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New 'Revenge of the Sith' pics; (pretty big spoilage)

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mattx5 said:
Is Access Hollywood confirmed to be showing the trailer?

Not tonight anyways. The trailer is pretty much an OC exclusive given the hoopla and advertising FOX & LFL is putting behind it.
Maybe a bit anti-climactic after the splooge fest we just got last week, but here's a new one:


Pretty obvious, but dead Padme


Not bitter, just unsweetened
i hope the final battle sequence (duel) isn't as interweaved as phantom menaces... or interweaved at all.

I just want to watch a duel for 10 minutes straight... no interruptions :)
Here's a very early review from Cogro from the MF.com boards; His source was one of the earliest guys who sent in a leaked trailer report, so it's most likely legitimate. Also his source made it clear that he doesn't really keep up with spoilers, so all of this is going in with the unspoiled mind.

Without furter ado:

Seeing the nearly completed Revenge of the Sith brings forth some strong emotions, most noteable of all is that the 30 year ride George has taken us on has now come to an end.

I remember seeing Star Wars in 1977 as a boy and feeling a thrill that I never had before, and haven't since in a movie theatre. Being a part of the Star Wars generation gave me alot of expectations for the prequels. When I saw Phantom Menace, I was just happy to see another Star Wars, but the film felt empty, lacking the heart the Originals had. Then came Clones, another film I had the privilege to preview a month before its opening. The second installment was enjoyable, but had its fair share of problems. If anything it was a setup for the movie we all wanted to see, a movie which the prequels were made for in the first place - Episode III. So this is it, the last in the trilogy as well as the saga. Buckle up kids, come May 19 you'll get your last cinematic trip to a galaxy far, far away....

The question from everyone off the bat will be a simple: 'Is it any good?' A follow up would likely be, 'Is is everything I've hoped for and more? Is it the best of them all?' While the answers will likely vary from person to person, in my very humble opinion, having gone into the film with hefty expectations though hesitent to buy into the hype that's been created....

Yes. The film is good. Really good. Revenge of the Sith is a shocking piece of cinema that will likely go down with most fans as the best film in the saga. I say shocking because I would have never imagined that some of the images in this film would come after the gold yellow logo and the main titles we've come to love. The film gets brutal. It's dark, and that's sure to make fans happy and turn some others off. The effectiveness of the film would not be possible without the work of some great talent, and that ladies and gentlemen is what makes me most pleased with Revenge of the Sith.

Well it's about time. The pacing is fast and furious, with a grave urgency attached to every scene in the film. The space battle sets the tone early as pilots frantically fight to survive and strike a crushing blow against the enemy fleet. Our Jedi heroes lighten the mood occasionally with quips and exchanges that were lacking from the previous movies. I now know how great a friend Anakin was to Obi-wan Kenobi. The battle itself is like nothing else in the previous films. The camera winds, dives and brings you into the chaos in what can only be described as dazzling. Computer graphics have made a giant leap forward since Clones, and this sequence takes advantage. It is truly something to be experienced.

Also during the opening battle we are introduced to the saga's newest villain, the part alien part droid, General Grievous. His introduction is classic, that of a frustrated commander shouting orders while occasionally losing his breath and coughing loudly, a colourful addition that adds life to the droid. While he does display a kind of sinister wit, the character may fall victom to the criticism that plagued Jar Jar and other computer generated characters of the prequels. Grievous's sterotypical villain dialogue is sure to be a point of attack from weary critics and fans. The character that immediately comes to mind is "Bosley" from the Care Bears television show. His animation, for the most part, is spectacular and really gets to shine in a fight to the death with Obi-wan Kenobi later in the film.

The battle in space soon carries over to a skirmish aboard an enemy cruiser as the Jedi (and a aggressive R2-D2) move to rescue the captive chancellor. This scene really stuck out in my mind because it directly echos the Death Star scenes in Star Wars. The Jedi keep in contact with R2D2 over a comlink, and the droid providess help opening doors and the such via his signature computer appendage. The scene culminates in the first of severa lightsaber battles between the Jedi and the villain Dooku.

