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No Online Play in GT4



And thusly ends the reign of Gran Turismo.

I was a college student and PC gamer who had given up consoles in lieu of Quake, Everquest, etc.

When my fellow car-enthusiast and cousin started talking about this 'Gran Turismo' game, I had to go out and get it - and a Playstation to play it on.

And indeed, when the Playstation 2 came out, I didn't really feel the need to get it -- until the groundbreaking Gran Turismo 3 came out.

However, I went on to play Project Gotham 2. I found the car customization lacking, and controls a little iffy, and the physics a little sketchy. But damn, was that online mode the most adrenalin-inducing automotive experience I'd ever had!

An Xbox purchase later, I'm a full XBL convert. And I started to get _very_ concerned when, for any given GT4 preview, three pages of copy were devoted to 'Photo Mode', and one sentence to Online Mode.

I sort of grudgingly came to the conclusion that I'd probably have to shell out the cash for GT4, PLUS the cash for the PS2 online adapter, just to make sure that GT4 wasn't going to be better than Forza.

Now, I suppose, I don't have to.





Blah, I did a search, couldn't find anything.

I guess I was surprised that there wasn't MORE outrage about this in the Forums, and that I'd have to dig into the forums to even find a mention.

Are the fanboys not upset about this? Or do they just all play single-player?



I don't think he is reporting the news, but rather sharing a personal anecdote about the impact of this event on financial and emotional well-being.


why give all the bs backstory. If you aren't buying GT4 cause of lack of online you never were a fan of the game. But joke accounts/topics are actually amusing now and again :)


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
I thought all the turncoats voiced their opinion about the online mode getting removed. Yeah, thats right. Anybody who doesn't want GT4 anymore is a turncoat. I said it.


rollin' in the gutter
Kordos said:
Alright then, how about a link, Captain Forum Dweller?

Fiesty little bugger, ain't he?

edit: oh yeah, you could have search for forza too, since any thread containing either of the games would turn into a GT4 vs. Forza battle.


BuddyChrist - Thanks. My bad for not searching well enough.

Wario64 - No, I wasn't trolling, I was looking for some people who were sympathetic to my perspective (former GT3/PS2 fans disappointed beyond return to PS2 fandom).

kpop100 - Not a fan on the game? Look, kid, I was playing GT2 religiously back in early 2000, found a forum online where people would tune their car, compare times, all that stuff.

Polyphony has let us, the hardcore fans, down. I don't know... perhaps it will take a western developer to provide a complete (read: multiplayer) driving experience. It's a shame, because once upon a time no one else was close to what Polyphony was doing.


In what will be be my only serious contribution to this entire issue, I honestly wouldn't be surprised to see a "Gran Turismo Online" bonus disc that uses the GT4 save game data and offers new cars, courses, and of course, online play.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
BuddyChrist83 said:
In what will be be my only serious contribution to this entire issue, I honestly wouldn't be surprised to see a "Gran Turismo Online" bonus disc that uses the GT4 save game data and offers new cars, courses, and of course, online play.

Yeah, but is that solution or more of a problem? Some would love to just get an online version by any means possible. Others think they should get the online version this year with one purchase. Are we getting milked like ripe juicy cows?

Ranger X


TOCA Race Driver 2 (the type of game that deserves to sell but lacks in marketing) does everything GT do pretty good and does everything that GT don't. I mean, i'm fucking serious here. It's my surprise of the year.

8 player online ( 12 players on Xbox )
Voice chat anytime
Friends list
Figh score table
Famage engine
Cockpit view
True weather (and not just a track setting)
21 cars at the same time
50 real circuits
Catalunya ( Ps2 exclusive )

Until Forza of a online Gran Turismo, TOCA 2 is the best racer around.
Kordos and anyone else complaining with racing games right now should shut the fuck up and buy this title and have fun online (or offline) instead of getting frustrated on a gaming board.


Grizzlyjin said:
Yeah, but is that solution or more of a problem? Some would love to just get an online version by any means possible. Others think they should get the online version this year with one purchase. Are we getting milked like ripe juicy cows?
Damnit you, this makes two.

I don't know why online was taken out. If it's because they wanted the game out this Christmas and it wasn't going to be ready, well, who knows. Are they going to keep pegging away at it? Is it already done? No one really knows.

