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NFL unveils Oakley Mouth Shield to combat virus
The Oakley Mouth Shield -- a product designed by doctors and engineers from the NFL and NFL Players Association to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 on the field of play -- is expected to be distributed to all 32 teams over the next week.
In the name of health and safety, NFL players could be sporting a whole new look in 2020.
The Oakley Mouth Shield -- a product designed by doctors and engineers from the NFL and NFL Players Association to mitigate the spread of the coronavirus on the field of play -- is expected to be distributed to all 32 teams over the next week, when it will receive a test drive on a much larger scale than it has gotten to date.
Safety protocol negotiations are ongoing between the league and players. Currently, there is no mandate to wear a face shield, but the NFL's medical experts are advocating for the use of the protective equipment.