Anakin's seduction to the dark side starts here, as the future Emperor encourages the victorious Jedi to finish off the defeated Dooku. When he does, a stern satisfaction comes over Anakin - though with a tinge of regret - a quality that Palpatine exploits over the course of the film. Worthy of note is that in the cut I saw, the final music track appeared to be in place and it's nothing short of sensational. The space battle music is filled with recognizeable beats and cues from the original trilogy's space battle sequence. As the enemy cruiser makes for a thrilling crash landing (that showcases some of the best work ILM has ever done), the music kicks up a notch, enhancing the urgency of a scene that is sure to wow moviegoers.

The actors feel much more comfortable in their roles in Revenge of the Sith. During the opening sequence, you actually believe the characters are responding to real situations. Hayden's performance during the first duel is spot-on, not breaking from the posed and determined stature of a warrior soon to become an agent of evil. There is some awkward dialogue, however which brings down the performances a bit, but the actors fight hard and stand their ground. Only during the first Padme-Anakin scenes are we reminded about what made Clones' love scenes so difficult to take in. It's not that acting is bad here, in fact it's quite good. There is no awkward blocking or positioning that I found hampered the performances of the leads in Clones, but instead a tenderness between the two lovers that conveys real emotion, amidst often difficult dialogue. Anakin speaks of his love for Padme and how he's missed her dearly, but the scene could lead to some rolling eyes. Nevertheless, these scenes are quite brief in comparison to its Episode II counterpart.

So begins the plot. The end of the Clone Wars are at hand, and the Jedi Council organize in a briefing room, reminiscent of a similar scene in Return of the Jedi, to plan the final stages of the war. Yoda goes to the Wookiee homeworld and Obi-wan to Utapau, a sinkhole planet that's rumoured to be the santuary of General Grievous. Meanwhile, the Jedi have grown weary of Palpatine's leadership and appoint Anakin as a spy to inform the council of the chancellor's activities. These series of scenes are quite well done, and focus on the tension that exists between the Jedi and the executive branch of the Republic. Anakin is caught in the middle, seeing Palpatine as a father figure, but is sworn by duty to the Jedi. His allegiances begin to fall in favour of Palpatine when the Jedi deny Anakin 'master' status, a decision Anakin blames on Obi-wan, whom he feels is jealous of Anakin's power. I take my hat off to Hayden Christensen, who will emerge from this film as a very capable leading actor, especially in a project of such high stature. His confidence becomes arrogance, which then turns to frustration and finally culminates in anger. His emotions are front and center of his portrayal of the dark lord to be.

The middle act follows four separate plot threads: Anakin's relationship with Palpatine, Yoda's mission to the wookie homeworld, Obi-wan's mission to Utapau and the formation of a rebellion against Palpatine's growing power. Each plot thread is strong, and makes for a very compelling story - whereas in Clones, this part of the movie seemed to drag a bit.

Anakin's true path the darkside begins with a surreal vision he has in a dream, a trance-like sequence similar to Luke's cave experience in Empire Strikes Back. In his dream in Revenge of the Sith, Anakin walks towards the murderer of his pregnant wife and as he catches a narrow glimpse of the villain (slightly hinted to be himself), he awakens in a cold sweat. His fear of loss is what makes his tie to Palpatine stronger, who promises the power of eternal life to Anakin, if he were to join the darkside of the force. Of the entire film, the scenes between Palpatine and Anakin stand out as my personal favourite. We see their relationship grow from a father/son like appreciation to a powerful devotion that begins after Anakin discovers Palpatine's dark secret - that he is the Sith Lord Darth Sidious.

The Wookie/Utapau sequences were not finalized in the cut I saw, but the new worlds are exotic nonetheless. My only criticism of these sequences is that they feel a bit tacked on, almost like an afterthought, especially the Kashyyyk sequence. It's action for action's sake, but then again it is a Star Wars movie. On Utapau, Obi-wan's detective side explored in AOTC is revisited as the Jedi leads a mission to locate and arrest Grievous and retake the planet for the Republic. (as a side note, I really like the music during the Utapau sequence - very mysterious and sinister).

