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Official XBOT roll-call Thread


being watched
When did you get your Xbox?
Your Favourite Games?
Game Your Most Looking Forward to?

Got mine in June 2002 when after they dropped price (March launch) - modchipped with the now ancient Enigmah.

Halo, Enclave, Outrun 2 & Riddick

Halo 2 :p Conker Reloaded, Jade Empire bubbling under...

And for the newbies....



When did you get your Xbox?

Dec 2001

Your Favourite Games?

Ninja Gaiden
Rallisport Challenge
Panzer Dragoon Orta
Top Spin Tennis
Chronicals of Riddick
Splinter Cell PT

Game Your Most Looking Forward to?

HALO 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - This gen will be complete for me after this. GOTG

Jade Empire
Mech Assualt 2
Splinter Cell 3
Dead or Alive Ultimate

evil ways

When did you get your Xbox?

April 2004

Your Favourite Games?

Star Wars: KOTOR, Ninja Gaiden

Game Your Most Looking Forward to?

Star Wars: KOTOR 2


I'm getting one next month or so. I liked Halo, so now I want to buy an Xbox to get Halo 2.

This thread has "Nintendo fan circa 2000" written all over it, though.


near launch

bought it because i was a bungie whore

halo, kotor and panazer dragoon are my fav games.

halo2 is king :). also looking forward to unreal champ, kotor2 and mechassault2.


XBOX system purchase dates:

November 15, 2001
October 2002 (Sega Bundle)
April 2004 (Halo Bundle)

Favorite Games:

Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Tides of War
The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape From Butcher Bay
Shenmue II
Jet Set Radio Future
Max Payne 2

Looking forward to:



When did you get your Xbox?
3 days before Christmas, 2001 with Munch, DOA3 and Halo

Your Favourite Games?
DOA3, Enclave, Halo, Munch, MechAssault, Morrowind, Panzer Dragoon Orta, JSRF, Unreal Championship, Ninja Gaiden, Fable (Much more. I love my Xbox)

Game Your Most Looking Forward to?

Metal Wolf Chaos, Unreal Champ 2, Pariah, Halo 2, Conker, Kameo, DOAUltimate, Spikeout Battle Street,


Bought pre-modded sometime in 2002-2003.

Favorites: KOTOR, Riddick

Looking forward to: Halo 2, Metal Wolf Chaos


When did you get your Xbox?

Launch day with Halo. I then won another one a few months later in the second chance drawing for the Taco Bell "Win It Before You Can Buy It" contest.

Your Favourite Games?

Project Gotham Racing 1+2
Splinter Cell
Outlaw Golf
Ninja Gaiden

Game Your Most Looking Forward to?

Halo 2
Kotor 2
Conker's BFD
Jade Empire


When did you get your Xbox?
Got it little after launch. I had a GCN first but then I woke up one saturday morning and told my GF:"I want a Xbox". Bought another one in mid 2003.

Your Favourite Games?
Ninja Gaiden, NHL 2K5, Rallisport 2, DOA3, Splinter Cell PT

Game Your Most Looking Forward to?
Halo 2 I guess... But what I like with my Xbox is that it's full of surprises... (Games under the radar that are mega-cool)
When did you get your Xbox?
December 2001. Modded with an Executer 2 in June 2003.

Your Favourite Games?
Halo, Panzer Dragoon Orta, Ninja Gaiden, Outrun 2.

Game Your Most Looking Forward to?
Halo 2


When did you get your Xbox?
2 Months ago.

Your Favourite Games?
Jet Set Radio Future
Oddworld : Munch's Oddysee
Midtown Madness 3
Project Gotham Racing 2

Game Your Most Looking Forward to?
Halo 2
Sonic Mega Collection Plus
Dead or Alive Ultimate
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory


When did you get your Xbox?
I got the X-mas bundle two years back, the one with SEGA GT 2002 and Get Set Radio.

Your Favourite Games?
Hmm though call, I'm really into sports games. All NHL and Fifa 200- get a lot of play from me. My personal favourite right now is nhl 2005.

Game Your Most Looking Forward to?

