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Nomad 30 GB for $209.00

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Somebody tell me why I shouldn't get it. Please. Or at least a pro/con of this model.

Doth Togo

I paid $240.00 for mine including shipping. This price is awesome. I LOVE my Nomad Zen Xtra 30gig. Get it, man. No regrets...

Doth Togo

That photo up there makes it look huge.

An exact measurement of it is:



That's length and width. Depth is:


800x600 resolution.
Save $100 and just get an iPod. Not only is it superior in terms of hardware quality, it will get you chicks. Plus the scroll wheel is just too damn cool.
-Best sounding DAP (subjective but most agree it's a tie between this and the karma)
-Replaceble Battery(or am I mistaken?)
-Replacable Hardrive (eventually when you want to)

-A percentage have faulty headphone jacks, but apparettly(sp?) the fixed this on the newer models.
-Creative Firmware not the best....
-Asthetically meh.....
-MP3,WMA, WAV only
-30 day warranty but I think now they have upgraded it to a 1 year warranty
-Could even be still cheaper when the touch comes out....

That's all I can think of..


Doth Togo said:
That photo up there makes it look huge.

An exact measurement of it is:



That's length and width. Depth is:


That will change depending on what resolution you are running. Are you at 1024x768?


Some comparison pics I took when I owned both:



The iPod is way more pocket-friendly but the Zen kicks its arse in regards to sound quailty.


I LUUUUURVE my 40 gig Zen. Best purchase I ever made. I'm probably still gonna get an ipod at some point later this year, but hot damn the Zen is good stuff. I'm actually transferring my Richard Prior stand up collection to it as I type.

As far as waiting: I would get it now. But yeah, the price probably will get a little lower.


Defensor said:
Can I use it as a portable HD?

Yes you can. I used it to transfer all my data from my old PC to my new one and I currently use it as a backup HDD (I have a couple gigs of important data on it just in case something ever happens to my PC).


this is completely off-topic, but raoul, i remember u posted a topic about this t-shirt you ordered, where can i get that shirt? it was hilarious!


Mistaken iRobbery!
Mason said:
Yes you can. I used it to transfer all my data from my old PC to my new one and I currently use it as a backup HDD (I have a couple gigs of important data on it just in case something ever happens to my PC).
Okay, any software needed or just plug n' play?


the zen touch screen is 269 on amazon and if you order before august 1st, you get a 50 dollar gift certificate...


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Damn, that's actually tempting...

I need an MP3 player soon, and that's a damn good price. I would prefer an iPod, but I'm also looking grabbing a 1080i DVD player and would rather split the cost a bit.


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I am taking back my rio Karma to Best buy.... Anyone have any words on the the touch screen ones, also, the new Ipods came out today... I am confused and dont know what to get


Defensor said:
Okay, any software needed or just plug n' play?

It comes with two pieces of software, a program with some long, dumb name and something called "Nomad Explorer." Don't even bother installing the one with the fancy name; it's useless. Nomad Explorer lets you select either data or music, and then you just copy n paste or drag n drop from window to window like you would with any other folders.
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