OEM Official Sony Brand Playstation YPbPr Component AV Cable PS2 & PS3 Gold Tip


Plays with kids toys, in the adult gaming world
Feedback: 5 / 0 / 0
$80 (ship via USPS to anywhere in the US PAYPAL ONLY)
Tested and working as of today pretty rare these days (knock offs are really poor quality not worth it)
My 480p component to SCART/VGA converter (that I hardly used anyway) is damaged so I really have no use for it anymore


Dirk Benedict

Feedback: 3 / 0 / 0
I used to have one of these. Giving your thread some serious thought, but I have dental surgeries coming up... Life, throwing those curve balls.
Think of this as a small bump, for now. I respect the IQ these brought to my retinas, back in the day on the Sony Trinitron.
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