Halo 2


Summer 2002. But got the green one later on May 2003. So no black anymore.

Favorite game, Enclave.

Looking most forward to: Halo 2

Musashi Wins!

I had to make my new, sexy and thin PSTwo leave the room while I answer this...

I got my first one around Christmas 2002. I got the Halo LE a few months back.

Favorite Games?
Halo, KOTOR, DOA3, Buffy...there are a bunch more that I love almost as much and are all over this thread.

Most Anticipated?
Halo 2, Jade Empire, Conker

but I'll echo the sentiment that there's always something awesome and unheralded coming out for the system, eg. Kingdom Under Fire.


*goes into Xbot mode*

Xbox 0wnZ j00!! Neon green is the color of the future! Xenon will eat the competition alive!

When did you get your Xbox?

That's a good question. I think it was like 2 years ago.

Your Favourite Games?

Project Gotham 1 & 2 (especially the first one)
Halo (co-op rocks!)
KOTOR (played for 20 hours, boring initially but getting better)

Game Your Most Looking Forward to?

Metal Wolf Chaos
Halo 2

*Xbot off*

(to be honest, only 25 % or so of the time I spend on Xbox is for playing Xbox games :p)


When did you get your Xbox?

Nov. 15th 2001. I had actually been out of the console loop for quite a while. I did own a N64, but got discouraged with it when the games stopped flowing.

Bought a 2nd LE Halo Xbox later and modded it. BTW, both units have worked flawlessly.

Your Favourite Games?

I think I have weird taste, but I love the pseudo racing games. Wreckless, Midtown Madness 3, and Burnout 3 have been some of my best experiences. I was primarily a PC gamer before Xbox, so while I enjoy the abundance of FPS's on Xbox, they kind of have a been there done that feeling to them.

Other games I've latched onto are the RPG's. KOTOR, Fable, Morrowind, and soon Bard's Tale.

Game Your Most Looking Forward to?

Bard's Tale
Area 51
Destroy All Humans
Doom III
Halo 2
Splinter Cell 3


Got it for 120 with extra controller back when it was 300 dollars from a friend.

Panzer Dragoon Orta was the only reason. Still my fav game on the system.
Dont Remember, Maybe You Do.

Favorite Games:
Guilty Gear XX #Reload
Rallisport Challenge 2

Looking Forward to:
Halo 2 (duh)
"When did you get your Xbox?"

At the North American Launch.

"Your Favourite Games?"

Madden NFL 2005, Halo, Fable, Star Wars: KoTOR, Ninja Gaiden, and the GTA Double Pack.

"Game Your Most Looking Forward to?"

Halo 2 for the Xbox without a doubt. But beyond that obvious statement I'd have to say Star Wars: KoTOR 2, MechAssault 2, and Jade Empire are the games I'm looking forward to most.
When did you get your Xbox?

March, 14th 2002 9:00 AM in our local Mediamarkt for 399€ with halo and DOA3

Your Favourite Games?

KOTOR, Shenmue 2 and Galleon

Game Your Most Looking Forward to?

KOTOR2 and too many others to mention


When did you get your Xbox?
American Launch = November 15th, 2001

Your Favourite Games?
Panzer Dragoon Orta
Ninja Gaiden
Top Spin

Game Your Most Looking Forward to?
Halo 2


When did you get your Xbox?

Xbox (now modded) - July 2002
Halo LE Xbox - Sept 2004

Your Favourite Games?

Halo, KOTOR, Riddick, Rallisport 2

Game Your Most Looking Forward to?

singularily.. Halo 2..
also looking forward to KOTOR2, Jade Empire, MA2, Conker, Forza, SW Republic Commando
When did you get your Xbox?

- A year or so after the North American launch.

Your Favourite Games?

- Jet Set Radio Future, Gunvalkyrie and D&D Heroes.

Game Your Most Looking Forward to?

- Metal Wolf Chaos, Bard's Tale and DOA:U.


