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New PSP Impressions (+ Ridge Racers/Lumines)


I've just got back from Singapore where I was lucky enough to pick up a PSP, Ridge Racers and Lumines for £250 in the Fu Nan Centre. I managed to get a screen protector and plug adaptor thrown in free so I was pretty happy with my early adopter price.

Here's few early impressions.

Build Quality & Accessories

First things first: I checked the thing out thoroughly before purchase. Internet horror stories made me paranoid about dead pixels et al, so I spent some time on a number of games and game modes (Ridge Racers white loading screens and Lumines black ones helped out very nicely) to thoroughly check my machine out and particularly the screen. Happy to report that it checked out fine. No dead pixels, good sound, the D-pad started off a little squeaky but extended Lumines play has seemingly ironed that out.

The machine was smaller than I imagined it to be. Also a little thicker. Definitely longer. Its very comfortable to hold, with the D-Pad and facia buttons extremely easy to access, as are the shoulder buttons. The analogue nub feels awesome, though I'm not convinced about its positioning just yet. I've tried it with Ridge Racers and it didn't feel 'right'. Though this is far and away more likely to be because I've only ever played Ridge Racer with the D-pad, like any true aficionado. :D

I'd read reports that the PSP felt 'fragile'. I can't say I feel that way about it. It feels solid enough and quite weighty. Sure, I don't want to drop it, but then I don't really want to drop any of my consumer electronics! Would the thing survive a fall? I'm not sure - probably. Would it take less damage than an GBA-SP hitting the deck? Unlikely. Lets just say - the wrist strap is always on for good measure!

The case that comes with it is a little underwhelming to say the least. Its not that practical either in my opinion. I like to keep charging machines within their pouches/cases. The PSP cover doesn't seem designed to allow the wrist strap entry if you wish to charge the thing at the same time (and therefore have the power connector exposed in the short side of the pouch). A minor niggle I suppose. It also doesn't cover the PSP, a real oversight. A zip pouch would have been preferred - ay least for peace of mind.

The earphones are comfortable and offer excellent sound. They're certainly better than the iPod pack-in earphones. I'm not 100% enamoured with the remote. It seems odd that its metallic grey in colour and plasticy. A more logical colour would obviously be white to fit in with the wrist strap and earphones. The PSP is black, the remote is grey and the earphones are white?! I dunno. Again - a minor niggle. It attaches better to clothing than say the - iPod remote (with its ridiculously shallow 'bite'), so thats a plus.

The PSP itself is a lovely little thing. A little busy on the front but the smooth facia interrupted by the controls is very nice to behold. The silver edging, transparent shoulder buttons, yellow power connector, matte black back, grille and speaker indents result in a lot of (fussy?) detail - but the overall effect is pleasing. It feels like a quality product before you even turn it on. You feel like you've purchased something special. The weightiness of the machine adds to this. All of this pails into insignificance of course when that power button is turned on and its whirs into life...

The Screen. What hasn't been said about The Screen?. Its a joy to behold. Crisp, sharp, vibrant, gorgeous colour depth and its so enormous. Its unbelievable. Whats the use of PS2-comparable innards if the screen isn't up to scratch? That must have been the mantra at Sony when they were designing the PSP - and did they ever come through on providing us with an eye opener of a viewing window. Very, very impressive indeed.

So all round a very pleasing little bundle. And nothing in the way of hardware issues as yet (**crosses fingers**). Living in the UK we may receive hardware last of all but on the plus side this allows time to iron out all those launch faults. This is the first time I've ever purchased Japanese hardware so close to launch. I was very afraid of hardware issues, even though I'm generally pretty lucky with new electronics. I have to say that Internet scaremongering may have made me a bit more paranoid than I perhaps needed to be.

Battery Life/Loading Times

The other big bugbear of the PSP launch reports were that of the battery life and load times. Over Xmas I had some incredibly long flights and longer waits. I'm the sort of person that always keeps things charged, a prudent measure considering the journeys I've had recently. I'm also NOT the sort of person that will sit there for 3 hours straight playing a game. I dip in and out - playing for 5/10/15 minutes at a time or swapping with a friend.

