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Okay, so I got Second Sight

So far, not so bad. Third-person sneakers are definatly new to Free Rad and you can tell in this game. The camera is not always in the right place when you are trying to be all sneaky and therefore has to be constantly adjusted. There is a first-person mode, but you can tell the game was not intended to be played from it that much. Also controls are context-sensative. Push up against a wall and you will be given the option to sneak by pressing the Z button on GC, the slight downside to that is you have press the button again to unsneak, which really slowls you down in gunfights

Using the C-Stick to aim and choose targets isn't the best option, but I can't see how it could have been avoided.

The tradmark cutomize the hell out of the controller settings isn't there :( But seeing as you play it in 3rd person, I can understand why, but it would have been nice to have the invert Y-axis when using the gun option.

Of course is has the love it or hate it art of Free Rad, but the animation is top notch, especially if this was done by hand.

Only about the 4th mission in, missions are somewhat short, or atleast the ones I have passed.


Society said:
It gets good later on. Both story and difficulty grow to an amazing climax.
What? It gets difficult? I must've missed that... :p

Nice enough game, though. I scored it an 8, and I felt it justified. I just loved finding out what was going to happene next in the story, even if it wasn't perfect. Just a cool new experience we don't get a lot, story-wise, in games. And, of course, possessing enemies and fucking their shit up with their own men rocks.
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