When: Dec 2001

Favorites: PDO, Halo, RSC 1 and 2

Looking forward to: Halo 2, Conker, Jade Empire, otogi 2


Bought for $15 new plus trade in games back in 2002. Had thompson drive that lasted about 2 months of light use. Took back to EB for warranty replacement. Got samsung drive unit.

Fave games: PDO

looking forward to: trading in Xbox for PSP
Q) When did you get your Xbox?

A) When the console launched. I picked it up day one.

Q) Your Favourite Games?

A) Too numerous too count but I can name a few I personally enjoy off the top of my head: Enclave, Rallisport Challenge 2, Project Gotham Racing 2, Panzer Dragoon Orta, KotoR, MotoGP2, Gunvalkyrie, Full Spectrum Warrior, Ghost Recon, Kingdom Under Fire, Ninja Gaiden, Phantom Crash, Chronicles of Riddick, Steel Battalion:LoC, Otogi.

Q) Game Your Most Looking Forward to?

A) Halo 2 but also Gun Griffon, Ghost Recon 2, Otogi 2, and Outrun 2 are must haves. ;)


When did you get your Xbox?

June 2002

Your Favourite Games?

Halo, DOA3, SC2, Ninja Gaiden, GTA Double Pack.

Game Your Most Looking Forward to?

Halo 2, Conker, Fable, DOA: Ultimate, Fable (I will buy it tomorrow, I'm late to the party :D)
When did you get your Xbox?

December 2001

Your Favourite Games?

Halo, PGR1, Wreckless, GTA Double Pack, Riddick, TOCA RD, ESPN Hockeys.

Game Your Most Looking Forward to?

Halo 2, PES4, FlatOut, ESPN Hockey 2k5, Conker


Gold Member
When did you get your Xbox?
Launch day.

Your Favourite Games?
Halo, Ghost Recon, Rainbow Six 3, Splinter Cell, Counterstrike, Burnout 3, SW: Battlefront, KOTOR

Game Your Most Looking Forward to?
Halo 2, Ghost Recon 2, KOTOR 2, Splinter Cell 3, Conker


pretty sure it was the february after launch. maybe later. it was like a month before wreckless came out. there was a drought on ps2 and GC. i had sworn i'd never buy one but i had extra cash and was bored.

favorite games...riddick, pgr2, wreckless, outrun 2

most anticipated...wreckless 2 and conker

suprise? i hate halo(singleplayer), dont own the first but getting the sequel.

most embarrassing game i've purchased? SNEAKERS!!! :lol


When did you get your Xbox?
1st: October 2002 chipped with Xecuter.
2nd: October 2004 Crystal chipped with Xecuter Lite.

Your Favourite Games?
Jet Set Radio Future, Halo, Unreal Championship, Riddick, Rainbow 6, Otogi 1 & 2.

Game Your Most Looking Forward to?
Halo 2, Unreal Championship 2, Half-Life 2, Metal Wolf Chaos.


When did you get your Xbox?

April 2002, on an EB bundle sale.

Your Favourite Games?

Halo, Panzer Dragoon Orta, Halo....

Game Your Most Looking Forward to?

Halo 2, Jade Empire


When did I get my Xbox?

Xbox launch, 2001, limited edition green bundle for MS Games Studio employees (no, I wasn't working for MS, I had friends working there who hooked me up)...green Xbox, 2 green old-style controllers, Halo, PGR, NFL Fever, Oddworld, Amped, Fuzion Frenzy.

I never did open NFL Fever or Fuzion Frenzy :p

Got another one as soon as the modchips showed up, modded with a homebrew chip running a debug BIOS.

Got yet another one when the Halo LE boxes came, too, and chipped it with a Xenium chip.


Knows the Score
When did you get your Xbox?

This time last year(Birthday present from my wife). I wanted KOTOR/JSRF and after I finished them, it was mod time.

Your Favourite Games?


Game Your Most Looking Forward to?

