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New Rockman X Command Mission Trailer!


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Damn, that looks awesome! I really hope it turns out solid...

They didn't really show too much of the battle system, though (outside of the time limit for combo entry, final strike, and hyper mode). Looks somewhat traditional based on the video, but we'll see...

This is being developed by the team responsible for BFV-DQ right? I just hope the GC version supports 480p (since Network Transmission DID NOT)...


Looks nice, although I hope they fixed the DQ engine so that the enemy/PC balance is more normal (i.e., not giving enemies triple your stats to give the illusion of the game having awesome AI) and that the game isn't one big long dungeon.
Here are some pics Game Watch just posted of the CM:







Deleted member 284

Unconfirmed Member
I can't effing wait for this. I hope that X series comes out as compilation so I can be in Megaman Heaven.


I've been looking forward to it, as well. A lot. I do wonder, though, if the GC version of MMAC continues to outsell the PS2 one, and with NT already topping X7 in North America (I think?), if this were to sell better on the GameCube than the PS2, would Capcom consider porting X7 and X8 to the GC? It would seem like a wise business decision, in my opinion. The games do wonderful on GBA, too.


But why does X look so damn different? Is it an armor enhancement specifically for this game, or is this a permanent change specifically for this game?

Deleted member 284

Unconfirmed Member
Otaking said:
But why does X look so damn different? Is it an armor enhancement specifically for this game, or is this a permanent change specifically for this game?
He started looking this way since x5 IIRC.

Oh and I just watched the video. Sex.


olubode said:
He started looking this way since x5 IIRC.

Oh and I just watched the video. Sex.
Actually, I was referring to the white and gold trim around his legs, arms and chest area, as well as the red crystals on his legs. And in the videos he runs around with a big red scarf. Makes me wonder if this is a new armor enhancement, or a character redesign specifically for this game.
I'm being absolutely sincere when I say this:

Does this game have any chance of being good? I overlooked the game because I thought it was getting poor response from early play tests....yet that trailer made the game look fantastic.


Looks pretty cool, but as much of a Mega Man fan as I am, I don't think that would be enough to keep my interest. Besides being Mega Man, does this offer anything over the typical RPG? Specifically, does it have a fun battle system? That's the one thing that saved the Battle Network games for me.


silenttwn said:
Looks really cool, but I'd rather have a MegaMan Legends 3. Doubt I'll ever see the day that happens, though.

Me too. They had a cool little story going and I wanted to play as Roll...


Gah! Bleh to Dash! In any case, I want that CM! Must hear the theme song :D

edit: oh and X8 is supposedly early.. o_O


Wow, I was looking forward to this despite not being very impressed with early media, but that video looks soooo much better than previous media. I'm so psyched for this game now. :)


This game is SOOOOOOO good. It plays kinda like paper mario in that it involves action commands to fight enemies.

When is it comming out in usa?


Woo baby. the CM is up! Jounetsu Setsuna is pretty decent. (maybe asami's voice is a bit high, but it's still a good pace)


^ direct link but blown up D:

or you can go here and do the same thing for the trailer but click cm instead:


edit: and as pmm/gamewatch had it, it's very stylish. By the folks that's doing the opening to Command Mission even, I hope the opening is this cool or so.

As you can see from the images, the commercial comes off as a little artsy. It was produced by Kamikaze Animation, the same group who produced the opening movie for Command Mission, and naturally uses Asami Abe's "Jonetsu Setsuna" for the theme.

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