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New Super Mario Bros U Deluxe

So saw Nintendo's Q1 report, and i see that somehow New Super Mario Bros U Deluxe was still in the top ten with 7.6 million copies and Mario Maker 2 is nowhere to be found. IT's confusing to see since Mario Maker 2 is the objectively better game with alot more content in it. There is alot more to do in that game, while Super Mario Bros U is just your basic vanilla as New Super Mario Bros game, and it is a Wii U Port that is like 20 dollars on Wii U. Who is still buying all of these New Super Mario Bros Deluxe copies?
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Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
I mean yeah, Mario Maker 2 might objectively be the better game (I agree with you) but it turns out that people would rather have game developers actually develop a game for them to play, rather than have to build one themselves. Some people just want to plop down on the couch with their family and play some four player shared-screen couch co-op.

Meanwhile with Mario Maker, you've gotta have Switch Online (extra $$$) if you want to play other people's levels. And you've gotta wade through the sea of garbage to find something good.
I didn't play Super Mario Maker as much as I thought I would. I have levels that I still haven't finished creating. The user created courses were made to be a huge pain in the ass. Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe the Mario game I'd rather play. It being a WiiU port doesn't take away from the fact Super Mario Bros U Deluxe is fun.


Speaking of SMBWUD, why do they make you sit through 20 seconds of load time every time you die? It kicks you to the works screen, which has to load and then has to load the level again.

Pretty sure there is enough RAM to store both on Switch vs WiiU. This is the laziest port Nintendo has ever done!


I'm sure it's a brilliant game, it's just that I'm still bitter about it because it's so closely associated with the Wii U. That fucking trash heap of a console.


IT's confusing to see since Mario Maker 2 is the objectively better game

I… disagree.

You’re talking about a collection of highly polished and playtested Nintendo-quality stages versus a grab-bag of user-generated platforming detritus. There are clever Mario Maker levels, but almost none that are great.
Yeah... I have played zero truly great Mario Maker levels. Granted, I gave up pretty quickly. User generated content is not for me.

Whereas NSMBU is the best 2D-Mario in almost 30 years.
Mm nah, i don't know if objectively better is right. Maybe potentially better.

But I prefer to play Nintendo designed levels instead of anon8890's.
bumping this thread again in light of new Nintendo Update. Mario Deluxe's sales have been updated to 8.32 million.

Meanwhile Mario Maker 2 has not had an update. This is dumb. Mario Maker 2 has objectively better value.
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People prefer Nintendo created levels over user made. Mario Maker 2 gets a little bit of crap because of all the trash levels on it and that ruins it's staying power. It's good for content creators but the casuals will pick up the Nintendo made content over Maker any day.


From my perspective, I just wanted a 2D Mario game that I could easily blast through in co-op with the girlfriend.

Mario Maker 2 looks fun but some of the levels look insanely difficult to the point of not being especially fun for me and I'm not even sure if you can play through it in co-op?


My 10 year old daughter and I beat that New Super Mario Bros U together. I think having traditional nintendo designed levels and world map help. You always know you are gonna have a decent level and the skill level always climbs so I wstched her get better at it.

Theres also the interactivity between players where you can help each other out or jump on someone head to hurl them down in a pit.

Super Mario Maker isn't for everyone. I have friends who have no interest in designing their own levels. And unless it's better in mario maker 2, finding a string of decent levels that people make is very rare. You can have a super easy one that's boring or levels the are hard and infuriating.


This game is responsible for inspiring Bowsette. A cultural phenomenon.

Probably the most important Nintendo game ever made.


Look, MM2 is a great level editor, but most user levels are shite. The number of crap levels, or Kaizo Mario levels far outnumber great level designs. Who wants to wade through all that crap to get to a few good gems. I think where Nintendo failed with MM2 was not capitslizing on more editor tools, and totally dropping the ball when it comes to online co-op or vs play. It amazes me that I was getting better online play way back in early 2000's period than Nintendo's low effort here. Look at modern games like Among Us and Fall Guys and you see Nintendo has a great opportunity to exceed those types of online games, but fail miserably every time. It's no wonder MM2 failed to crack the top of Nintendo's charts.


Nintendo need to get off their asses and make a new 2D Mario game as that's what everybody really wants.

Evangelion Unit-01

Master Chief
As others have noted Mario Maker’s reliance on user created content puts it at a disadvantage when tryin to appeal to the average consumer.

There is also likely an issue with consumer perception. NSMBU is clearly a 2D title whereas Mario Maker is a bit more ambiguous. The average customer probably feels that there would be some barriers to entry with the creation tools-it doesn’t seem to just be pick up and play. Also have to consider all of the videos floating around showing nearly impossible levels which has likely lead to a perception that the game is too difficult.

I think release dates also matter. SMBU came out first and MM was released just a few months later. There is probably also a degree of fatigue where fans bought the first and skipped the second.


Gold Member
People prefer Nintendo created levels over user made. Mario Maker 2 gets a little bit of crap because of all the trash levels on it and that ruins it's staying power. It's good for content creators but the casuals will pick up the Nintendo made content over Maker any day.
It really isn't a casuals vs thing. What you said about content is the thing. I don't think anyone cares to sift through the cruft in Mario Maker 2. I think mainstream gamers probably hate that stuff more than more casual gamers. I think everyone prefers Nintendo content to what's in Mario Maker 2.
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I had fun with the U version and I see why people would want to play it on Switch if they didn’t have the original, even if it has bad load times. It’s a fun game and Luigi levels are great.
Anyone else find this series extremely boring? I don't know why I thought it would be different on the Switch, the DS version was more than enough of a warning sign. Not to mention the art style leaves something to be desired.


Parody of actual AJUMP23
It is a fun game. I played it on the WiiU and enjoyed it. I will not buy it for the switch. I may buy the remake of one with the cats in order to play with my kids.


Gold Member
So saw Nintendo's Q1 report, and i see that somehow New Super Mario Bros U Deluxe was still in the top ten with 7.6 million copies and Mario Maker 2 is nowhere to be found. IT's confusing to see since Mario Maker 2 is the objectively better game with alot more content in it. There is alot more to do in that game, while Super Mario Bros U is just your basic vanilla as New Super Mario Bros game, and it is a Wii U Port that is like 20 dollars on Wii U. Who is still buying all of these New Super Mario Bros Deluxe copies?

Objectively better game? That’s not how it works.

That said, NSMB is one of Nintendo’s most popular games. The Wii version sold something like 30 or 40 million copies, and easily outside the Galaxy games, probably combined. If anything 8 million seems a bit low for NSMBUD


Objectively better game? That’s not how it works.

That said, NSMB is one of Nintendo’s most popular games. The Wii version sold something like 30 or 40 million copies, and easily outside the Galaxy games, probably combined. If anything 8 million seems a bit low for NSMBUD

I think hes implying objectively better giving the price point and amount of content you get. Which I think you could still argue though Mario Marker is robust.

What I would like to see nintendo do but will never happen is just combine the 2 and have Nintendo keep adding Nintendo designed content. Picture a world map with new islands becoming available.
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