No nice pics of my cat at hand, I call her cat she has a name her original owner gave her but she don't care about no stinking names. I am an accidental cat owner, I took her bc noone else could when her owner passed away and I never thought I'd really like cats but fuck me if I don't love that thing more than life itself nowadays.
If you're browsing and you love the pics and the pet owner tales but you're not a pet owner yourself, my advice would be to fix that asap and increase your happiness and contentment levels at least 10%, probably a lot more - with the obvious provisos that you should only do it if you can take proper care of your pet and your domestic circs are right etc etc. If you like animals it's one of the best things you'll ever do and you'll wonder why you didn't do it sooner. I feel really strongly about this bc firstly it's true, and second the World needs more good pet owners. Too many suffer terrible fates because of bad luck, and one of you reading this thread can cross over and fix that for one lucky and deserving creature. Do it petGAF!