At about this point of the film, things start going sour and the film gets dark. Anakin informs the council of Palpatine's true nature and Mace Windu leads a team of Jedi Masters to secure the chancellor. This is going to be one of those scenes that will make the audience catch a lump in their throat. As much as you know it's coming, the scene is brutal. At the moment you think that maybe, just maybe things will work out and the Force will be brought into balance, Anakin makes a choice that would change the galaxy forever. When the familiar music blares on cue, there will be a collective gasp in the entire theatre.

Anakin's turn leads to greater disaster - the destruction of the Jedi, in the capital and around the galaxy. Obi-wan and Yoda are betrayed by their troops and forced to flee. From this point on, the film goes full throttle and never lets up. Every loose is tied as the Republic is destroyed and the Empire rises in its wake. The ultimate showdown between good and evil is fought, as Yoda confronts Sidious and Obi-wan, Anakin.

The duel has been the main topic of hype and for good reason. It's the best fight ever put to film, period. Not just because of the incredible coreography that pits combatants against each other in every imagineable scenario, but because the emotion that flows through this battle is phenomenal. Hayden and Ewan put on a great show both in their swordplay and their acting. Hayden's transformation into the dark lord is picture perfect, and he's sure to get some great critical praise for his work in these scenes: His eyes wrought with evil, he leaks the hate and arrogance that illuminates his transition from Jedi to Sith.

As the film winds down, we're treated to a montage sequence of the creation of Darth Vader - another haunting scene that is sure to please the diehards. To hear the booming voice of James Earl Jones gave me shivers. The story ends where the Original trilogy begins, the twins are born and hidden at opposite spots of the galaxy. A few small surprises are in store as well, as the secrets of the force are unlocked for fans to better understand the dissappearing act of the Original Trilogy. Though the end of the film is somber, there is a faint optimism which is illustrated by the film's closing shot that a new hope will come for the future.

I was asked to list the scenes I thought were best, and those not so good. What worked and what didn't. Here's a short run-down of my final thoughts of the final Star Wars movie.

The best single scene of the entire film is the Palpatine-Mace standoff. It's definately the one scene in the movie that signals the beginning of the end. The destruction of the Republic and the triumph of the dark side. Each actor is in top form. The scene is well written and executed and the music caps it off perfectly. The beginning of the duel and the final scene between Obi-wan Kenobi and Darth Vader are two of the most powerful moments in the entire saga. Everything done here is just spot on. Alot of care went into these scenes, and it shows.

Some of the dialogue is still a bit hokey. It doesn't destroy any scenes per say, but it does slow them down. Most of this comes during the Bail Organa, Mon Mothma, Padme scenes. It's nothing significant and far from disastrous, but worth noting nonetheless. Jar Jar is back of course, but what's left of his role is about a half a page of dialogue and standing around during the Rebllion and senate scenes.

Will Episode 3 avenge the last two prequels? If you were really disappointed with Episode 1 and 2, this movie could be your saving grace. I'm sure most people will still find ways to get ticked off by Revenge of the Sith, but at the end of the day it's a terrific film. Don't take my word for it, and don't think I'm preaching gospel, you'll all have your chance to make up your mind in May - but sleep easy, George Lucas has nailed it.

Cautious optimism... :)


Not bitter, just unsweetened
about damned time that third part was put up

either way... this will be the first time i've seen any of the star wars films in theatre. And I'm going to be sure i'm seeing it first day :)


There are some scans from thew visual dictionary over at MF. VERY cool stuff in there. Because Vader has cybernetic arms, he can not throw force lightning, nor defend himself from it.


Kills Photobucket
One thing I dont really get...

If Anakin so so badly injured/killed/whatever wouldn't the emperor saving him/bringing him back to life be a contradiction to the Dark Side view of no mercy and only the strong survive?


Yeah, his midicloreans (sp) are off the charts. I guess it's fair to say that he's a weak jedi and a very powerful sith. Luke's got him beat, though.


The Bookerman said:
I think Sidious knows he can't get a better apprentice(at that time).

Exactly. Since Maul died he planned on making Anakin his apprentice. He had to cut his losses. His next step was to replace Vader (with one of the twins).

Also, some of the Vader dialogue posted at MF.com is AWESOME. Badass is back.


