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New WWE DoR movies at www.gamingring.com


Well there are a ton more movies on that site, but you have to sign up.

It includes movies of TLC (the person can topple off the ladder and onto the floor outside)
Some more entrances including Cena, Orton, Taker, Kane, Batista, Angle and several others.

And movies of the season mode,including the first with Mr. McMahon.


Well, the site updated with more information on CAW as well as season mode.

Well, first and foremost, it's a tiny feature that I'm sure some folks will find cool, you are able to snap pictures of your CAW to use on the character select/pre-match screen, no longer is he/she a black outline. It gives the game a better feel I would think.

Also in CAW, there are several movesets similar to those in the SmackDown series, and it's confirmed that Austin, Goldberg and Brock's moveset are included.

Season mode seems to be fairly straight forward, you start in the development system, fight a few matches, then coach asks you to complete some matches with specific goals such as under 5 mins, using 2 finishers, countering 2 grapples, etc... Then you move up to Heat, then there is a mini 4 man tourney, your final match is against Matt Hardy, then you impress Vince enough to be given a shot at the big time, you can either join SmackDown or Raw (so atleast you know you got to go through it atleast twice, some replayability), the person joined Raw, but before he could start has to fight Flair (I'm assuming someone different if you join SmackDown), and if you win, you are approached by Evolution the next night (again more choices, I guess the story will branch off somewhat), of course this is after they beat you down.

Well for movies and screens head on over to the site.
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