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NukeZone - net based strategy game


I tried this thread a while back but got no replies :( However I thought Id mention it one more time seeing as the new round of Nukezone has just recently started.
The website for the game is here >nukzone<
The whole thing is text based (dont let that put you off) and the objective is to build up your province and join a clan then either go for points (from clan wars) or try to make you province worth loads of money. Its all based on real units and you can have ground, sea or air units, a load of defense buildings, satellites (spy, laser, research) and different missiles. Youve also gotta manage research and can use spies, thieves and snipers on enemies.
Everyone should give this a go and look past it being text based, it becomes extremely addictive once you have a clan going. Each round goes on for about 3 months so now is the best time to sign up =)


Well it is more addictive than you would think. But dont worry about wasting too much time cause its all turn based and after you use your initial 200 turns you only get one every 20 minutes and extra turns for inviting players and getting lots of points.
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