If you can't get on MF.com (not surprising since 500+ visitors are there at any given time), here are some of scans from the Visual Dictionary:
Credit goes to Probe Droid at MF.com

Also the Episode III: Revenge Of The Sith Original Soundtrack will be released via Sony's Classical brand on May 3rd. The CD will also come with a bonus 70 minute DVD, here's the press release:
On Tuesday, May 3, 2005, Sony Classical will release the original motion picture soundtrack of the last episode of the massively popular "Star Wars" saga, Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith. It features a new score by five-time Oscar winner John Williams, who is also the composer and conductor of the score for each film in the six-chapter "Star Wars" saga, and an exclusive collector's DVD -- "Star Wars: A Musical Journey" -- an unprecedented bonus at no additional cost.

Created especially to accompany the CD release, the thrilling 70-minute DVD features 16 brand-new music videos set to selections from all six of John Williams' unforgettable "Star Wars" film scores and has been designed around a timeline that will take the viewer chronologically through the entire saga. Each movement is introduced by actor Ian McDiarmid (who plays Senator Palpatine in the films) and features a spectacular montage of images, complete with excerpts of the original dialogue and sound effects, set to Williams' legendary music which has been newly remixed and remastered in 5.1 surround sound. Williams' principal theme from the new score, entitled "Battle of the Heroes," will be featured in a music video created by Lucasfilm.

The soundtrack packaging will also include liner notes from George Lucas plus an exclusive fold-out poster featuring a montage of images from the film.

In "Revenge of the Sith," the final and most dramatic chapter of the "Star Wars" saga, the Clone Wars rage as the rift widens between Chancellor Palpatine (Ian McDiarmid) and the Jedi Council. Anakin Skywalker (Hayden Christensen), the young Jedi Knight with an allegiance to Chancellor Palpatine, struggles to keep his marriage to Padme' Amidala (Natalie Portman) a secret amid the turmoil. Seduced by promises of power and temptations of the dark side, he pledges himself to the evil Darth Sidious and becomes Darth Vader. Together, Sidious and Vader set in motion a plot of revenge against the Jedi, leading to a climatic lightsaber battle between Vader and his former master, Obi-Wan Kenobi (Ewan McGregor), that will decide the fate of the galaxy.

With 43 Oscar nominations to his credit, Williams has composed a new score for the film, utilizing the themes and musical motives that link it with his earlier scores for the "Star Wars" films. The London Symphony Orchestra (L.S.O), with the composer conducting, performs the original score. The L.S.O. is the same orchestra that recorded Williams' original Star Wars score 28 years ago and has continued to perform the score for each successive chapter of the saga.

In 1999, Sony Classical released the Grammy-nominated original soundtrack recording of Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace, which was a platinum-selling album in the U.S. and sold more than two million copies worldwide, in addition to a specially packaged Ultimate Edition that featured Williams' entire score for that film. In 2002, the label released the original soundtrack recording of Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones. Both are currently available.

In September 2004, Sony Classical became the home of all the "Star Wars" soundtracks with the release of newly remastered editions of the soundtrack recordings of Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope, Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back and Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi. The recordings are available individually and in a special boxed set with a deluxe slipcover case.

Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith soundtrack also continues Sony Classical's long association with John Williams, who has recorded a number of non-film projects for the label. Williams won the third of his five Academy Awards for his score for the original "Star Wars" (1977) and received nominations for his scores for "The Empire Strikes Back" (1980) and "Return of the Jedi" (1983). The soundtrack albums for "Star Wars" and "The Empire Strikes Back" also won Grammy® Awards for Williams in 1977 and 1980, and he was a nominee for "Return of the Jedi" in 1983 and "The Phantom Menace" in 2000.

Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith, written and directed by George Lucas, opens worldwide on Thursday, May 19, 2005.

The official site will be offering samples of the OST to Hyperspace members starting April 4th.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
the audiobook is out. transcripts (sloppy) are at TFN. It confirms the first review too.

Some of the dialogue is hilarious.

like this:

Dooku to Anakin: Aren't you a little old to be afraid of the dark



Those are awesome and I saw them either last night or this morning on Millenium Falcon...