If the rumors are to be believed, well, better now than never I guess. Especially if they were having massive problems, which is what the rumors make it seem. The sales that Sony loses from the game not having online pale in comparision to what would likely happen if they delayed the game another year and released it with online play. No one will know either way, really, but it makes sense if online was the chunk holding the game back.

And if they release an append disc later, well then maybe we can be a family again.


works for Gamestop (lol)
Did they state any reason why online mode was taken out? It seems that Polphony couldn't get online finished in time to get it released by the end of the year, and they didn't want to delay since they didn't want to lose sales from skipping the holiday season.

I wouldn't mind a cheap add-on disc for online play, like Sega GT Online. I'm sure they would include some extra stuff to make it worth it. The add-on would have to be cheap though, like $20


Yeah, it had to be to make the Christmas season.

And I do understand the business reasons for it -- I just wish Polyphony would put the focus into next-gen online that they did into next-gen racing.

And to all you guys cracking wise about my missing the news - sorry, I was out of the country and away from the net for a week. Seriously. Won't happen again :).



Wario64 said:
Did they state any reason why online mode was taken out? It seems that Polphony couldn't get online finished in time to get it released by the end of the year, and they didn't want to delay since they didn't want to lose sales from skipping the holiday season.

I wouldn't mind a cheap add-on disc for online play, like Sega GT Online. I'm sure they would include some extra stuff to make it worth it. The add-on would have to be cheap though, like $20

It would be preferable if they released GT4:Online as the full GT4 + online... and gave customers that traded in GT4 a healthy rebate, as well as replacing GT4 entirely with it.


Kordos said:
Yeah, it had to be to make the Christmas season.

And I do understand the business reasons for it -- I just wish Polyphony would put the focus into next-gen online that they did into next-gen racing.

And to all you guys cracking wise about my missing the news - sorry, I was out of the country and away from the net for a week. Seriously. Won't happen again :).


It wasn't the lateness, but your attitude... OH NOES NO ONLINE GT4 IS DOOMED!

Well guess what buddy... no Force Feedback wheels on the Xbox.


Junior Member
Zaptruder said:
It wasn't the lateness, but your attitude... OH NOES NO ONLINE GT4 IS DOOMED!

Well guess what buddy... no Force Feedback wheels on the Xbox.

:lol Nice!
Kordos said:
Alright then, how about a link, Captain Forum Dweller?

:lol :lol

for real, you people need to lose the "HES A JUNIOR MEMBER, THUS HES SHIT" attitude. a lot of people can't spend 23/7 on the forum, so give them a break.
Kordos said:
BuddyChrist - Thanks. My bad for not searching well enough.

Wario64 - No, I wasn't trolling, I was looking for some people who were sympathetic to my perspective (former GT3/PS2 fans disappointed beyond return to PS2 fandom).

kpop100 - Not a fan on the game? Look, kid, I was playing GT2 religiously back in early 2000, found a forum online where people would tune their car, compare times, all that stuff.

Polyphony has let us, the hardcore fans, down. I don't know... perhaps it will take a western developer to provide a complete (read: multiplayer) driving experience. It's a shame, because once upon a time no one else was close to what Polyphony was doing.

You know, I was somewhat sympathetic with your honest mistake until the last paragraph.

People act as if Polyphony did this on purpose. You know, I'm almost certain they were hating themselves when they passed the word initially. Anyone one who's paid a bit of attention to their work would know that they care about their fans.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Kordos, report us back in couple of months when you find out that Forza runs at only 30FPS, and that you'll be abandoning it towards something on the PC.


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
Zaptruder said:
It wasn't the lateness, but your attitude... OH NOES NO ONLINE GT4 IS DOOMED!

Well guess what buddy... no Force Feedback wheels on the Xbox.

30FPS! DoOmed!


Kordos said:
kpop100 - Not a fan on the game? Look, kid, I was playing GT2 religiously back in early 2000, found a forum online where people would tune their car, compare times, all that stuff.

All the way back in 2000?! No, surely not! No one was ALIVE then!

Ranger X

Gek54 said:
TOCA RD2 also has some very nice AI. And it looks like real 60fps reflections.

This forum is sooooooo lacking in TOCA2 love!!! WAKE UP GUYS!!!
Help me entice people in playing this game Gek!

Musashi Wins!

TOCA 2 is the hotness, I played it for awhile on Xbox. It was fun in single player, but a blast online as you could participate in many different, well-done racing styles. You really had to be a smart driver to succeed.
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