think Halo multiplayer needs something, anything that changes it up so it's not the same boring thing that was from a 2001 game. Halo 3 seems really outdated next to games like CoD and Battlefield.

Firefight is a good start.


Halo purists will probably want to drag me through the streets, but what Halo needs is A.) A sprint button, and B.) Let us use the damn iron-sights. Seriously, we're in space-year 2009 and the franchise still doesn't allow you to do what the original Call of Duty on the PC did?

I understand Halo has hardcore followers and any drastic change to the formula would only serve to piss them off. Also I understand that ODST was not the right time to introduce any major changes since it's a glorified expansion to Halo 3. However I really hope that Bungie uses Reach as an oppurtunity to evolve the franchise. Do what you did with the first Halo, show everyone how it's done.

...and this may sound like blasphemy, but Bungie, no one will think any less of you if you borrow from your competition, chiefly Infinity Ward and to a certain extent; DICE. That's how Call of Duty got to be where it is today, they started out with a formula that worked (Halo: Combat Evolved) and then molded it into their own awesome IP, and look where they are today.
Hah after looking at the "beta invitation" i thought that Halo Reach is a battlefield style MP game. That silhouette line up either implies that or some squad based game.
Epic Tier 3 Engineer said:
I never got this.


On topic for the thread while I like some of the ideas in the OP it really sounds just too much like Battlefield for me. Speaking for myself I've always loved Halo for being able to play campaign co-op, Halo 3 actually bumping up the player count to four really won me over in an age when co-op modes seem to be dying out.

So for my tastes, I'd really like to see Halo multiplayer move in the direction of expanded Firefight / Resistance 2 eight player co-op. I want to be able to have big teams (8-12) of friends get together and overcome massive groups of enemies in large scale set pieces. Hopefully with some interesting class based advantages to foster good team play.


Loxley said:
Halo purists will probably want to drag me through the streets, but what Halo needs is A.) A sprint button, and B.) Let us use the damn iron-sights. Seriously, we're in space-year 2009 and the franchise still doesn't allow you to do what the original Call of Duty on the PC did?

I understand Halo has hardcore followers and any drastic change to the formula would only serve to piss them off. Also I understand that ODST was not the right time to introduce any major changes since it's a glorified expansion to Halo 3. However I really hope that Bungie uses Reach as an oppurtunity to evolve the franchise. Do what you did with the first Halo, show everyone how it's done. And this may sound like blasphemy, but Bungie, no one will think any less of you if you borrow from your competition, chiefly Infinity Ward. That's how Call of Duty got to be where it is today, they started out with a formula that worked (Halo: Combat Evolved) and then molded it into their own awesome IP, and look where they are today.
While I certainly agree the Halo multiplayer formula is stale beyond believe, iron sights doesn't really add anything to the formula. I think it might be more difficult since it takes longer to kill someone with a weapon in Halo than it does in Call of Duty. Hard to explain, but I don't think it'd work out, unless you turned Halo into Call of Duty, which shouldn't happen.

I personally like where the OP is going. Halo 3 was Bungle's opportunity to really expand the multiplayer. Instead, it's Halo 2.5 with equipment added in that they fail to utilize beyond the bubble shield, shield regen and power drainer. Might as well take them out since there's really not much they add to the game. The real game changing things like the radar jammer, they remove instead of fixing.


I like the OP's ideas. A Halo styled Battlefield game makes a lot of sense to me.

I can live without iron sights. Sprinting though? It's almost a necessity with first person shooters for me.
Loxley said:
Halo purists will probably want to drag me through the streets, but what Halo needs is A.) A sprint button, and B.) Let us use the damn iron-sights. Seriously, we're in space-year 2009 and the franchise still doesn't allow you to do what the original Call of Duty on the PC did?

I understand Halo has hardcore followers and any drastic change to the formula would only serve to piss them off. Also I understand that ODST was not the right time to introduce any major changes since it's a glorified expansion to Halo 3. However I really hope that Bungie uses Reach as an oppurtunity to evolve the franchise. Do what you did with the first Halo, show everyone how it's done.

...and this may sound like blasphemy, but Bungie, no one will think any less of you if you borrow from your competition, chiefly Infinity Ward and to a certain extent; DICE. That's how Call of Duty got to be where it is today, they started out with a formula that worked (Halo: Combat Evolved) and then molded it into their own awesome IP, and look where they are today.

While I'm all for a series evolving and I hope Reach is somewhat different than Halo 3 multiplayer it sounds like you simply want to turn Halo into a completely different series rather than it naturally evolving down its own path. I don't agree with that necessarily at all. Halo is a massively popular franchise with loads of fans. It doesn't need to re-invent to become a clone of other games imo. It just needs to innovate within itself like any series does. And if that means another game has a good idea worth using then do it, but they don't have to look at another series and say we have to become that. Their market position alone sort of shows that is not necessary.


No_Style said:
I can live without iron sights. Sprinting though? It's almost a necessity with first person shooters for me.
Indeed. Especially thanks to the shit spawn system Bungle has implemented. I would love for a sprint button to get me to the battle on maps like Sandtrap or Avalanche. Instead, I spend have the time running there, only to find everyone on my team is dead or vice versa. Only to finally regroup to sprint to another battle area.


Loxley said:
Halo purists will probably want to drag me through the streets, but what Halo needs is A.) A sprint button, and B.) Let us use the damn iron-sights. Seriously, we're in space-year 2009 and the franchise still doesn't allow you to do what the original Call of Duty on the PC did?

Actually using iron sights in the future doesn't make any sense when you've got the gun's sights directly linked to your HUD. Battle Rifle and the new SMG work just fine, I don't need no iron sights.

Also, just because Call of Duty does something, that doesn't mean every other shooter needs to do it too.
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