Bearing this in mind, take this journey into account: 2 hour wait at Jakarta airport, 9 hour flight to Kuwait, 4.5 hour wait, 6.5 hour flight to London. When I left the hotel in Jakarta the PSP was at 100% charge, screen at maximum brightness and sound about 3/4 up on the headphones. Over the course of the journey and waiting periods the PSP was used between me and my friends on and off (though not consistently) for numerous short periods of time (I couldn't add them all up since I was sleeping at some points) with Ridge Racers and Lumines being swapped out at intervals. On arrival in London 34% of battery life was left. I can say that no one was being particularly conservative with the power, especially me. In fact I rarely checked. But it held out. This is a true test of real world use thats relevant to me, to the way I'd use a portable games machine. It held out as much as I needed it to. And therefore I am happy. This example may not be much use to someone who buries their head in a game and looks up 5 hours later. But thats just not me.

As for loading times - it may sound trite, biased or whatever, but I just simply didn't notice them. There's really little else I can say about it. Maybe I'm so in love with my PSP I'm willing to ignore them or maybe they're so slight as to be irrelevant - all I can honestly say is that they didn't bother me in the least.

The PSP Interface

Turning the machine on and a nice Sony chime brings you to the root menu of the PSP. I noticed it was decked out in grey (January's shade?) rather than December's red. A short minute of configuration sorts the date/time and clock region. Menu's are in English which was very nice. The browser allows configuration of wireless networks (i've yet to try this), viewing of jpegs and video, listening to MP3s and of course UMD access. The "Home" button on the facia brings one back to this area if one so requires.

I have a 128mb Sony Memory Stick Duo Pro in my S700i phone with which I was taking pictures and short 3gp video clips in Bali, Surabaya and Sumatra over Xmas. Two MP3s reside on the Stick as well. I plugged this into the PSP and was pleased to be able to view my pictures (again, the screen is fantastic for this), but not the video or the MP3s. Seems like the directories created on the Memory Stick by my S700i cannot be interrogated by the PSP. I shall purchase a USB 2.0 cable, memory card reader and larger (512mb +?) Memory Stick Duo Pro soon, to make more of these functions. I'm very keen to start encoding some video to use on the go with my PSP as well as a shortlist of MP3s. I love that I have this functionality. I hate that its just out of my reach for now!


I had to have this game. I wasn't even sure why. I heard Tetsuya Mizuguchi. I heard Rez. But I saw puzzle game. I saw 2D. Not the way to show off the raw horsepower of Sony's mighty new handheld, surely? But in the end, its magical. Truly magical. It transcends the hardware its on. Makes it irrelevant.

I love this game. I've played it non-stop (or at least as 'non-stop' as I ever play games :) ). I took 11 flights (yes, ELEVEN) in the Far East over Xmas. This game made them all a pleasure. Hyperbole? Definitely. But try it and see.

Basic concept is simple: arrange blocks of 2X2 in colour and they disappear (giving you points) when a scan line travelling from left to right passes over them. If you can arrange more than one 2X2 square or larger in one pass then you get a multiplier bonus. Occasionally gems appear within blocks of a certain colour. When scanned as part of a 2X2 or more, any linked same-colour squares disappear, creating huge bonuses and encouraging you to link same-colour squares across the grid. Difficulty spikes as the blocks fall faster and the scan line moves slower. Its simple. And beautiful.

The moment you start Challenge mode the fantastic Mondo Grosso lulls you into a captivating block-building trance. Its a hook that never fails to catch. The background is alive with pulsating animation, equaliser bars, sparkling showers as blocks are scanned out of existence, and your mischievious avatar chuckling when a bonus multiplier is unleashed. As Challenge mode progresses skins are unlocked, changing the mood, tempo and background animations and well as the colour of the blocks. These vary considerably and demonstrates the whacked out imagination of the team that put this little gem together. Its never less than enthralling, a real feast for the eyes - much like the polygonal bliss of Rez.

