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New NCAA 2005 preview and XBL screens! College football season starts in 2 weeks!



Similar to the web component of XSN, but worked in a different angle, gamers will have a virtual scouting report of anybody who has played NCAA Football 2005 right at their fingertips. Just as pro athletes have gads of stats compiled in their careers, gamers in NCAA Football 2005 will start to compile overall stats that paint a pretty good picture of their gridiron prowess.

EA has included a version of a virtual trophy room into each player’s personal statistics. The trophy room will (hopefully) be filled with various pieces of hardware earned from possessing Heisman-like skills in rushing, passing, overall defense, etc. Some of the awards and trophies dished out will be tracked over a finite period of time, meaning that you may just be the most prolific passer in all of D-1 over the Fourth of July Weekend…..Ahhh the thrill of being top dog, even if for three days.

When we finally stopped to look at the ticker, we were shocked to see the scores of actual MLB games that were being played and a schedule of the match ups for the night games. Expect updated stats of whatever sport(s) happen to be in season. Thrown in with the pro stats are tidbits of information that pertain directly to the EA Sports servers. You may see a score of a recent game played on the network that contains the peeps from your friend’s list. This means if you’re playing Madden and a friend is getting it on with NHL 2005, you’ll get updated scores right to your ticker. Pretty slick if you ask us. The ticker is also used as a dynamic information center which may also show messages from members on your friend’s list or invites for an online tournament.

For instance, if you have a full weekend to sit in front of the TV and become fully sloth-like for hours on end, then you will love NCAA 2005’s online tournaments.

There is also the chance to compete in a Lightning Tournament which is the “quick match” version of the full tournament that allows gamers to get into an up to eight person bracket in a hurry.

EA’s answer to those that run out of time when playing a four quarter football game is an online mini game that mimics the overtime situation in an actual collegiate game. In college, each team has a chance to score from the 25 yard line in order to decide a victor. A short, but fun challenge like this will allow friends to hook up for fifteen to thirty minutes and catch up on old times while beating the crap out of one another on their screens.



this will be my first time buying/playing an EA football game in some years so I hope it lives up to my expectations.


Ill probably be using Texas A&M exclusively so Im sure Ill be gettin my ass handed to me on a regular basis :D


God I can't wait to start pwnin fools again with FSU :D

Anyone know if they fixed the sub system?I cracked the top 100 in the rankings last year,and I did not find one person under 100 besides me that played a legit game (I didn't play them all mind you :p) Most of them just used Miami and put a WR at QB and did the option ALL GAME.Man it was so lame,and the WR was ungodly fast,I have no clue who it was...anyways,I think only QBs should be allowed to play QBs,cuz although it can happen in real life,you know it won't,lol.


I wonder how many people will use the Florida teams. I'm guessing over 50% :p

I can't wait for the GA tourny, since I know those games will be legit, and this new interface looks slick.


Nah not really,unless its Miami...

I saw maybe 5 other FSU fans,and about the same as far as UF...over 50% of the people last year used OSU/OU/Miami.

My friend is a hardcore UK fan,he'd even use them against people when they picked OSU and stuff,actually give them a decent game too,heh.
Ramirez said:
God I can't wait to start pwnin fools again with FSU :D

Anyone know if they fixed the sub system?I cracked the top 100 in the rankings last year,and I did not find one person under 100 besides me that played a legit game (I didn't play them all mind you :p) Most of them just used Miami and put a WR at QB and did the option ALL GAME.Man it was so lame,and the WR was ungodly fast,I have no clue who it was...anyways,I think only QBs should be allowed to play QBs,cuz although it can happen in real life,you know it won't,lol.

We love you here at Florida State! GAF FSU CREW represent!
neptunes said:
Have any of you guys met the people who will be in the game?

You mean the football players? FSU kicker, Xavier Betia is supposed to be in my Organizational Behavior class. Today was the first day of the Summer C classes, and he didn't show. University policy says he'll be dropped from the class.
Are the scores on "the bottom line" in those screens the actual scores of the real games updated through the online service? I doubt it, but that would be cool as fuck.


siamesedreamer said:
Are the scores on "the bottom line" in those screens the actual scores of the real games updated through the online service? I doubt it, but that would be cool as fuck.

Yes, they are.

When we finally stopped to look at the ticker, we were shocked to see the scores of actual MLB games that were being played and a schedule of the match ups for the night games. Expect updated stats of whatever sport(s) happen to be in season.


Well all the players are numbers on the game Nep,so we won't know a bunch of them either unless their from our team,lol.


HOT!!!! MUST.....HAVE!!!

hgplayer1 said:
this will be my first time buying/playing an EA football game in some years so I hope it lives up to my expectations.


Ill probably be using Texas A&M exclusively so Im sure Ill be gettin my ass handed to me on a regular basis :D

I prefer NFL ball to college ball, but NCAA plays better than both Madden and ESPN! Well, last years version did! You'll have fun!


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
hgplayer1 said:
Ill probably be using Texas A&M exclusively so Im sure Ill be gettin my ass handed to me on a regular basis :D

Think about it this way--as long as you don't lose to someone using Oklahoma by more than 77-0, you'll be doing better than the real-life Aggies.

I'm betting USC will be the online team of choice this year.
Holy shit realtime scores are sweet. Does Madden do that?



not an idiot
Dudes, NCAA Football is godly. Madden and ESPN are great, but NCAA is just plain on another level period. The gameplay is a gift from the Heavens. Sublime I believe the word is.

You will all fucking PHEAR the Sooners though... mwahahaa!!!!
shpankey said:
Dudes, NCAA Football is godly. Madden and ESPN are great, but NCAA is just plain on another level period. The gameplay is a gift from the Heavens. Sublime I believe the word is.

You will all fucking PHEAR the Sooners though... mwahahaa!!!!

I agree with this statement and/or advertisement.


I got to spend quite a bit of time in the locker room right before Texas A&M games over the years. Dante Hall brought his car into the service dept where I work a couple times as did Dat Nguyen. I never really met any of them but I saw a lot of the players up close and personal that are now playing in the NFL. my uncle and cousins work security for the football games so I was always gettin in the locker room and the hall where they sleep the night before games when i was a kid. I kinda grew out of it once I got older but it was fun.


If I get this, i'll be playing as OSU.

And I actually have an excuse, since I live in Ohio in a place that's right near where Woody Hayes was born, raised, and first coached football. :p


not an idiot
Ramirez said:
You will all fucking PHEAR the Sooners though... mwahahaa!!!!

Just like LSU did....OH SNAP! :D

Them's old times. Another year... IT's A NEW DAY! ::tries hard to forget the pain, ohhh the pain!::

This year, we go to the TOP!


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
You all will fear my Houston Cougars *ROAR*
you will all fear <insert your teams rival, cause that's who i'm always going to pick> this year!

p.s. i have no "team" in college football, even though i like cal, minnesota, pittsburgh and byu (steve!), so in actuality i will probably be picking one of those teams most of the time. good times ahead fellas!
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