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Nintendogs - Has anyone seen media?


This is my first time to hear about the game and to see media for it.
It looks like the 'pikachu' and 'tomagochi' pet thing and seems like it could be a lot of fun if enough ideas are poured into it. Maybe a nice extra packed in with that drawing/chat program.


Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
Yey! About time. Everyone was going "Oh it was at E3, this is nothing new" when it was on game lists, but none of them took any damn pictures of it.

Could be good, it's the sort of game the DS is perfect for.


I was looking for larger versions of those pics all morning. I suck at the internet today.

Anyway, it looks pretty cool. I've always dug virtual pets (was the first on my block to have a tamagotchi, as I got mine from japan), so I'll have to keep an eye on this one.

Damn good graphics BTW. The smaller images of those dogs are a bit photorealistic.


Hopefully they don't pull a Nintendo and sell breeds individually.

1. (NDS - Nintendo) Nintendogs - Beagle
2. (NDS - Nintendo) Nintendogs - Pug
3. (NDS - Nintendo) Nintendogs - Boston Terrier


hyperbolically metafictive
i like dogs, but that's creepy. they shouldn't have attempted photorealism on ps1 level hardware. something more stylized wouldn't inspire such revulsion.


Queen of Denmark
drohne said:
i like dogs, but that's creepy. they shouldn't have attempted photorealism on ps1 level hardware. something more stylized wouldn't inspire such revulsion.
I don't know, I think the dog is sort of cute. :)

I also want to see how it animates. IMO, that's the true make-or-break factor in making a model of a real-life creature look "creepy" (versus accurate).

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
It looks great!

I sure hope the dog comes down onto the bottom screen so you can tickle it and pat its head and stuff though.

Kon Tiki

human5892 said:
I don't know, I think the dog is sort of cute. :)

I also want to see how it animates. IMO, that's the true make-or-break factor in making a model of a real-life creature look "creepy" (versus accurate).

There was a video at the e3 conference.


There should be a very short clip of this available somewhere, as it was on the rolling NDS demotape Nintendo had at E3 (but only very briefly)

This game uses voice recognition too, BTW. You can shout orders at your nintendog :)


Mama Smurf said:
It looks great!

I sure hope the dog comes down onto the bottom screen so you can tickle it and pat its head and stuff though.

That would be awesome. This is the kind of stuff that would make the DS a unique experince.


hyperbolically metafictive
haha, can you imagine? picking up your stylus and prodding what appears to be a puppy's skin stretched over some rocks? as it looks at you with those horrible imploded eyes? it's ghoulish.

we all know what the ds really needs.



That would be cool. Maybe when the producer finishes Odama for the GCN he can be convinced to do Seaman for the DS. I would be surprised if the idea hasn't already crossed his mind.


Queen of Denmark
drohne said:
haha, can you imagine? picking up your stylus and prodding what appears to be a puppy's skin stretched over some rocks? as it looks at you with those horrible imploded eyes? it's ghoulish.

we all know what the ds really needs.

Well, I've seen people grow pretty attached to eight pixels representing some kind of blob that provides almost no stimulation to the user (aside from changing forms once or twice, and spewing virtual crap all over its screen periodically), so I don't think it's that big a stretch to imagine a similar situation with a polygonal dog. ;)


force push the doodoo rock
drohne said:
haha, can you imagine? picking up your stylus and prodding what appears to be a puppy's skin stretched over some rocks? as it looks at you with those horrible imploded eyes? it's ghoulish.

we all know what the ds really needs.



and hell if they are gonna make a dog game atleast include a welsh corgi :(


Who's making this?

It looks almost exactly like Konami's DogStation for the PS2, which is actually kind of fun if you like dogs.
human5892 said:
Well, I've seen people grow pretty attached to eight pixels representing some kind of blob that provides almost no stimulation to the user (aside from changing forms once or twice, and spewing virtual crap all over its screen periodically), so I don't think it's that big a stretch to imagine a similar situation with a polygonal dog. ;)

It's called an imagination. I think gamers feel that the game should create everything for them, well some do. But others, like myself, enjoyed the pet rock days, and the tamagotchies. Your mind worked moreso than the game itself. It's all about the creating a personality, the emotion, the love and whatnot.

Take a step out of realism and literal meanings for some time. Books are the same, and I see people reading less and watching more. Age old gripe, but it exists none the same.

