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Official Madden 12 Online Franchise Awards: The new age of Freeman :(

Welp, it was a really fun season bro’s. Thanks to everyone who put in a lot of time to be in the league because it does take time. Part of the fun in the league is all the drama and sniping but I’d like to believe it’s all in good fun for people. As with every season I do it, I try to get a wide variety of award types and people. If you didn’t get an award start some drama! ;) So without further delay, the awards!


Ghost of Peyton Manning Award: Best Passer –Lukems; time and time again he shredded defenses to a variety of receivers… just like the real peypey!


Nitus award for best rusher – Rorschach; despite not having the best talent all over, the raiders feasted on defenses on the ground and helped the raiders to a 16-0 regular season!


MrBob award for excellence in the (ab)use of tight ends – Mcneily; what is it about the NFC North!? They just breed good tight end and tight end #’s! Helped to lead the vikes to the playoffs and ALMOST a playoff win!


Best drop back passer - Smokey; it's self explanatory!


Stick handling expert (best manual defender) – Rorschach; I went back and forth on this one. CB is a great manual defender, but gives up lots of big plays because of it. DM is a great manual defender but really plays closer to the line of scrimmage as a LB. So…. Rors is the winner! You don’t go 16-0 without being a champ on the sticks!


Mike Singletary award for best Schemer – Wellington; while mike singletary was a joke at X’s and O’s, Wellington certainly is not! He likely has notebooks on all of us and he showed it by leading an average-on-paper bengals team to the playoffs!


Matt Millen GM of the year – DCX; now, to his credit, this wasn’t as bad as in years past and he may NOT have won this award but for the fact that he traded John Abraham for a rookie fullback in the draft. Y…eah….


Chris Johnson award for contract excellence – Dunta Robinson; livewire decides to pay a gajillion dollars for a “good” CB. This was money well spent. Infact, it was so good, livewire decided to throw him into free agency again this year! What a guy


The 1-5-5 Honorary Formation of the Year – Twins formation; everyone seems to hate this formation. Everyone except drizzler!


Best Drama – Luke vs. Balb; What was it about balb that rubbed luke the wrong way? The 4 play calls? His Mario avatar? Whatever it was, the late season loss by luke to 4-play-jay caused a semi meltdown and balb left the league! Later, like a police investigation, all of the witnesses of balb’s limited playbook came out from other players.


2007 Patriots award for best team ever – Rors; nothing much to say about this. Incredible regular season and a tough playoff loss. I wish Junio Seau was in free agency!


Most beloved newcomer – Tross; earned everyons respect and admiration after rightfully calling out Ramirez for his baffling INT throws. You will live on in our hearts…. And minds!


Least beloved newcomer – Drizzler; for the record, I am a fan of drizzlers! I think he plays a good game, always shows up and is always ready to play. But for some reason he rubs people the wrong way! Is it the use of twins? Reggie bush? The two z’s in his user name? I don’t know!


2000 Rams award of “Can’t no one beat us but us!” – Ramirez; Ramirez would lose time and again only to blame something other than himself. Lag? Check. Weather? Check. Computer screwed you? Check. This prompted the GOOD GAME discussion which rages on and will rage on with our children, and childrens children.


Mike Vick award for best animal killer – Eznark; the award speaks for itself but I had to work EZ in here somehow!


Biggest upset – Gonna have to go with Smokey beating Rors in the playoffs. Although livewire beating coldblooded is a once in a generation event, so is going undefeated in the regular season and losing in the playoffs!


Bill Bellicheck award for best use of starters in a meaningless game – CB; much like bellicheck getting wes welker injured in 2009 in a meaningless final game, CB possibly cost himself a trip to the NFC title game by playing and getting mike vick hurt. Although vince young just wins games, he just doesn’t win playoff games. The niners continue to own the eagles to this day!


Madden ’10 Rookie Class award for best running back – Noel Devine; yes, we all remember 2010. Or maybe not all of us. Incase you didn’t, the first draft class saw an influx of fantasy backs who were nearly unstoppable. Leron James, Giovanni Girley…. Uhhh that guy that fifty had, and so on and so on! That had basically been eliminated last year, but then here is noel devine doin’ his work!


