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NWA TNA show today

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FSN Bay Area Friday 3pm
FSN Chicago Friday 4pm ET/3pm CT
FSN Midwest Friday 4pm ET/3pm CT
FSN Ohio Friday 3pm
FSN South Friday 3pm ET/2pm CT
FSN Southwest Friday 3pm
FSN Detroit Friday 3pm
FSN Florida Friday 3pm ET/2pm CT
FSN New York Tuesday 2:30pm
FSN North - Minnesota Friday 3pm
FSN North - Wisconsin Friday 3pm CT/2pm MT
FSN Arizona Friday 4pm PT/3pm MT
FSN Northwest Friday 3pm
FSN Pittsburgh Friday 3pm* (starts June 11)
FSN Rocky Mountain Friday 3pm
FSN New England Friday 3pm
FSN West Friday 3pm
Comcast Sports Net Philadelphia Saturday Midnight
Comcast Sports Net Mid-Atlantic Saturday 4am


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
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This show looks pretty good. AJ Styles vs Mr. Aguila(Essa Rios) and a 5 man X Division match seem to be the highlights. Support TNA!


It was a pretty good show. I like that they basically use all the time on WRESTLING. I think today's show had five matches. A lot of times, that's more matches than WWE has on their two hour shows. I got a chuckle out of Jarrett hitting Dusty Rhodes with the guitar. Dusty was all like "you don't want none of this" then Jarrett just cracks him over the head. Good stuff. I hope people are watching this...
I still havent caught Impact, but I do regularly catch TNA on Wednesday nights, which I find to be usually a pretty fun show.. For a long while, I only watched TNA to get my wrestling fix, every wednesday 7-9 like clock work.

but this year, i have been WWE all the way.. sinec the last royal rumble actually, which I thought was amazing.. and wrestlemania was amazing, and then I was hooked, I dont catch the weekly shows much, but I catch all the PPV's, and I have loved them all.. bad blood was the worst of them all, and I didnt like it the first time watching it, but now after watching it a few times.. that last match with HHH/michaels was amazing,.. the eugene match was fun.. the benoit/kane match was good, and I am a huge randy orton fan..

randy ortons match with mic foley a PPV or two ago was one of the most amazing matches I have ever seen.
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