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One computer is ridiculously slow on my network. Please help me!

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I believe that gaming age has some of the brightest minds in the world and should be able to help with my problem, so i'm reaching out to you my fellow gaming agers, please save my network.

Ok here is what I have.

verizon dsl 1.5/384
which is connected to
linksys BEFW11S4 (with newest driver) it is a wireless router but I only use the wires. The wireless is completely disabled.

which is connected to two computers

- One of them works very well and has no problems at all. These are its network specs. I have no idea what information I should post here so please tell me if you need anything.
Realtek RTL8139 Family PCI Fast Ethernet NIC
I made my router keep static IP's

- This is the one that is very slow. It doesn't go faster then 30 kb/s and that includes network transfers. Upload speeds are good though. I can't access the router info page ( or if i do manage to access the page it is botched with red x's all over the place. I can ping the router and i get a <1ms respond.
Netgear Fa311 fast ethernet PCI 10/100

I would be extremely grateful for any help.


Has this PC always had a slow connection or is it new?

Have you tried altering the link speed? By default, most NIC's get set to 'Auto-Detect'.. sometimes they don't work well with the router though, and if you set it to either 10 or 100 non-dynamically it will work much better.


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
You really shouldn't have to mess w/ ports.

Make sure each node is set to run at 100TX (100mbps). Maybe the other machines are running at 10mbps.

I was working on my Mom's network and I couldn't access the admin page ( I think it's the same model router too.

Use DHCP and see if it makes a difference.


works for Gamestop (lol)
Try doing this tweak test: http://www.dslreports.com/tweaks

I think my computer had this problem as well. If I remember, the tweak test should tell you what RWIN # to use to optimize your connection, if your connection is slow on your computer. You use the RWIN # with the program DrTCP. It edits your registry or something that has to do with your connection. I'm not sure if it will work for you but it worked for me when I did it a couple years ago. Speed went from 40k/sec to 150k/sec (my max bandwidth)


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
As well as the tests this might be a card on it's way out... you can always try downing both PC's and popping the card from the "good" PC in to the "bad" one to see what happens with the transfer speeds.
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