Nothing quite sucks like the limbo of avoiding discussions about a game you KNOW you want to play


I really wanted to pick up FF7 Rebirth at launch, but just never found a good opportunity to pick up a PS5. I’m still honestly shocked they didn’t have a special edition of the console. But the Pro’s price point seems fairly outlandish, the core unit hasn’t really gone down in any meaningful way, and the Anniversary edition consoles sold out (I can’t believe they haven’t found a better system to handle preorders), so it just doesn’t feel like there’s ever been a good “jumping on point”.

Thing is, I’ve been excited for the second game since the moment I finished the first game. I’m actively having to avoid every single gaming podcast, because I know everyone is going to talk about Rebirth, and I don’t want to risk even the most minor of spoilers.

Such a weird place to be; avoiding news about one of the biggest releases of the year, a game I already know I’m going to buy, and may even buy an entire CONSOLE for if I have to.

You guys ever have to endure a “media blackout” on a particular game for a long period of time?


There are very few games with stories good enough for me to go out of my way to avoid spoilers. I won't rush head first into topics looking to be spoiled about things, but if it happens, so be it. There's a lot of fun to be had talking about a game during its zeitgeist.

At least if you're a spoiler sensitive person, you don't just go in the thread anyways and try to bully/brow beat everyone into not talking about stuff for your own sake, so props for that.


Gold Member
No, but I'm not sensitive to story spoilers. I can know how it ends and still enjoy the process of getting there. I can see how it bothers people, though. I'm holding off on playing too far into the new FF7 games until the last chapter releases. While I don't mind spoilers I hate having to wait to continue a story.
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Has Man Musk

Reizo Ryuu

Gold Member
You guys ever have to endure a “media blackout” on a particular game for a long period of time?
Yes, all the time, I basically never watch trailers for anything, not games, not films, not shows...
So it's not really "enduring", it's just normal for me.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
You guys ever have to endure a “media blackout” on a particular game for a long period of time?

The only games I would ever try this for is new Resident Evil titles, but I can't help but watching trailers and Capcom are fucking notorious for adding end-game spoilers in their trailers .. so I've made my peace with it 🤷‍♂️
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Gold Member
I used to care more but I have realized, even when spoiled it doesn't matter much. Most games I look forward to I couldn't care less about the story. PoE 2 is my next game for example. I care about the loot and how fun the grind is.


The only two reasons you need to bite and get a Pro and Rebirth are these: Tifa

If you haven’t seen spoilers, oooh I envy you

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