Sith zapped with PG-13*rating
Posted Saturday, April 09, 2005
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, all Star Wars movies received a PG rating.
Not anymore.
Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith has been given a PG-13 rating by the Motion Picture Association of Americas Classification and Ratings Administration.
Revenge has received the PG-13 for sci-fi violence and some intense images. (One could ask, on behalf of befuddled parents, exactly what intense images actually means. Mostly, it means the MPAAs ratings explanations have gotten progressively muddled during the past few years.)
The new rating means Revenge of the Sith contains material that may be inappropriate for children under 13.
Director/writer George Lucas earlier hinted his movie would be the most intense of the six Star Wars chapters.
Its not like the old Star Wars, Lucas told the Associated Press. This ones a bit more emotional.
The previous five Star Wars films all received PG ratings. Lucas new, more emotional episode opens nationwide May 19.
Willco said:Haha, I just listened to the entire soundtrack and the last half of Anakin's Dark Deeds is ripped off entirely from GATTACA.
huzkee said:Is the CD out in stores? I'll get it as soon as it's out... Anyone has linky in the meantime... ?
About the PG-13. Quite frankly seeing as this Star Wars is much darker than the previous ones... you gotta wonder how it didn't get rated R. I mean The Matrix movies all were rated R and violence never got farther than somone burned severely in the eyes. Now this one we have limbs flying and severed heads et al.
evil ways said:Now this is da shit right here
evil ways said:Now this is da shit right here
Dujour said:Yeah, his midicloreans (sp) are off the charts. I guess it's fair to say that he's a weak jedi and a very powerful sith. Luke's got him beat, though.
I know I'm responding to a post over a month old, but you're completely wrong: Anakin is simply older, he's like 45-50 in RotJ, of course he won't be in top physical condition anymore.
Well, actually ,it's already knowncvkpaladin said:Yeah, I guess that will need to be explained in this movie. If Anakin is such a badass force-wielding mofo, how in the hell did Obi-Wan manage to whoop his ass? I mean, I'm looking at these pictures and all I see is how badly Anakin got punked by Old Ben. I figure Sidious seduced the wrong bitch and shoulda tried turning Obi-Wan instead. :lol
cvkpaladin said:Yeah, I guess that will need to be explained in this movie. If Anakin is such a badass force-wielding mofo, how in the hell did Obi-Wan manage to whoop his ass? I mean, I'm looking at these pictures and all I see is how badly Anakin got punked by Old Ben. I figure Sidious seduced the wrong bitch and shoulda tried turning Obi-Wan instead. :lol
shantyman said:The whole scene shows how measured, calculating Obi Wan beats out the impulsive, arrogant Anakin.
Tritroid said:Is the OST actually out in stores now?
Bacon said:The new leaked footage is fucking awesome.
ManaByte said:Kevin Smith saw the movie tonight. Keep an eye on the View Askew forums as he's probably going to post something about it in his blog soon:
soundwave05 said:Isn't Kevin Smith working on the Star Wars TV show though?
I doubt he'll give the movie a bad review regardless of how it turns out. Ditto for Spielberg.
iW: What do you think of the title to the new Star Wars, "Attack of the Clones"?
Smith: I think folks will just wind up calling it 'Episode Two'.
iW: How many times did you see "Episode I"?
Smith: Twice in the theaters.
iW: And what did you think of it?
Smith: I dug it. But then, I didn't go in thinking the flick would invoke the same warm feelings the first three did when I was a kid. I mean, I'm an adult now.
iW: Have you seen the version on the net in which some fans altered the film to change Jar Jar's voice and add subtitles?
Smith: No. What a strange use of free time.
Appearing in the July/August issue of FILM COMMENT, Smith was lush, if profane, with his plaudits for CLONES, and even revealed moments of the film haunted him and built new levels of pathos into the original STAR WARS trilogy.
There's something bittersweet about the fall of Darth Vader now, Smith says in the issue, that hadn't existed before CLONES: had his mother simply died of old age, the guy might never have developed that extreme case of asthma he seems to suffer from in STAR WARS, EMPIRE, and RETURN OF THE JEDI Which leads to the most haunting moment of CLONES for me: when Anakin breaks down to his puppy love, Amidala, and confesses that he butchered that no-good bunch of sand-eating bandage wearers with his hi-tech Zippo. This scene really resonated with me, because Amidala wears this expression that very quietly says, Holy Christ I'm in love with a human time-bomb. The sad, hopeless look on her face upon learning of his murder spree brought to mind that moment in JEDI when Luke asked Leia if she rememered what her (and his) mother was like. Leia (in what may be Carrie Fisher's finest hour in the original trilogy) reminisced that her mother always seemed sad. Here, nearly 20 years later, we get to see what Leia was talking about.
He even went as far as to praise one of the most maligned aspects of the film, the romance between Anakin and Amidala.
And that's what worked best for me about the Anakin arc in CLONES: the doomed love affair of Anakin and Amidala. Most of the critics dismissed this as the flick's most ham-fistedly handled aspect, but I thought it played out tragically and beautifully. High marks to both Hayden Christensen and Natalie Portman, because I completely bought their relationship. He wants her desperately without really even knowing why, as do all teenage boys when they find who they assume is their one-true in high school. And even though she knows this guy is poison, she can't help but fall for him - the little slave-boy that grew up to be a conflicted, impetuous hat tank who insists everyone's giving him a raw deal. In high school, the really hot chicks always went for the massive ****-ups, and eventually wound up married to them. But this marriage doesn't end in small town affairs and divorce; this marriage ends with the girl scattering her kids across the galaxy to save them from their father, who by that point is more machine than man."
Lonestar said:wow, that was some good shit. I almost feel like...i watched the movie..
I really like, what I "Think" is part of the score. It's not on the soundtrack, but it reminds me of the trailer from a few weeks back, with the drumbeat in the middle.
And that's what worked best for me about the Anakin arc in CLONES: the doomed love affair of Anakin and Amidala. Most of the critics dismissed this as the flick's most ham-fistedly handled aspect, but I thought it played out tragically and beautifully. High marks to both Hayden Christensen and Natalie Portman, because I completely bought their relationship."
ManaByte said:Oh and you will want to see the digital screenings. The digital print will havewhile the film print will not.Dagobah
If you don't have a digital screen in your area, the DVD will be based on the digital version.