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NRA, Democrats and White House for regulation on bump stocks, GOP on the fence


BREAKING: NRA calls on federal government to review whether bump stocks comply with law, should be subject to further regulation.
BREAKING: White House spokeswoman welcomes NRA saying it's open to regulation of bump stocks, says it wants conversation on issue.
The Latest: NRA says 'bump stocks' device that the Las Vegas shooter used should be subject to more regulations.

Senior congressional Republicans say they are open to considering legislation banning “bump stocks” like the shooter in Las Vegas apparently used to make semi-automatic rifles perform more like fully automatic weapons.

The Wednesday comments from lawmakers including the No. 2 Senate Republican, John Cornyn of Texas, marked a surprising departure from GOP lawmakers’ general antipathy to gun regulations of any kind. But they were far from a guarantee of a path forward for the new legislation by California Sen. Dianne Feinstein, especially with Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and House Speaker Paul Ryan making clear their priorities are elsewhere.

The top Republican in the House says he’s open to considering a possible ban on “bump stocks,” the device the shooter in Las Vegas apparently used to make semi-automatic rifles perform more like fully automatic weapons.

Speaker Paul Ryan said in an interview with MSNBC that aired Thursday it’s “clearly something we need to look into.”

The National Rifle Association says the “bump stocks” device that the Las Vegas shooter used to turn semi-automatic rifles into fully automated weapons should be “subject to additional regulations.”

In a statement on Thursday, the NRA says the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives should immediately review whether these devices comply with federal law.

The organization which holds a powerful sway over members of Congress dismissed some of the initial response from lawmakers who have pressed for more gun control.

Said the NRA: “Banning guns from law-abiding Americans based on the criminal act of a madman will do nothing to prevent future attacks.”

The statement came from NRA leaders Wayne LaPierre and Chris Cox.


"subject to additional regulations"

How about uh, just banning them?

And its cute the NRA think its doing something.


The NRA statement is what you would expect:


That's good and needs to be done...but it's a great way to make it look like you're doing something yet not doing anything at all by not addressing the larger issue.

NRA is safe - I don't believe bump stocks are made by the manufacturers and, even if they are, are so minuscule in their bottom line they'd take the hit to save face.


NRA: "They can only come in two colors. NOT green. Yuck!"

They're doing this to head off any more serious tackling of gun violence. It going to be "Wow, it's fucking nothing!"
It does nothing? Proven "time and time again" by "countries around the world"?

I'm sorry, Australia, all your spiders dictate that you are not really a country, just a big spider den.


The position attributed to the GOP lawmakers in the article seems to be essentially the same as that of the NRA and the White House, so I'm not sure I understand the distinction made in the thread title.


Not surprised the NRA is for this. It doesn't affect like 99.9% of gun owners that don't have one and never heard of one. Literally the only time I think one has ever been used in a crime. Of course it should be banned but that won't really solve much. Much more needs to be done.

They trying to get some positive media, don't fall for it.

NRA is racist trash. I say this as an owner of a few guns.


lip-service to the real issue. Tossing it out there so people will think they care.

Hilarious that the GOP are on the fence about it.


As Sartre noted in his contemplation on Hell in No Exit, the true horror is other members.
Pardon my ignorance, but are theses complex device that can be regulated? Or a hunk of material in a specific shape, that could be 3D printed or carved from wood even?

They seem like the latter to me, functional only due to the form and function of semi-automatic assault rifles themselves.

But I've never held a gun personally, IDK


Banning these devices seems like a no brainer to me. I feel stupid for believing all the shit gun advocates said about them being useless.

They are useless as a practical device. They cause reliability issues and cause the gun to bounce all over the place, making for fire that's less than accurate. There's no sporting purpose or application for them. It's a dumb range toy that I had always feared would be re-purposed as a tool to kill a lot of people. There was no reason for them to exist as anything other than way to skirt existing laws. Ban them.

Same for binary triggers, which are equally absurd.

Pardon my ignorance, but are theses complex device that can be regulated? Or a hunk of material in a specific shape, that could be 3D printed or carved from wood even?

They seem like the latter to me, functional only due to the form and function of semi-automatic assault rifles themselves.

But I've never held a gun personally, IDK

Just need the ATF to issue a clarification on the "one pull, one shot" definition that a lot of these devices are purposefully avoiding.


Pardon my ignorance, but are theses complex device that can be regulated? Or a hunk of material in a specific shape, that could be 3D printed or carved from wood even?

They seem like the latter to me, functional only due to the form and function of semi-automatic assault rifles themselves.

But I've never held a gun personally, IDK

They can easily be and have been 3D printed.
It’s a start either banning them or moving them to the Class 3 restrictions is acceptable.

This is also testament to why gun laws work, thus wouldn’t have been committed with the restrictions that automatic weapons have, and because these devices were in regulated it allows them to be used in an attack.


Why does the NRA immediately jump to "gun control = banning guns"? They're not the same thing, assholes.

Because if they equate those two words then their followers will equate those two words and we will have no gun control. It turns it into a very simple us vs them argument.

