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OMG GTA: San Andreas HYPE HOAX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




If anyone reading this is still harbouring fears of an entirely Hip-Hop-ified San Andreas soundtrack, then put your mind at rest. A new teaser web site set up by Rockstar Games today introduces Maccer, a Mancunian drugs casualty and potential in-game character. The site hints that at least one element of the soundtrack will be made up of early nineties 'baggy' music popularised by bands like The Stone Roses and The Happy Mondays.


Banstick Emeritus
Damn....those Gut Bombers sound kinda tasty. :\
Need food? We got da stuff for you. Our salads are made from the freshest vegetables available from the West Coast loading docks. Remember when that theiving white-man's International Longshore and Warehouse Union striked? Not only did they help contribute to our economic pains, but they caused a ton of lettuce to ALMOST rot sitting out in the Pacific Ocean. Luckily, we were able to obtain most of these shipments at cut-rate pricing. NOW, we're passing the savings (and diseases) on to YOU!

Breakfast? Are you kidding?! Why get up before noon when you've had a long night of drive-bys and gang-banging? Besides, the welfare office is open until 5pm EVERY weekday.
Holy shit. :lol :lol :lol


Rockstar's been doing this for years - everyone who's legitimately going "OMG THEY RIPPED OFF BUNGIE" makes my head hurt.


works for Gamestop (lol)
BuddyChrist83 said:
Rockstar's been doing this for years - everyone who's legitimately going "OMG THEY RIPPED OFF BUNGIE" makes my head hurt.

But...Bungie has been doing it since Marathon! Or something!


You know what would be great? If you could strip cars down and remove all the parts to sell at chop shops. For example, if you see an expensive car, you can take it to a location, then a timer starts counting. You have to strip it down, load the parts into a truck(that's likely to tip over if you don't drive carefully), then drive it to a location to sell the parts; all before the time runs out.

Or at least being able to steal hubcaps\rims. Make it an artform. If you're too rough, the car alarm will go off and alert the owner, who's most likely wielding a gun. :D
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