Puzzle modes, 2P and VS modes and a host of skins and Challenges make this a seriously complete package. If you're after a PSP - then make this an essential purchase.

Ridge Racers

OK, so the major launch title. The title with all the buzz. The jaw dropper. I'm a huge Ridge Racer fan although its been a long while since I played RRV. I was apprehensive that I may have outgrown the Ridge style or that I wouldn't be able to cut it any more. I'm happy to say that sitting back in the saddle of Namco's supercars has never been more pleasing.

Or gorgeous.

The game is simply amazing to look at. Its silky, fast, has lighting and shader effects that put most contemporary console games to shame (seriously) and its no less than a masterclass of Ridge Racing history to boot. Thanks Namco. My hats off to you.

The first time you catch sight of the remixed Rave City Downtown is one of those all too rare moments in videogaming - when you realise that you are in the company of a goalpost shifter - the synchronicity of booming digital beats, gloriously detailed technicolour architecture running at insane speeds in the palm of your hand through a beautifully crisp widescreen display. Its like nothing that has ever come before. Its quite something that its come so early in the PSP's lifetime.

What amazes more is just how complete a package this game is. Twelve tracks and their reverse iterations plucked from all the Ridge games, bonus movies and cars from across the universe gained from wins among a series of World tours. Add to this wireless multiplayer and an arranged mode to suit a custom journey all presented in a peerlessly stylish fashion and you have a lovingly created title that defies its extremely short development time. Simply amazing. :)

So thats it. I absolutely adore my new PSP, as my impressions clearly show. I have great hopes for its future and can only wonder at what's in store. Hope these impressions have been informative.


And even i am moderately surprised
"So thats it. I absolutely adore my new PSP"

that's about the size of it. Welcome to the best game machine EVER to date.


nice impressions. what's amazing is as good as those 2 games you mentioned are, for some reason I've been playing Mingol more than anything lately. Not sure why, but I can't stop playing :p


Have a fun! Enjoy!
This is a true test of real world use thats relevant to me, to the way I'd use a portable games machine. It held out as much as I needed it to. And therefore I am happy.

That's so true. That's what really matters. For me, PSP battery "lasts" 3 days.
And yes, after a month I still stare at that beauty and feel like the day I turned it on for the first time. Amazing.


Wtf, you bought a PSP from -SINGAPORE-? :p

I live here and I'm not going to fucking touch the markup prices. Lucky for me I have friends in Japan. :) Oh well at least you didn't pay the original markup prices which were like S$999 for the Value Pack. :lol


duckroll said:
Wtf, you bought a PSP from -SINGAPORE-? :p

I live here and I'm not going to fucking touch the markup prices. Lucky for me I have friends in Japan. :) Oh well at least you didn't pay the original markup prices which were like S$999 for the Value Pack. :lol

Yeah - I was lucky enough to find a place that sold them. Since the total price was a shade short of $800 I went for it (the pound is extremely strong at the moment)!


refreshZ said:
Yeah - I was lucky enough to find a place that sold them. Since the total price was a shade short of $800 I went for it (the pound is extremely strong at the moment)!

Yeah since you were paying in pound it's not as bad. 700+ Singapore dollars for the Value Pack, Lumines and Ridge Racers isn't that bad in you're looking at the markup prices (since each game is like 99 bucks eeek) so I guess as long as you're happy, yay. :D

As for your memory stick, don't waste your money. You can use any Duo or Pro Duo memory stick on your PSP, and you do NOT need a card reader. Just plug your PSP into your PC with a USB cable, go to USB Connection in the OS and Windows will detect a removable drive. Copy over the entire save data directory to back it up, then proceed to use the PSP to format your memory stick to create all the right directories. Then just copy the save data directory back accordingly and you're good to go. :D


Thanks man.

Whats the score with re-encoding movies for the PSP these days? I read through the official thread but it didn't seem to arrive at a firm conclusion about the best balance of resolution/fps & Memory Stick space. i was hoping by the time I cam back there would be some firmer guidelines and maybe something official from Sony?