Almost every argument I've seen in the last few days has had some dumb conservative basically starting the argument assuming "gun control = banning guns" from bitching about Jimmy Kimmel being a hypocrite to saying "maybe we should just ban cars too!"

That's why the NRA does it. That's how they've always done it. Anyone that wants even a little bit of regulations is coming for your guns. That's their sinister real goal. It gets everyone scared and means they make a ton when some democrat gets into office even though there's no fucking way a democrat would ever actually ban guns nor have many even suggested it.


Junior Member
Said the NRA: ”Banning guns from law-abiding Americans based on the criminal act of a madman will do nothing to prevent future attacks."
Funny wording there. It was a Law-abiding citizen who purchased 30+ weapons in the span of a year, along with ammunition and bump-stocks then proceeded to commit the most deadly Mass Shooting in US history using his legally purchased equipment.
They are useless as a practical device. They cause reliability issues and cause the gun to bounce all over the place, making for fire that's less than accurate. There's no sporting purpose or application for them. It's a dumb range toy that I had always feared would be re-purposed as a tool to kill a lot of people. There was no reason for them to exist as anything other than way to skirt existing laws. Ban them.

Same for binary triggers, which are equally absurd.

Just need the ATF to issue a clarification on the "one pull, one shot" definition that a lot of these devices are purposefully avoiding.

Ok gotcha. But people would point out how fucked up it was that these things were on the market only to be told they weren't an issue because they were impractical. What I misunderstood is that they only meant impractical to hobbyists, not spree shooters firing into a crowd of people.
Funny wording there. It was a Law-abiding citizen who purchased 30+ weapons in the span of a year, along with ammunition and bump-stocks then proceeded to commit the most deadly Mass Shooting in US history using his legally purchased equipment.

Yeah, if that statement from the NRA was true, why would they support regulation on bump stocks?


Ok gotcha. But people would point out how fucked up it was that these things were on the market only to be told they weren't an issue because they were impractical. What I misunderstood is that they only meant impractical to hobbyists, not spree shooters firing into a crowd of people.

There has been a noticeable uptick in devices meant to give the finger to NFA rules in recent years, partly due to ATF apathy. Bumpfire stocks, binary triggers, and 'pistol braces' that are essentially just stocks that have a provision to fit on your wrist that let you buy a rifle in a pistol length, but shoulder it for more accurate fire. Once the ATF issued a letter that you can shoulder these devices legally, nearly every manufacturer started pumping out 'pistols' that are actually full size rifles with short barrels. These would normally qualify as SBRs under the NFA, but gun makers found a way around it with a complicit ATF.

The ATF can cut down on 99% of this bullshit by re-clarifying the rule that says one pull must equal one shot. The literal interpretation of this being that it's okay if a device bounces the gun around so it goes automatic, so long as it pulls the trigger each time. Or, for binary triggers, firing on the release of the trigger, not the pull, effectively doubling the fire rate.

Never underestimate the willingness of nutters to pursue devices which clearly are meant to skirt existing laws. Most gun channels will whine openly about the NFA and how unconstitutional it is. That's how you know it works. This shooter couldn't secure legal automatics so he had to use cheap devices to do it. Enforce the laws.
Yeah, but the people that voted for him are lost and not unitable.

Well at least he unites, everyone else against Trump. The world is more against Trump more than ever! But yeah Trump just saying his usual "unite make great again" bullshit, which means he has no idea what's going on.


I'm glad Grandpa porked a Chinese Muslim
You don't even NEED a bump stock to do this. I recall reading something about Richard Winters marveling at somebody in Easy showing him how to fire a Garand in what looked like full-auto (for what 8 shots would be worth anyway) but not quite remembering how they did it. Many people figured it was just bump firing. Sure, it might make it a bit more accurate, but when you've got 22,000+ people enfiladed on lower ground, it really is like the proverbial fish in a barrel.


Bump Stock and Gat Cracks are literally range toys in the purest sense.

Anyone arguing otherwise is just making gun owners seem like they're taking a bad faith stance on the regulations. Everyone knows the limitations on autos, everyone wants one but obviously no one wants to fuck with the expensive ass hurdles to get a real one, so take the cheap out route and mess with a 'almost auto, but legally not' setup through cheap mods.

You know the line, doing backflips to justify working around it makes you look silly.


They are useless as a practical device. They cause reliability issues and cause the gun to bounce all over the place, making for fire that's less than accurate. There's no sporting purpose or application for them. It's a dumb range toy that I had always feared would be re-purposed as a tool to kill a lot of people. There was no reason for them to exist as anything other than way to skirt existing laws. Ban them.

Same for binary triggers, which are equally absurd.

Just need the ATF to issue a clarification on the "one pull, one shot" definition that a lot of these devices are purposefully avoiding.

Eh, I'd say with practice they're pretty damn similar to real full-auto. I have a Fostech Bumpski on an AK-47 and I'm pretty accurate with it. I also haven't had any reliability issues. But you're right that I can't really justify it as being anything other than a dumb range toy.

A ban is probably for the best. I just hope we get clarification soon on some kind of buyback program or if existing stocks can be registered with the ATF, because the one I have was around $450.
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