Anywho, Nintendogs looks great, and the dogs look quite real, of course not perfect (why should they be?), but I'm quite happy with it. I honestly hope we can get a video of all the methods of interaction.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
It's Nintendo.

I assume this game is the reason the Pikachu thing was just a demo and hasn;t been turned into a game, despite looking so great.


Tag of Excellence
I love virtual pets (and real ones too) so this is naturally an instant purchase for me if it proves to be worthwhile. I'd think my girlfriend and her neice would not stop playing with this thing.

Nice visual drohne, it actually made me laugh then feel horrible for the puppy.


hyperbolically metafictive
that's precisely it: this attempts a crude realism rather than engaging the imagination. something more sophisticated might be engaging in its resemblance to an actual puppy, while something simpler and more stylized could suggest a puppy without inviting comparison to the real thing. that thing's caught in some alienating, cadaverous middle.


Oh shit - it's Nyan to Wonderful DS!


FnordChan, who is still scarred from the PlayStation version of Nyan to Wonderful


I wonder if the dog will deficate. Perhaps we will have to use the stylus to scoop virtual puppy poop.
drohne said:
that's precisely it: this attempts a crude realism rather than engaging the imagination. something more sophisticated might be engaging in its resemblance to an actual puppy, while something simpler and more stylized could suggest a puppy without inviting comparison to the real thing. that thing's caught in some alienating, cadaverous middle.

Haha, there I can agree, but they can jsut call it a Nintendog rather than a dog persay and no one would be able to make such a comparison. (I wish.) Anyways, it looks like a dog, and much like a real one. I don't really think there will be much of a problem unless someone is nitpicky about perfection and tries to run this on a large screen and admire all the inperfections.

In all honesty, I would find it utterly creepy if these dogs looked perfect. I don't see a cute little puppy worth petting. I see a devil ready to unleash its terror upon the world and recreate Cats & Dogs for our own entertainment. We don't want that.


I was thinking that it would be cool if it allowed you to fight your dogs in a pit, but I suppose they will save that for Pokemon :)

Speaking of which, I'll bet that all the interaction you had with that Pikachu Genki De Chu DS game (petting your Pika and whatnot) ends up as a side feature in whatever version of Pokemon (my bet is on a Stadium title) ends up on the NDS.


hyperbolically metafictive
i expect the nintendo version of doghood to be untroubled by poop, death, fighting, and indeed fucking. doghood sentimentalized.

there is an unsentimental virtual pet, of course. his name is seaman. he is a hero for our time.


not a medical professional
If it IS like tamagoctchi... I wonder if the dog will leave big steaming piles, and welcome you with golden showers.

It better, or I'll be pissed (no pun intended... heh)

edit: drohne beat me to it.
Shit is a vital part of Japanese humor. There were at least TWO games in Made In Wario that featured shit. The dog will shit.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
I hope it pisses all over the screen sometimes and you have to train it not to. But until it learns, you have to wipe the screen clean with the stylus.

I should so work at Nintendo.


Gold Member
Lost Weekend said:
Japanese shit frightens me. They always make it look like icecream. It's not right!

They just are a more aesthetically aware population. I bet their shit looks just like that. Comparing Japanese shit to US shit is like comparing the looks of sushi and cheeseburgers.


hyperbolically metafictive
hahaha. that's the most devastating parody of geek japanophilia i've ever read. i'm sure there are people on this board who'd insist that japanese shit doesn't stink.

but to get back to nintendogs: look at made in wario's visual style and then look at this. they're both japanese, but they come from totally different worldviews. this worldview will not accomodate dogshit. the dog will not shit. i'm sure of it.


I don't know, but this is one of the most entertaining threads i've read in a while. The great shit debate.


Nintendogs is a game. It's been announced as such several times since E3.

(edit: oh you're talking about your dog humping sim. Carry on then :))

(edit 2: I think you just came up with the first GUI for a potential NDS porn game. Itagaki beware)


Junior Member

"u_neekActually it's not a game - it's just a tech demo like that Sonic one"

Photo shop madness, that is the funniest thing I have seen for months!

I have actually played this "dog typing/tamagoti" arcade game in Japan. Had a good time with it, almost like "Typing of the Dead"-->



Bigger version from NP:


NP has some great stuff this month! Like a MGS comic...





FortNinety said:
Pics please!

If only I could find pics of Nyan to Wonderful to share with you, I would. Just take my word for it - it's terrifying, in an excessively cute, pet-sim sort of way.

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