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Oh Boy! The SCEA Beta Test I've been dreaming about!


You meet all of the requirements and have been invited to participate in the online public beta test for THQ’s WWE SmackDown! vs. Raw for the PlayStation®2 computer entertainment system.

To be considered you must complete the application by clicking on the "APPLY NOW" button to the right. Space is limited so Apply Now!

The first 4,000 applicants to complete the application and accept the terms of the beta agreement will be accepted.

I'm not really much of a wrestling fan (except some of that Luchadores stuff, but that's another story... :) so If I had the ability to transfer my "eligibility", I gladly would.


hail to the sky. hail to the sky. it's time to watch a show. time to watch a show.
the tree wanna grow. the trees wanna grow.
grow grow grow


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
If I was eligible where would I see the link under the Beta Test Tab at the top?!?!?!?

EDIT: Shoot I see in the Faq only one BETA at a time... CURSES!


keep your strippers out of my American football
Damn this company I work for!!!! They have blocked Yahoo Mail!!!! That is where I get my Sony e-mails!!!


How exactly do you sign up for these beta tests? Do you have to be a member of some club or is there a special place to apply?


GAF's Pleasant Genius
Thank you for enrolling

Congratulations! You are now enrolled in the online beta test program for the PlayStation®2 computer entertainment system. You will receive an email in the next few days with information about receiving your beta kit and instructions to access the beta website.

//I applied for the beta of this game, but I have been in the Beta Test program before (SOCOM II I think)


Finds Purchase on Dog Nutz
This is the second beta program in a row I've gotten into without actually having broadband. I would think that the fact that I've never played Monster Hunter online would clue them in to this fact. Then again, there's probably no communication between Capcom and THQ.

Oh, well. I hope there's at least some form of offline play. If not, I'll probably end up taking it over to my cousin's house.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
LOL I got in and I hate wrestling HAHAH DARIAN!!!

actually, I'm doing the Hot Shots beta... I like it.

Agent X

Whoa! This is essentially confirming that the next WWE game for PS2 will be online!




I'm in! I didn't like Monster Hunter very much, but oh well, this makes the 4th or 5th beta I've been in with them.
I'm so in!

I just registered my Net Adapter last week on a whim and registered to the SONY boards.

Huge wrestling fan so I'm going to test the hell outta this!
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