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Nova Seed - An Independant Animated Film


Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ADm0BSHMeA

I was gifted this film on DVD recently, out of the blue, having never heard of it before, and pretty much felt compelled to make a thread about it to share with others. I'm a huge fan of indie animated films, and much not to my surprise, I loved this one. Check it out if you get the chance.

Reasons I dug it:

  • A passion project by a single animator named Nick DiLiberto, who put a lot of love into this film with a small team
  • A colorful world with colorful characters and fun designs
  • Sound effects that are clearly done by mouth (which ever since I played Panic I've loved the idea of this)
  • A character named Dr. Mindskull

It's cheesy, it's campy, it's an hour long, but I'm not here to critically analyze it, only to gush and plug.

Official Site
Amazon DVD link
Amazon Digital Rental/Buy

Oh, and finally, this guy. I love everything about him:

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