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New Wanda and Colossus screens?















That cliff looks incredible.

And I am waiting to see what Ueda means when he says he wants more "life" in the game.
Love the lighting and washed out look that this has. I always liked that in Ico, and I'm glad to see that they kept that visual style.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
Kiriku said:
I like this screen the most:


Makes you realize how damn big the colossus is. :O

Hahahah I thought the colossus was the horse at first...hahahah that thing is huge!
This game does an incredible job of perspective. Really makes things interesting in the screens. That and it definately has that ultrabrightening and dreamy effect that Ico had.


Holy shit! I haven't seen these screens before. *Drools at the giant castle and the cliff* GONY! (Game of Next Year!)

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Btw, all the pictures released so far, are from a very, very early build. Some things, like shadows for example, look worse than in Ico, but they are still changing and adding things a lot.


they call me "Man Gravy".
lots of aliasing problems, but it's very pretty nonetheless. The sense of scale is stagerring in some of those pictures.


[geek mode=ON]

The collossus reminds me of NUMIDIUM/ANUMIDIUM from TES 2: Daggerfall for some reason.

Yes, that's an obscure reference I don't expect most of you to get (except Steve Meister, who had better get it or he's fired :D).



graphics are technically not that great but the art direction is wonderful

it's a shame this isnt being saved for Playstation3 because then we could have the best of both :/


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
This is the best looking game I have ever seen.

Art >>>> Technical Gloss


GAF's Pleasant Genius
doncale said:
graphics are technically not that great but the art direction is wonderful

it's a shame this isnt being saved for Playstation3 because then we could have the best of both :/

Technically not that great ?!? The amazing lighting and the sheer amount of polygons their engine is pushing (with very far draw distance) make me shiver :p.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
This CAN'T be coming from PS2... wow... ICO kicked ass so let's hope this one plays just as well...
Nice. You guys should buy the new EDGE. Its got a fantastic ICO2 / WANDA editorial. The cover is fantastic too.

as for the black creature / dust thing - yes its in Wanda and sort of links the ICO + WANDA universe.

The game engine is still not finalised - they weren't sure how they're going to implement the meter for grip when you climb the colossus - I've wondered how they were going to pull this off.

also noted this in the editorial

I'd never noticed that in ICO; you get NO Life bar, No exp, no data on screen - but you don't. I guess it is very sublime. Just you; a full screen and the world to explore. :)


I'd so buy this AND the portable version if one exists. Screw the supposed lost of atmosphere, this'll look beautiful on a big screen and in my hands.
jenov4 said:
Wow I didn't know people like you existed! Meaning, people who didn't like ICO!
Sadly, alot of people don't like ICO. Really, I find it hard to sell most of my favorite games to mainstream audiences.

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