Best use of… tech…nology? Smokey for his streams; smokey doing what EA should have done all along! I was also thinking of calling this “biggest technology backfire” since it got him busted for dropping back but I’ll give him his glory!


Donny Moore Ballwashing Award for most overrated player in the game – Josh Freeman; lets all be real here: josh freeman, the real josh freeman, is a mediocre QB. I’m not one to make fun of obese people and I’m not making fun of him, he really is a mediocre qb and the numbers are there. However, for some reason, he may as well be a 99 in this game. Cannon arm, linebackers can’t take him down, he’s fast and accurate. If only the real life bucs were so lucky to have this type of QB they wouldn’t be a simple cash source for Manchester united.


2010 NFC West award in the area of divisional excellence – AFC East; wow, this division was ugly. I am an optimist so I’m of the opinion that all the players in this division were so good that they just beat each other to a pulp causing everyone to suffer!


Mid to late 2000’s NFC East Award for best division – AFC West; wow, this division is tough. You have the best team in the league, two REALLY good teams that didn’t get in with 10 wins, and daw who…. Sometimes upsets people!


Game of the year – Texans Vs. Raiders – A game to remember. Undefeated regular season team vs. a guy who hasn’t seen a superbowl in like 7 madden seasons. Did Rors underestimate smokey? Were smokeys 20 yard drops too effective for rors to stop? Only rors can know that, but one thing is for certain: When a lionheart is involved there is always the chance to win.


Garbage of the year – NFC/AFC title games; after some pretty tasty divisional games, we got a couple duds in the championships. The bucs obliterated the niners and the steelers feasted on the Texans sweet innards. How sad!


I PRAISE U 24/7 AND THIS HOW U DO ME!! Award for most disappointing season – Eagles; I’m sorry but I have no idea how you don’t win a superbowl with this team. Yeah, the linebackers aren’t great, but you have a cheese qb, a bunch of ridiculously fast guys at WR, barry sanders reborn at runningback and 3 shutdown corners. Yikes


Worst use of talent – Patriots; the greatriots couldn’t even make the playoffs…. In a division where the winner was 8-8. Why do bad things happen to good teams!?


Heaven smiles above you Award: Team that started Tim Tebow – Broncos; do the broncos have devine intervention? WAIT A MINUTE! I didn’t even mean it that way but now it makes sense! Tim Tebow… Noel Devine! I’m changing my superbowl prediction to the broncos!


Worst to first (most likely to turn it around) – Falcons; hey, call me crazy, but I think DCX was on the cusp of winning more ball games last year. I feel like he’s going to make some noise in that division.


Highest ball & juice level: Worst trade up in the draft – Bears: You traded up to pick a TE that high? I get that you want your TE cheese title back but wow. Time will tell if this is a deserved award or not!


Best use of talent – Tie: Wellington/rors; I usually don’t cop out on the ties, and this probably would have gone to Wellington outright, but rors went undefeated with the fucking raiders! Now given that he did supplement his team via free agency but the bottom line is it was impressive. As for Wellington, the default bengals roster isn’t great. There are some pieces but he was really handicapped by having a ginger QB and still made the best of it!


Best Worst team – Browns; this is an award that is tough because there are a few teams that could be considered for this (Ravens, for instance) but the browns really have a crap roster and striker was definitely NOT an easy out! Perhaps he turns it around with his draft….


Giant Killer – Pheeniks; pheeniks was relatively quiet during the season but managed to beat some of the better guys in the league. If only he could carry that momentum to next season!


Rex Grossman Award in Unleashing the Dragon – Livewire; just a baffling statline week after week. I know there isn’t a lot to work with in Washington but god damn show a little restraint!


Goldlions Haggar Lead Pipe lock for next season superbowl winner - Raiders; This is not an award endorsed by Goldlion. However, because UMVC3 is out tomorrow, I gots to pay my respects to the man, the myth, the legend: Haggar. Oh, also rors will not let the mistakes of the past haunt him this season!


Most surprising Team – Panthers; the panthers were quietly in the playoff race right until the very end. Had a lot of good victories and made good moves in trading.


