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omg wtf!



works for Gamestop (lol)
Ok, he has a pic of Doom3 as his desktop, but why don't I see a Doom 3 icon anywhere? Something is wrong with this pic. PHOTOSHOP!


I think that is ZSS or someone elses' desktop, the image filename and image on his desktop are both named owned...I could be wrong though.


A) Comes in a dvd case? Nice. Everyone needs to start doing that yesterday.
B) Looks highly suspicious.

How about a dvd version, eh?


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
I must have that windows skin and winamp skin. Where, where can I find them?


Hmm, 6 cds 1 dvd case?

No activision on the dvd cover? you name one publisher that does not stick its name on the front cover of a case.

Why does the cd lable have compact disc on it? Common sense would say hmm this is a cd.

Also why would the cd version come in a dvd case?

Not stating its fake or real, just saying its kinda odd?


works for Gamestop (lol)
I believe Max Payne came in a DVD case. So?

My Tron 2.0 case doesn't have any publisher name on the front.


Banstick Emeritus
Plenty of PC games have come out in DVD cases...that said, this is faker than a three dollar bill.

Where can I find that window ski- wait a sec, lemme check Google first...
Just because a game uses a specfic font, does not make it "that game's font". Exocet has been used for quite a while, and diablo was not the first game to use it, nor the last. But regardless, people do associate it with it more often than not though. Licensced fonts are used all over the place, mostly in advertising.


Looks fake to me. As someone stated, where is the Activision logo on the packaging? I strongly doubt they'd agree to not having it there.


EmSeta said:
Looks fake to me. As someone stated, where is the Activision logo on the packaging? I strongly doubt they'd agree to not having it there.

Quake, Quake 2, and Quake 3 cd cases don't have any developer/publisher info either. Being a PC game, that kind of stuff is usually just on the boxes. It's common for the case inside the box to lack markings.

I think that pic is fake though. Who would take the pictures of all those cd's, a dvd case (why does he have a dvd case and then a shit load of cd's?) and not the box? The box is the showpiece.


Fake, obviously.

That said, if Activision releases this game on CDs, I'm going to laugh and laugh, and laugh...
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