He was setup by dems. No I'm not kidding.
Wait, holy shit what a shift.
Obama is a master!
He was setup by dems. No I'm not kidding.
Wait, holy shit what a shift.
Holy shit even fox news isn't completely spinning it.
Trump, Jr. smart to release emails. Tabloid guy set him up w Russian lawyer who promised Hillary dirt. She didn't deliver. That's the story.
I'm in the UK. On a 1-10 scale, how bad is this for Trump? BBC over here called it devastating.
What's the "outside council", some convenient time and space vortex where they can dump all inconvenient questions?
Of course he'll be on Hannity tonight to help calm all of their fearsThe front page of foxnews. Pretty big development
i think MSNBC is throwing some shade Sarah Huckabee Sanders...that pick of her is a little unflattering, Fox and CNN have a better pick of her
or am I overreacting?
I'm in the UK. On a 1-10 scale, how bad is this for Trump? BBC over here called it devastating.
Yeah the Right and their media would never stoop to painting Obama or Hillary like the devil!The problem is that the media and the left has been painting him as the devil for like 2 years. It's been constant. The world was supposed to end on inauguration day if they were right.
6 months later and the world hasn't ended. We're still here. And the left and the media are still at it.
To put it simply, it's the modern version of The Boy Who Cried Wolf. So yeah, these people are done and will not believe you unless something catastrophic happens.
lol I loved listening to Huckabee being humbled finally. She's been so smug up on the podium, you can tell she knows this is serious now.
They were on air. The guy suggested he may have been setup by democrats.
Also bill o reilly.
The only one I've heard call this a smart move lol
i think MSNBC is throwing some shade Sarah Huckabee Sanders...that pick of her is a little unflattering, Fox and CNN have a better pick of her
or am I overreacting?
Of course he'll be on Hannity tonight to help calm all of their fears
lol I loved listening to Huckabee being humbled finally. She's been so smug up on the podium, you can tell she knows this is serious now.
I love how O'Reilly and other idiots are spinning this.
While I doubt he failed, you are still not supposed to admit that. Fucking morons lol.
Yeah the Right and their media would never stoop to painting Obama or Hillary like the devil!
Guys this is all distraction.
Let us focus on the important stuff. "His name was Seth Rogan!"
They mentioned what she wanted atleast. Repeal of the Magnitsky Act and something about adoption.What was he willing to offer in exchange for the dirt on Clinton? That's what I want to see in a report.
I mean I don't like it either, it's not like I want to defend Trump, but narrative did change around those events. The word "presidential" was used a lot in the media and polls went up for Trump during these.
My point is that American public has attention span of a squirrel.
It's so satisfying to see fox news shut the fuck up for once and actually report what's going on without some dumb Hannity tier spin in the headline. Before jr dropped his emails their headlines were like "no big deal."The front page of foxnews. Pretty big development
I love how O'Reilly and other idiots are spinning this.
While I doubt he failed, you are still not supposed to admit that. Fucking morons lol.
Like it even really matters. I hate trump as much as the next guy but him giving a good speech here and there doesn't do anything, nor does someone media pundit saying he sounded presidential.
Could pence be behind the leaks?
White House press conference soon, can't wait to see all the shot huckabee spews from her lying ass mouth. Wear goggles everyone it's gonna get shitty
The front page of foxnews. Pretty big development
I wonder when the lawyer of the lawyer of the lawyer of xyz person of the Trump campaign/administration will appear
Summer 2019, Tiffany is the new host of The Apprentice, her book "A Traitor's Daughter" is a bestseller. And with everyone else in jail, she's the new head of the Trump Organization, slowly turning its image around.Tiffany turning out to be Keyser Soze would be the best plot twist in the Trump Cinematic Universe. With the way the rest of the family turn out I can't believe the apple falls that far from the tree : /
Yeah I'm pretty sure there's no legal difference in trying to collude vs successfully colluding.
Not to mention more details will likely come out to debunk that argument anyways.
The reason it matters is because American public will dictate what Republicans will do (they need to impeach), and apparently anything around 35% approval is acceptable to them.
Now even Russians are hiring American. MAGA!!!