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Official October NPD 2004 Prediction Thread


PS2 - 325K
Xbox - 200K
GC - 90K
GBA - 300K

top 10
2. MK PS2 275K
3. MK Xbox 250K
4. THUG2 PS2 250K
5. DOA:U 200K
6. Pokemon Red 175K
7. Pokemon Green 150K
8. Fable 150K
9. Paper Mario 125K
10. NBA Live PS2 125K

1. GTA:SA 3M
2. MK 275K
3. THUG2 250K
4. NBA Live 125K
5. Ace Combat 5 100K

1. MK 250K
2. DOA:U 200K
3. Fable 150K
4. THUG2 125K
5. NBA Live 100K

1. Paper Mario 125K
2. Zelda TWW 60K
3. WWE Reckoning 35K
4. Pikmin 2 35K
5. SSBM 30K

Everyone up on last month. This part of the year is where sales start to go skyward.
I'm making no numerical suggestions. Just that they'll be up.


ps2 400-500k+
xbox 250-300k
gc 100-150k

gta:sa 2mil+

most of the unknown but good games = bomb as usual
i do hope KUF does well (100k+) though
Bump. Numbers due out at market close on Thursday. Get yours in! :D

We need to have more ownage of people. What did the hardware sale? Did Xbox outsell the PS2 again?? Did Fable tank? (just kidding, calm down) Will Donkey Konga's famous word of mouth work wonders? Did the Game Informer Paper Mario score doom it to failure? This along with many other questions will be answered.


I think DOAU numbers are going to be very disappointing. Unless it's been moving at BB and CC, I haven't seen it selling well anywhere except EB. Hopefully it will get a boost and ride Halo 2's coat tails this holiday, but I honestly would be pleased with sales around 100k. MK: D probably killed it and will do 200k+ on both systems.

SW: Battlefront numbers look to hold up well though where both versions could be over 225k again easy.

Predicting GTA:SA is just futile if you're trying to get as close as your other picks. You're probably going to be at least 500k off whatever you pick for it.

Paper Mario 2 should do at least 200k too.

After that it's gonna be a mishmash of who knows what. Lots of EA, Activision, and maybe LA for next month in general.


Paper Mario: 180,000
Fable: 130,000
Pikmin 2: 60,000
Donkey Konga: 30,000
GTASA: 2.3 million

GC: 130,000
Xbox: 270,000
PS2: 265,000
GBA: 400,000

efralope said:
250,000 for Paper Mario is serious lowballing, I say 350,000 is easily doable...

Remember what happened last month?


Let's see...

PS2 - 400k
Xbox - 300k
Cube - 150k

Fable - 100k
DOAU - 75k
GTA:SA - 3.5 million
Burnout 3 PS2 - 100k
Burnout 3 Xbox - 75k
KUF - 25k
Rocky Legends - 25k

It should be around 2 hours from now if that earlier estimate is correct... sweet!
mumu said:
Doesn't the Best Seller sticker mean 250,000 sales for PM2 for sure? Or did i get that all wrong.

It means that the game had 250k pre orders (I don't know if its consumer or retailer though).


Is it out yet? Always takes a while to arrive here, though...

Edit: D'oh! First leaks are coming in.. sweet. :)
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