Mrbob award for most delayed advances – No one! I can’t really think of any instances that were continuous throughout the year! We always got the games in and rarely had many “Simit” moments! So this award defaults back to bob. Congrats bob!


Best Team in the league - Bucs; much as it pains me to say, we can't deny it now! He finally had the courage to succeed.... but does he have the will to repeat!?

And now, my upcoming season predictions!






Best Team in the league - Bucs; much as it pains me to say, we can't deny it now! He finally had the courage to succeed.... but does he have the will to repeat!?

Wednesday night, you pay for jobbing me out of the Best Manual Defender award AGAIN.

Now that you can't hold me back from the Super Bowl, this is all that you have! Give it up, old man!


I PRAISE U 24/7 AND THIS HOW U DO ME!! Award for most disappointing season – Eagles; I’m sorry but I have no idea how you don’t win a superbowl with this team. Yeah, the linebackers aren’t great, but you have a cheese qb, a bunch of ridiculously fast guys at WR, barry sanders reborn at runningback and 3 shutdown corners. Yikes



intangibles, motherfucker
robbed again because i have the balls to play the safety position and allow myself to be prone to mistakes. Nevermind that my safety's rated in the 70's had like 16 picks combined. I guess ill just play at the LOS this season and make is so there is no way i can be beaten :(

No offense to rors cause he plays LB extremely well. But the risk takers play further back. I would have rather seen DM win it.


CB3 said:
robbed again because i have the balls to play the safety position and allow myself to be prone to mistakes. Nevermind that my safety's rated in the 70's had like 16 picks combined. I guess ill just play at the LOS this season and make is so there is no way i can be beaten :(

No offense to rors cause he plays LB extremely well. But the risk takers play further back. I would have rather seen DM win it.
I primarily play safety, but thanks! I do play LB as well. :)

I play Safety > LB > DL > Corner


Epic awards, I'm crying here at work. LOL

FMT didn't even mention himself. Not like he has a ton of talent either for what he did.


Hey, give me some credit, the only game I really had a meltdown on was the Cards game.

You missed an opportunity for a Mike Vick doppelganger award with Pey Pey's rush on me.


Mrbob award for most delayed advances – No one! I can’t really think of any instances that were continuous throughout the year! We always got the games in and rarely had many “Simit” moments! So this award defaults back to bob. Congrats bob!



Amazing awards. Just amazing.

Sorry to Pheenix/Smokey for Balb and I taking the best feud from you.

This season, I'm coming for you Bluemax!


LukeSmith said:
Amazing awards. Just amazing.

Sorry to Pheenix/Smokey for Balb and I taking the best feud from you.

This season, I'm coming for you Bluemax!

We don't even play in the same conference, and I'm not even sure you're on my schedule. Also I was a bottom feeder and you were a playoff team. This is the worst rivalry set up since um, well I don't know, but it makes no sense!


LukeSmith said:
Amazing awards. Just amazing.

Sorry to Pheenix/Smokey for Balb and I taking the best feud from you.

This season, I'm coming for you Bluemax!
Forgot about Pheeniks/Smokey.

I was mad best feud didn't go to me and Ramirez, but you're right, we were actually third best. I wanted it based on consistency and having been an underlying tone all year long.


bluemax said:
We don't even play in the same conference, and I'm not even sure you're on my schedule. Also I was a bottom feeder and you were a playoff team. This is the worst rivalry set up since um, well I don't know, but it makes no sense!

Since Mankind and The Rock.


Wellington said:
Forgot about Pheeniks/Smokey.

I was mad best feud didn't go to me and Ramirez, but you're right, we were actually third best. I wanted it based on consistency and having been an underlying tone all year long.

There's always this season, I await many and more bad defensive jokes with my CBs plummeting even further.


Ferny said:
Im almost sure the winner of the AFC East this year will be 10-6. That's my prediction.

Inside the Numbers:
Aren't you guys playing the AFC West again this year? That's 3 losses for each team - four for the ones that Daw beats. Div Winner from this year gets Ram/Smokey, and Div Runner up gets Me and Wellie, so that's five losses minimum out of the gate. Meaning the winner would have to basically go 10-1 the rest of the way.


Well you can certainly assume that all of those are automatic losses but I certainly don't believe they will be.
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