Great King Bowser

Property of Kaz Harai
Singapore has crazy markups? Phew.

Was almost regretting picking up a PSP and RR for £210 over here instead of asking my brother to get one from Singapore.


Great King Bowser said:
Singapore has crazy markups? Phew.

Was almost regretting picking up a PSP and RR for £210 over here instead of asking my brother to get one from Singapore.

Yeah in general, if you're in Asia but not in Japan, prepare to be fucked up your ass for any new system. :D
refreshZ said:
Thanks man.

Whats the score with re-encoding movies for the PSP these days? I read through the official thread but it didn't seem to arrive at a firm conclusion about the best balance of resolution/fps & Memory Stick space. i was hoping by the time I cam back there would be some firmer guidelines and maybe something official from Sony?

Minimum 512 stick, but better off getting a 1 gig stick using QB4 or QB3 settings depending on what size stick you want. Movies will be about 400 megs give or take. I think that thread comes down to that conclusion by the time you read throguh all of it. I'm in the process of writing a FAQ right now.


Marty Chinn said:
Minimum 512 stick, but better off getting a 1 gig stick using QB4 or QB3 settings depending on what size stick you want. Movies will be about 400 megs give or take. I think that thread comes down to that conclusion by the time you read throguh all of it. I'm in the process of writing a FAQ right now.

Ha. Until I changed my mind and went for 'never mind the quality, feel the width' and encode everything at 216/15fps. There is something to be said about lots of content.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
mrklaw said:
Ha. Until I changed my mind and went for 'never mind the quality, feel the width' and encode everything at 216/15fps. There is something to be said about lots of content.

I'm doing that as well (using a 256mb memory stick) until I get something bigger. Lower quality works just fine for TV shows/anime anyway.
Heh what sizes do you get for shows with that? I've been watching Stargate SG1 going to and from work every day. I can fit about 3 to 4 eps on a 512 stick. They range from 90 to 160 megs using QB4 setting.


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
Marty Chinn said:
Heh what sizes do you get for shows with that? I've been watching Stargate SG1 going to and from work every day. I can fit about 3 to 4 eps on a 512 stick. They range from 90 to 160 megs using QB4 setting.

Thankfully, my 1 gig stick arrives in a week or so!

Can't wait...


welcome to the family! i just scored a PSP demo disc and the quality of video on that disc is truly astounding. it's practically HDTV quality in my opinion. compared to the videos that i've been encoding on the memory stick, UMD video blows everything away. i just hope that we can encode our own videos in that fashion soon.


being watched
Great impressions.

The first time you catch sight of the remixed Rave City Downtown is one of those all too rare moments in videogaming - when you realise that you are in the company of a goalpost shifter - the synchronicity of booming digital beats, gloriously detailed technicolour architecture running at insane speeds in the palm of your hand through a beautifully crisp widescreen display. Its like nothing that has ever come before. Its quite something that its come so early in the PSP's lifetime.

(cries tears of joy) :D


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
I can't stress enough just how much I use my PSP... just this morning, I noted the amusing juxtaposition of my wife and I reading manga in bed for a couple hours... she was flipping through the real deal, Japanese on paper and ink, while I was reading scanslated manga on my PSP.

The future is here!


Marty Chinn said:
Heh what sizes do you get for shows with that? I've been watching Stargate SG1 going to and from work every day. I can fit about 3 to 4 eps on a 512 stick. They range from 90 to 160 megs using QB4 setting.

I had on one 512MB card a total of about 4 hours. Thats with only 4MB of photos, and maybe 1MB of savegames. So maybe 470MB?

QB4 sometimes hits as low as the 384/15fps, but often not. And honestly 216 isn't too bad for character stuff. I'd use it for Stargate, but not Star Wars, if you get my drift.

When my 1GB stick turns up I might adjust my usage patterns - I'd expect two hours QB4 and 4 hours 216, so 6 movies. Then the 512MB card for TV shows (I can get 12 25 minute shows on one 512MB card)

I'm ripping everything to QB4 as well, to keep my options open.
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