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Nightmare Kart - Announcement trailer. (formerly Bloodborne Kart until the sony DMCA)

not like this GIF

hemo memo

You can't die before your death
At the very least you could've looked up the history of this game before making a fool of yourself.

This game started out as Bloodborne Kart until the devs got a letter from Sony.
Yeah so? A dash between blood and borne would solve the issue. It’s not like Bloodborne is unique style to begin with.


So, they had to make up their own characters.

It is kind of silly. This is an indie game. Way to be dicks Sony.

I hope it does well.


One of the better outcomes. It's not like Nintendo, who shuts down entire projects left and right. The dev just needs to strip away the Bloodborne branding and change the characters a little. Game is still coming out.
What the people here had to do was to remove the Bloodborne stuff (they also changed characters etc.) and just kept the gothic theme, which has not been copyrighted by Sony for obvious reasons. People who do Nintendo fan projects could do the same sweeping changes and not get shut down. Most choose to not do it because then there wouldn't be a point in doing it anymore. Which is why those projects then get shut down. Copyright law is not different for Sony's or Nintendo's lawyers.


What the people here had to do was to remove the Bloodborne stuff (they also changed characters etc.) and just kept the gothic theme, which has not been copyrighted by Sony for obvious reasons. People who do Nintendo fan projects could do the same sweeping changes and not get shut down. Most choose to not do it because then there wouldn't be a point in doing it anymore. Which is why those projects then get shut down. Copyright law is not different for Sony's or Nintendo's lawyers.
Nintendo forces them to stop those projects warning them with a lawsuit. It's not only about copyright.


It's not only about copyright.
It is. I have spoken with a lawyer who specializes in these things and he said that the reason why companies go after projects like this is to "actively protect their IP". I haven't understood everything he said since I am not a lawyer but the gist was that if companies (IP holders) "slack" on that for a "long time", claims by others can be made with respect to the usage of elements of the IP where the original IP holder can't do shit about it.


Gold Member
Any company will protect their trademarks (alongside copyrights and trade secrets). If "Bloodborne" is trademarked they are forced to protect it, it's not like copyright where you can do nothing for a decade and then when a project grows big claim copyright violation and request damages, if a trademark is not protected within a short period of time the company is thought to have abandoned it.
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John Bilbo

I think the same developer has also made this BloodbornePSX demake. I tried it today. Seems really cool! It even has a local coop mode.


Now if the Bloodborne Kart got hit with copyright issues it might be just a matter of time this demake gets the same treatment. Might be worth to download it for later if you care about such a thing.


Is this a PlayStation emulated game or just made to look like it?
PS1 textures didn't look that bad. At least not how that bike looks in the video. They are blocky and low-res, yes, but here it feels like they turned that to 11. Not to mention CRTs at the time would filter a lot of that sharpness. Also, PS1 graphics had a lot of dithering and weren't nearly as clean or flat.

Even in 1996 this would look like shit on PS1.
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Weird that there's confusion here, it doesn't make sense that Sony would just allow somebody to profit off of their franchise. Copyright management is a bedraggling mess, unfortunately companies can't just turn the other way (even if they wanted to) when their IP is played with, even if it's as clearly un-canon as a kart game based on a mature action title.

Kind of a shame that publishers don't (or can't?) embrace this kind of indie tribute micro-game market though. There are a bazillion indie studios out there who would happily do the games that big publishers can't/won't make anymore (or weird spin-off works like this which are just for the sake of nostalgia and fun.) It's happened a few times where publishers tested allowance of official licenses for their brands; my favorite was when the Serious Sam rights holders allowed the "Indie Series" and we got a bunch of crazy 2D games from folks like Vlambeer and Mommy's Best Games and Be-Rad Entertainment. Capcom and SEGA also once or twice signed indie projects (Capcom signed a bootleg Street Fighter beat-em-up to be official for free once, and that The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog thing was internally produced but was the kind of thing they could do more of.) Also, Square Enix Foundation did an attempt at this by opening itself to pitches for new games in the dormant Gex, Fear Effect, and Anachronox IPs, but only Fear Effect ever got touched (badly) and that whole deal fizzled out before taking off.


The economics are likely harder than it's worth to allow these indies into working with their brands, unfortunately. But I could see this being a worthwhile avenue of reinvigorating brands, if only these publishers allowed themselves and their fans to have a little fun.


Huh? it 100% about copyright.
I mean when Nintendo warn you they will sue you if you don't stop, you stop, even if you can remove those assets from Nintendo. You are underestimating Nintendo lawyers. You will lose all money you have and you don't have only defending yourself.

Codes 208

One of the better outcomes. It's not like Nintendo, who shuts down entire projects left and right. The dev just needs to strip away the Bloodborne branding and change the characters a little. Game is still coming out.
Im pretty sure any nintendo fan project could do the same thing if the gameplay wasnt directly tied to what it based off of

Thats how we got Croc (which was originally going to be a yoshi 3d platformer)
I'd be down for that. It could even have up to four players coop.
If I was really being demanding, I'd want all the stuff Modnation Racers pulled off. Even the custom karts and sharing for free, etc. Let alone the campaign with boss fights.
The customization in MK8 is archaic.
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