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New solar storm warning, could possibly nuke your internet.


Al Pachinko, Konami President
prince GIF


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Jokes aside (if such a thing is possible) I have wondered about this before. Knocking out the Internet, on a significant scale, would likely have catastrophic effects at this point, wouldn't it? Aside from the obvious annoyances (people are glued to social media etc) there are so many systems across the board which are dependent on such connectivity. If there was a short "blink" that is one thing - but what about an extended shortage, say an entire day or even a week, across a large part of the world? The longer you go, the more parts of everyday life would be affected. It's fascinating to consider, and I am sure people much smarter than myself have thought long and hard about it before.


I've heard of bit flips caused by solar activity causing unintended and unrepeatable things in electronics. Speed runners might get some unique occurrences.


So it's the end of the world again!, that's all the mainstream media keep saying lately lol, constant nuclear war prediction's before now a solar storm, guess we're all screwed.


I'd love it if the internet just went down worldwide for a month. Just seeing the panic alone would be worth it. 20 year olds would probably be on suicide watch

Oh man, that would be so sweet.

Don't get me wrong, i love the internet but as a 90s kid, the internet dissapering for a whole month would be hilarious.
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I'd love it if the internet just went down worldwide for a month. Just seeing the panic alone would be worth it. 20 year olds would probably be on suicide watch

Imagine seeing youngsters outside spending time together irl. Imagine them not being hysterical anymore as they're no longer bombarded with social media and news.

But before that they would probably look like this:

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Oh man, that would be so sweet.

Don't get me wrong, i love the internet but as a 90s kid, the internet dissapering for a whole month would be hilarious.
World wide economic collapse doesn't sound that hilarious. Hell it probably won't just be limited to the economy, any event that can knock out the internet for a month would probably lead to a civilization collapse.


Not for me

I tried to listen to audiobooks

I prefer physical books
I love audiobooks but only on road trips or flights where I’m a captive audience: unlike a podcast I have to have almost complete attention or I miss stuff and have to rewind. Love ebooks as said above mostly due to Kindle: I can’t do them on my phone or iPad unless I have no other option because of the immense distraction of social and email notifications.
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World wide economic collapse doesn't sound that hilarious. Hell it probably won't just be limited to the economy, any event that can knock out the internet for a month would probably lead to a civilization collapse.

It's strange how little talk there is about safeguards against this sort of thing. This is the first time in human history that solar storms could collapse countries due to us being so dependent upon technology. In my country there is a push towards cashless society and no talk about what we'd do if there's a long blackout.

Just a few decades back it was the norm to make orders for your store with paper and pen, but now with computerized just-in-time deliveries I don't know how much a crash course for youngsters in manual ordering would help. Heck, some young people can even barely write without a keyboard.

But I guess the disaster needs to come first with the consequences and afterwards people will start talking about future preparations.


Can't wait for all the "don't you have internet" gamers to tell us how they played their always online garbage.
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