From a Catholic POV:
- The whole fuss about the possibility of a black Pope reeks of hitoric ignorance: there has already been several Popes of African ancestry and different races. I am sorry for you Nostradamus fans
- First public quote: "dear sisters and brothers. You probably know that the conclave's duty is to provide you a new Pope, and it seems that my fellow Cardinals have looked for him at the very
end of the world" *wink* *wink* Dat world - ending trolling <3
- The guy surely has a subtle sense of humour, choosing to name himself "Francis" after one Pope called "Benedict" (Franciscans and Benedicts were two religious orders that hated each other's guts)
- His first gestures and his overall lifestyle seems to reek humility. I approve of that.
- The fact of him being a Jesuite is far more shoking and telling that any kind of country of origin or politically correct quota. Jesuites always meant business, or as Umberto Eco described them, they used to be the "Church marine corps". He has been chosen with a clear intention of shaking the things up, period.
- The whole chorus clamouring for how the Church should "get with the times" is really, really, really missing the point. The Church is meant to be a "contra cultural" force. It is suppoused to go against the forces of its time regardless of their popularity, when something is wrong they must dennounce it, popularity polls be damned.
- That being said, this doesn't mean that there's nothign that can be changed or adapted. Doctrine is eternal, but rituals are not. While things like abortion (which deals with the very theological concept of life) or homosexual marriage (which deals with another holy sacrament such as marriage) are off limits, things like reforming celibacy, female priestdom, transparency and democracy within the Church are quite within the realm of possiblity.
- He has been an ardent proponent of inter-faith dialoge, and quite critic with the current economic system an what he felt as a "cultural war" being waged against traditional values and yadda yadda. Still, If you want to have a better in depth look of his ideas,
try reading the book that he co-wrote with a Rabin. It pulls no punches, dealing with very thorny, very controversial, trascendantal issues: Religious fundamentalism, atheism, the Holocaust, homosexuality, capitalism. Must read, and instant-best seller, I think.
- Still, the whole rush to find past writtings / declarations / whatever of the Pope in order to figure out his future stances tends to be quite futile, really. If there's a charge that change the person that occupies it, is this one. For example:who would have thought that Ratzinger, "the God's rotweiller" would end up being the first Pope to resign?
Following the same logic,
it is time that English taxpayers stop supporting the BBC altogether, I guess. The different reactions to these two have been pretty telling, specially regarding media treatment.
Yes, us catholics never learn, mang. We're all grovelling and basking in such a lowly level of moral authority, the whole 1.000 million of us. One's gotta abbandon the Church to start riding your mighty horse of moral upstanding I guess.