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New Killer 7 trailer

You beat me to it Wario. It's a nice trailer. The game looks like it's coming a long ways. The first-person stuff looks better, it's looking better in third person, and what's with the cut scenes? Are some of them fully animated now?


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Wow, those moments in 3rd person looked pretty good. Maybe this game won't be crap...I still would feel more at ease if Capcom would let someone play the damn thing. The game does seem to be coming together.
Still as nonsensical as ever... great! Was that trailer missing sound for about the first 1/3rd, or was that just my computer?


It saddens me that people have formed an opinion that this game could be crap just from screenshots of it.

I haven't seen a trailer of this yet, downloading now...

post viewing edit: Looks fantastic, looking forward to playing it :)


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
metsallica said:
Still as nonsensical as ever... great! Was that trailer missing sound for about the first 1/3rd, or was that just my computer?

I got the same thing, but I just turned down my speakers and assumed the whole trailer was like that.


Shit, I cannot even begin to imagine the drugs these guys are on. This game is going to kick about 194 levels of ass.

aoi tsuki

This is one of the few games i'll allow myself to succumb to graphic whoredom to buy. That, and to find out the whole story. This would make a great mindfuck manga/anime.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
Not sure I like the "ass cam" for the 3rd person stuff, but this looks whacky enough to give a try.


Anyone notice how it was called a Grasshoper film? Is that just some Japanese thing were video games are reffered to as films or is it suggesting that the game is going to be cinema heavy?


Looks interesting. I hope it turns out but I expect it will be another PN03. INteresting but very flawed gameplay. That said I buy almost all the CAPCOM games so I will probably get this.
Mikami isn't really involved too deeply with Killer 7. Basically, he wanted to make a game, with a deep twisted storyline...And then he hooked up with Suda 51, who came up with Killer 7. Mikami is overseeing the game, but not working on it.

Kon Tiki

Bah, just release it already.

There is already a Flash game that replicates this games style and visuals (to a point). It is VERY fun. You can find it at foums that have an arcade.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but there appears to be a portion in that video with a woman having sex.... I wouldn't expect something like that to make it past Nintendo scrutiny


Mashing said:
Correct me if I'm wrong, but there appears to be a portion in that video with a woman having sex.... I wouldn't expect something like that to make it past Nintendo scrutiny

No, you have it all wrong. She was enjoying her...um....Nintendo DS. Yea, that's it.
Mashing said:
Correct me if I'm wrong, but there appears to be a portion in that video with a woman having sex.... I wouldn't expect something like that to make it past Nintendo scrutiny

You know, I thought the same thing but didn't beleive it. I need to watch that again... lol

aoi tsuki

Mashing said:
Correct me if I'm wrong, but there appears to be a portion in that video with a woman having sex.... I wouldn't expect something like that to make it past Nintendo scrutiny
Actually, i would think she was pleasuring herself. In the scenes after the moaning, she says "Hmm. I didn't notice you were there."


I'm over this game personally. I might try it whenever it comes out but I dont even care about it at this point. Too little is known about how it plays, and it's coming way too late.
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