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Official GT4 Release Date Revealed!



Oh well, onto the next few questions. We're skeptical people and haven't heard too, too much from Sony US. There's no better way to find out the release date for all the upcoming GT games than the source. Yamauchi-san tells us that GT4 will appear in the US before Japan. The game is still on target for a US release date of November--that could be anywhere from the first to as late as the 30th.

We anticipate it'll be close to turkey day. The interesting thing is that it won't appear in Japan until December. And the PSP version, GT4 mobile won't hit the unit until April 2005. There, we heard it from the man directly, no more wondering.


Everybody is stacking their games in November. Atleast the GC and GBA have some great games saved for January too :D
Woo-hoo this holiday is going to be one knocked out drag out slugging match. I think we may be on course for a record setting sales thread.

And I will have bags of strawberry and cream pop corn for it (seriously, this stuff is amazing. It's what popcorn was always meant to be like).


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Crap, this holiday was so packed that I was kinda hoping it would get delayed...I know, I'm a filthy animal.

Bring it on! There is always room for Gran Turismo


Tag of Excellence
It's not exact but I'm thrilled it'll be coming out before the end of 2004! For some reason I was pretty sure it was going to get delayed into early 2005.


Holy crap!

Strawberry and cream popcorn?! I need to get me some of that.

Oh, and the GT4 news is pretty cool too. I really wasn't expecting it this year.

Now how about MGS3?
I wonder if that will stick. I personally would rather have the game pushed back to a Spring 2005 release. I won't possibly have the time to play GT4 this year. Its good news to hear that it may release during the holidays though,this game is almost done then,very nice.


I don't believe the man himself. He could still slip the game a few months.

I am expecting the game to have some huge surprises in it to justify the four years of dev time.
I wouldn't be surprised if the Japanese version of GT4 is more improved than the US one because of the later release date (like more cars or something).
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