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New Namco light gun game at AOU


works for Gamestop (lol)
So says the-magicbox

- Namco announced they will reveal a new arcade light gun shooting game at the AOU Show in September.

Can it be Time Crisis 4? I sure hope so...


works for Gamestop (lol)
Well it's by the Time Crisis team, but it's not Time Crisis. At least it has a pedal!


Namco's Time Crisis team is taking an unusual direction with its next project -- its first licensed game. At the ongoing 42nd AM Show in Japan, Namco debuted Cobra: The Arcade, a new shooter based on Buichi Terasawa's famous Space Adventure Cobra comicbook and animated series.

Cobra, the eponymous rogue and reformed space pirate, wields a "psychogun," an energy weapon powered by his mind and grafted in place of his left forearm. In the game, therefore, it's not necessary for him to reload his weapon, though players can still duck behind cover by pressing the same action pedal control featured in the Time Crisis games.

Namco's adaptation features several familiar bosses from the series, drawn from the ranks of the Space Pirates' Guild that incessantly pursues Cobra, including the transparent Crystal Boy. We'll look out for more Cobra details once the show concludes and Namco updates its online arcade catalog.


This game will be big pimpin' bad-ass awesome. Cobra = the shit.

EDIT: And yeah, he means the AM show, which started today. Easy to get that and the spring AOU show (run by a different trade organization) mixed up, because they run 'em at the same hall and they're pretty much exactly the same event.

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