A couple of standout episodes in this one:
(mild spoilers)
Two Tony's: The start to season 5 was great IMO; the bear was a great contrast to the ducks of season 1 and seeing AJ reduced from a angsty teenager to a kid crying "moooommmy" was great. The best part though was Paulie and Chris's friction. Reminded me of Pine Barrens.
Irregular around the Margins: The most tense episode of season 5. Absolutely terrific.
Unidentified Black Males: A couple of revelations in this one that were pretty OMGWTF. I also loved Tony's quote after he outpours in therapy he says
Tony: "you know, sometimes what happens in here is like taking a shit."
Melfi: "Okay, I like to think of it more like child birth."
Tony: "It's like taking a shit."
Long Term Parking: This was the one that made me go "oh, so THAT's what Season 4 was for!"