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Oddworld: Stranger

fennec fox

ferrets ferrets ferrets ferrets FERRETS!!!
is really damn cool. Really.

I mean, gee whiz, Microsoft sure didn't drop this game because it looked or played cool. This is the real deal. Really.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
err.. i'm lost

(probably multiplied by the fact I just finished watching an x-files episode about time acceleration)
fenekku-gitsune said:
is really damn cool. Really.

I mean, gee whiz, Microsoft sure didn't drop this game because it looked or played cool. This is the real deal. Really.
So why did Microsoft drop it?

fennec fox

ferrets ferrets ferrets ferrets FERRETS!!!
MS dropped it probably because it was behind schedule and didn't fit in with their between-platforms strategy.

It looks and plays awesome. Screw the hatarz


First tragedy, then farce.
I think MS dropped it because alot of sequals to games that sold well have been selling like crap for them lately, and they spent a shitload on Rare who will be releasing their first really major Xbox release this year. They dont want to compete with themselves, and they seem to be going around and undoing everything that Allard did for the Xbox. He seemed to enjoy throwing lots of money around at talented developers that didnt necessarily translate into great sales.

This gives me hope that perhaps, Psychonauts is a good game as well.


StoOgE said:
I think MS dropped it because alot of sequals to games that sold well have been selling like crap for them lately, and they spent a shitload on Rare who will be releasing their first really major Xbox release this year. They dont want to compete with themselves, and they seem to be going around and undoing everything that Allard did for the Xbox. He seemed to enjoy throwing lots of money around at talented developers that didnt necessarily translate into great sales.

This gives me hope that perhaps, Psychonauts is a good game as well.

I think you meant Ed Fries... the game got dropped simply because Lorning was sucking on the Microsoft tit and not delivering anything in return. MS was basically using Oddworld Inhabitants and Doublefine as examples to other publishers that MS does have a say in what they publish and results are expected.

Plus, I think MS knew the games were far enough along in development that a publisher would certainly pick them up and also the games would come out for Xbox anyway.

So basically MS cut their losses to save a few dollars and send a message that really needed to be sent.


Scary Euro Man
Interesting to note that now they're no longer Microsoft exclusive, the PS2 has suddenly become powerful enough to handle their vision for Oddworld. :)


Street Fighter IV World Champion
fenekku-gitsune said:
MS dropped it probably because it was behind schedule and didn't fit in with their between-platforms strategy.

It looks and plays awesome. Screw the hatarz

I believe this news (Y)

Boy I bet M$ is sorry it bought RARE. Or Sudeki.

fennec fox

ferrets ferrets ferrets ferrets FERRETS!!!
Boutros = Hatar of the year


I actually wrote a long post defending my review back when it first was posted, so go search for that!

fennec fox

ferrets ferrets ferrets ferrets FERRETS!!!
Dudes! Less hate! More Oddworld!


Street Fighter IV World Champion
fenekku-gitsune said:
Boutros = Hatar of the year


I actually wrote a long post defending my review back when it first was posted, so go search for that!

Is it on this forum or the old-ass broken one? And yes, more Oddworld is good. I'm glad they got the time they needed to meet their ambitions proper this time around. I sincerely hope it sells truckloads. They deserve it.
fenekku-gitsune said:
Dudes! Less hate! More Oddworld!

scrumtious. Delia wants. Is that what he really looks like? He should be in pr0n. ... the shoe fits.

I'm surprised SONY took him back after the badmouthing, the skaggy little dev bitch. He should do games for the gamecube.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
iapetus said:
Interesting to note that now they're no longer Microsoft exclusive, the PS2 has suddenly become powerful enough to handle their vision for Oddworld. :)

But didn't MS buy 50% of Oddworld from Atari lately?


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Soul4ger said:

"Do not expect the world from DRIV3R, then. Expect some frustration, some control difficulties, some of the unexplainable glitches that happen with all games like this. (A personal favorite: mob bosses that don't realize you're shooting them in the head because you're too far away. That made more than one mission less of a headache). However, you can also expect a very exciting, very movie-like action experience that will keep you on your seat for the 15-odd hours it lasts. It's a new plateau of quality for GTA-ish games, and if GTA San Andreas can better it, then gamers will have very, very little to complain about this fall. "

I'd believe this news if the game didn't look so godawful bad on that Discovery Channel special. EA is desperate for a platformer mascot, they keep trying with Ty the Taz. MS has Mastercheif, they don't need Lorne's BS anymore.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
Daxter Too said:
I'd believe this news if the game didn't look so godawful bad on that Discovery Channel special. EA is desperate for a platformer mascot, they keep trying with Ty the Taz. MS has Mastercheif, they don't need Lorne's BS anymore.

jesus, that footage was how fucking old? shit, that show aired more then a year ago, and i'm sure that bit wasnt current at all (the crimson skies stuff was very old at that point)
I believe this because I thought it looked really good on the Discovery channel.

WTF! I can't believe I missed Fox's Driver 3 review till now.
op_ivy said:
jesus, that footage was how fucking old? shit, that show aired more then a year ago, and i'm sure that bit wasnt current at all (the crimson skies stuff was very old at that point)

Um the footage is brand new. Open your eyes and head on over to Gamespot.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
Daxter Too said:
Um the footage is brand new. Open your eyes and head on over to Gamespot.

um, first, i dont see any footage at gamespot. theres a hands on report...

second, the discovery channel bit IS very old. unless there is yet another brand new discovery channel piece somewhere (certainly not at gamespot).

open your own eyes


You know Penny-Arcade is getting big when the create industry terms like Moneyhat.

It's kinda of like Dilbert creating things like a "Bungie Boss"


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Daxter Too said:
Um the footage is brand new. Open your eyes and head on over to Gamespot.

Link? The Discovery Channel footage is extremely dated, but if there is new NON-Discovery footage, please show us! I'd love to see what it looks like! You can go ahead and post a link for us.


For the record, that is the Gamespot gamespace for this game. As you can CLEARLY see there is NO video footage available for this title. There is, however, ONE newish screenshot available. That's it. If you have NEW FOOTAGE, pony up now.
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