Umm, dunno. KOTOR 2 & Jade Empire I guess.
When did you get your Xbox?
US launch day

Your Favourite Games?
Halo, RSC2, Ninja Gaiden, Riddick, Kingdom Under Fire - The Crusaders, Burnout 2, KotOR, Panzer Dragoon Orta, JSRF, Splinter Cell, Fable, Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1), Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb, Amped 2, Top Spin, Rainbow Six 3, Crimson Skies

Game Your Most Looking Forward to?
Halo 2 (Jade Empire, KotOR II, Kameo, Conker,UC 2, BC, MA2 -- all right behind)


1. When did you get your Xbox?

I purchased my Xbox and JSRF on the same day (Feb 27, 2002).

2. Your Favorite Games?

JSRF, Panzer Dragoon Orta, Phantasy Star Online, Outrun 2, Kung Fu Chaos*, NBA Street Vol 2

3. Games Your Most Looking Forward to?

Halo 2, Spikeout Extreme, Otogi 2, Conker, Metal Wolf Chaos.

* Custom soundtracks, 4 player foolishness, and cool graphics actually made this game a guilty pleasure.

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
When did you get your Xbox?

Just yesterday, actually.

Your Favourite Games?

Well, even though I don't own it, Halo has to be the big one. It kept me occupied on a friend's Xbox for months. I've got MGS: Substance and the Sega GT/Jet Set Radio disc right now, all of which are fun. MGS is crazy-difficult for someone who really hasn't been gaming for a few years. JSRF doesn't seem as good as the original, but is still pretty cool, and Sega GT is... Honestly, I havne't played more than ten minutes of it so far.

Game Your Most Looking Forward to?

Halo 2. It's my sole reason for buying the system -- although the same tactics didn't work out when I got a PS2 for GTA3 and ended up hating it. Anyway, beyond Halo, I don't have any idea what's coming out (or good stuff that's currently available, for that matter).


When did you get your Xbox?

Summer 2003.

Your Favourite Games?

Shenmue II, Halo and GTA: DP.

Game Your Most Looking Forward to?

Halo 2 and Conker: Live & Reloaded.

Dave Long

When did you get your Xbox?

August 2004

Your Favourite Games?

ESPN NHL 2K5, ESPN NFL 2K5, Panzer Dragoon Orta, Halo

Game Your Most Looking Forward to?

Halo 2, Street Fighter Anniversary Collection


When did you get your Xbox?


Your Favourite Games?

Panzer Dragoon Orta, Halo, Fable, Jet Set Radio Future and the best of all, Ninja Gaiden. :D

Game Your Most Looking Forward to?

Halo 2, Jade Empire, Kotor 2, Conker and Outrun 2. :)
When did you get your Xbox?
April 2002 I believe. Morrowind was my first game, but the reason I got the Xbox was World Series Baseball which came out that May.

Your Favourite Games?
Kotor, Fable, Splinter Cell, ESPN MLB/NFL and Morrowind.

Game Your Most Looking Forward to?
Kotor 2. I'm actually surprised that it's the only one I care for so far. Edit: forgot about SF Anniversary collection. I want that too.


When did you get your Xbox?
Aproximatly 3 weeks after it launched(in the US), I got Dead or Alive 3 and Halo plus a second controller. My friend and I proceeded to play Co-op halo for 7 hours straight.

Your Favourite Games? Ninja Gaiden is up there as one of my all time favorite games period, but I also enjoyed DOA3, Halo and rallisport Challenge 2.
Game Your Most Looking Forward to? I plan to buy DOA ultimate collection and Halo 2 for the remainder of this year. I'm pretty sure I'll be good for games until Conker comes out next spring.
Got my Xbox on Dec. 2001 after I've seen DOA 3 in actions at GameStop.

My favourite games is Enclave, Morrowind GOTY, Star Wars Battlefront, Ghost Recon IT, Halo, RSC2, Fable, PDO, ESPN NBA & NFL 2k5, Deus Ex: Invisible War, GTA: 3 & Vice City and more other ones.

Looking forward to,

Halo 2
Ghost Recon 2
Call of Duty: Finest Hour
Men of Valor
Mech Assault 2
Starcraft: Ghost
Conker Live
Oddworld Stranger
Star Wars Republic Commando
Splinter Cell 3
Battlefield: Modern Combat
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