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November OXM review scores


Props to John_Elway (TXB):

Tiger 2005 - 9.3
Fable - 8.9
Otogi 2 - 8.9
Star Wars: Battlefront - 8.2
Nascar 2005 - 7.2
Yager - 5.1
Second Sight - 8.0
Outlaw Golf 2 - 8.0
Pure Pinball - 7.6
Def Jam FFNY - 8.4
Terminator 3 - 8.1
Robotech - 5.9
Conflict Vietnam - 7.0
Midway Arcade 2 - 7.5
Colin 2005 - 8.5
Guy Game 1.5
Deer Hunt 2005 8.2


Doom_Bringer said:
"Yager - 5.1"

ouch! I played the pc version, it was good. Why so low?

I have the europen version..
I guess they had a problem with the controls? Either way I would say the game is more like at least 6-7, considering the scores some other games get from OXM..


"Robotech - 5.9" :(

Does this mean that even a rabid protoculture addict like myself would be unable to enjoy this game?


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Wasn't Yager once held up by folks in one of the old GA forums as THE upcoming Xbox game? WTH happened?

Musashi Wins!

I don't remember anyone hyping Yager quite like that.

These scores suck. Tiger better than Fable? Maybe if you hate games. Second Sight 8.0? Get real. Deer Hunt 8.2? Christ.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
PhatSaqs said:

No seriously wasn't it?!?!??! I vaguely remember a flying game that looked something like Yager that was being touted as this be all end all game... graphically, gameplay-wise etc.... has Yager been around since the Xbox launched in some form or fashion?

If it wasn't Yager then damn WTH was the game I'm thinking of?


DarienA said:
If it wasn't Yager then damn WTH was the game I'm thinking of?
Fable perhaps? Shit I dunno. There have been plenty of games on all systems that were forum hyped and then turn out to dud dud.


Fable - 8.9
Otogi 2 - 8.9
Star Wars: Battlefront - 8.2

The holy trio. Great scores... although I did expect them to be a bit higher.


DarienA said:
No seriously wasn't it?!?!??! I vaguely remember a flying game that looked something like Yager that was being touted as this be all end all game... graphically, gameplay-wise etc.... has Yager been around since the Xbox launched in some form or fashion?

If it wasn't Yager then damn WTH was the game I'm thinking of?

Breed. The original Halo killer.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
open_mouth_ said:
Breed. The original Halo killer.

No man it was a flying game... I'm telling you it was Yager... I AM NOT CRAZY!?!?!??!!?!?


Chili Con Carnage!
I thought Yager was a solid game, not great, but definitely solid. The fact your craft had VTOL made for some interesting gameplay, for my money it was more fun to play than Crimson skies, but unfortunatly it lacked the depth in weapons, planes and general character that Crimson Skies had. It also doesnt have multiplayer (If i recall correctly).

I dont think it was really hyped that much, especially after the announcement that it didnt have a US publisher, considering when it came out, it was damned impressive graphically. I think there were a few threads about how good it looked.

Musashi Wins!

enjoy bell woods said:
That Terminator game is getting good and horrible scores. What's the verdict?

You know, as a lark I took the second Terminator 3 game home the other night (2 games, same title, company, wtf?) because I heard it was good...and it is! Not great, but it is good. Looks nice, fun to control, its a rail type shooter/action game that is hard as hell in parts. Definitely worth a bargain bin pick up because that's where it's headed. Don't bother with the first Terminator 3 game.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
enjoy bell woods said:
You're thinking of the right game. People were saying the visuals were photorealistic.

Oh god thank you, I'm not crazy.... ok well I probably am... but I at least remember this correctly......


DarienA said:
No man it was a flying game... I'm telling you it was Yager... I AM NOT CRAZY!?!?!??!!?!?

Yager has been around for a long time. Back when Xbox was in its infancy, we saw a lot of Yager screens... and they looked damn good. There was definitely some hype for it, but I don't remember it being sustained hype. I don't even remember anything being said about the European release. It just kind of faded away.


being watched
enjoy bell woods said:
That Terminator game is getting good and horrible scores. What's the verdict?

Good fun, with nice Terminator atmosphere. But it's damn hard in places. Think old skool hard.
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