I swear I have seen the freaking entire movie in photo form... I am so damn spoiled... Oh well...
Holy. Fucking. Shit.

My heads gonna explode. This looks awesome. And I just read some excerpts from the (audio?) book... I really hope some of that dialogue is word for word. Fantastic!
Apparently a few clips from the film have been leaked from the Trivial Pursuit DVD game, including the mentioning of Qui-Gon talking to Yoda, Anakin being asked to spy on Palpatine, Yoda using the force to knock out Palpatine's crimson guards, and Anakin and Obi-Wan tapped in some kind of elevator shaft.

I'm definitely not going to post them though, so not risking that. :p


The Anakin/Padme scene on the DVD...the acting is much better than in AOTC. Less wooden and it flows better.
ManaByte said:
The Anakin/Padme scene on the DVD...the acting is much better than in AOTC. Less wooden and it flows better.
I agree, it wasn't bad at all. A favorite of mine is the one with Padme's statement during Palpatine's speech about the creation of the Empire, her line just fits so well and is delivered without any awkwardness, I love it.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
DarthWufei said:
I agree, it wasn't bad at all. A favorite of mine is the one with Padme's statement during Palpatine's speech about the creation of the Empire, her line just fits so well and is delivered without any awkwardness, I love it.

people were complaining about that line... and i thought it was spot on. I thought the Emporer delivering his "empire" speech was actually more awkward :p


Seriously, fuck e3, Xbox2, PS3 and revolution. This is THE highlight of May, if not the entire year.

This cannot fail, Lucas is back in fine form


Prine said:
Seriously, fuck e3, Xbox2, PS3 and revolution. This is THE highlight of May, if not the entire year.

This cannot fail, Lucas is back in fine form

Took the words right outta my mouth.

Holy shit. This movie's gonna rock.


Anyone who bashes the movie on the dialog/acting is lying just to bash it.

I love the dialog in the Dooku duel, Christopher Lee rules.
Its the last Star Wars, it should be the highlight of the movie season, but since the last two have been lackluster they've been one-upped by film's that have made a bigger pop culture impact (The Matrix in 1999 and Spider-Man in 2002).

Hopefully it does all come together, the dialouge in AOTC was atrocious, so if they brought in a "dialog coach" (I've never even heard of something like happening on a movie set, usually you have the director, first/second ADs, script sup, and the DP/ACs, dunno where a "dialog coach would fit in).

If the movie is actually good, I'd gladly pay upwards of $50 a ticket to see it. But I have concerns, especailly how they're going to bridge the bad B-movie tone of Episode II and what looks to be a very dark and serious Episode III.
I like the Clone Wars a lot actually. For me, the characters of Anakin/Obi-Wan/Padme "click" much better in the Clone Wars than they have in Ep. I/II. Anakin especailly.

Still y'know I'm a big Star Wars fan and do like George Lucas a lot. I hope he can pull this one out in a Darth Vader-redemption fashion.


I reckon they did TOO good of a job making Tarkin look like Peter Cushing. It looks as if he hasn't aged a day since Ep 3 > Ep4


Borg Artiste
I was kind of excited but then I watched the trivial pursuit videos, and man I think maybe it's just haydens voice everything he says sounds so stupid.
ManaByte said:
The Anakin/Padme scene on the DVD...the acting is much better than in AOTC. Less wooden and it flows better.

yeah it better but i still can see so many misstakes in hyden´s acting!
man some scenes in the trailer when hayden speaks just takes me back to the AOTC, i am shaking with fear for this:(

god i really love the rest of the trailer and i think this film might turn out to be the best of the 3 new SW films.


ManaByte said:
Turn this thread into a big request thread and I hope you die a painful death.

I replied to this earlier and it was either deleted or lost in "the incident."

Anyway, is this really necessary Manabyte? This isn't millenniumfalcon. It just makes you look like an ass.

Mr Mike

1 million Canadian dollars
It was a little harsh, but I do agree with his point (and *I* made the request). It'd be foolish to derail the thread after 500 posts. Althought I'd LOVE to see that script if you're got a link ManaByte ;) j/k.
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