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Ones that got away...Biff redeems himself (hopefully)

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Just as I was about to go to martial arts tonight, I got a call from a friend who was in the neighborhood. He wanted to play some basketball. For some reason, I agreed to it. Even though it would make me late for class.

He came over, and we played. He thrashed me as usual...he grew up playing the game in Harlem, so I don't feel bad losing. After we finished, we decided to walk out together.

We're on the street, and we're talking about this and that. I forget how the conversation got there, but I say "You know, part of me wished I could go back in time to high school. That way I could go out with the girls I wanted too."

I meant that. What a difference a few years make. When your in school, at least when I was in school...I was very nervous. I couldn't do the things I wanted to do, including ask out the girls who I had the hots for. It was a tough time growing up, and socializing wasn't a big part of my life.

That's really a killer. Having a foxy girl get away from you way back when, and thinking to yourself "If only I had a second chance. God damnit...I'd make it work". Well, some times we get second chances. And, tonight yours truly got one.

As I was walking with my friend and had just finished the "back in time" talk, I heard my name being called. Although it had been nearly 10 years, I instantly knew the voice who was calling me. It was the voice of a girl I had a killer crush on in junior high.

I spun around, and sure enough it was her. Latin/Italian, looking fanfuckingtastic. Just foxy as hell. This girl used to flirt with me nonstop in JH, Christ she looked so good. I never could say a thing then though, but I loved every minute of it. After her, I had other high school crushes...but she was by far the most memorable.

10 years had passed, and here she is on the street hugging and kissing me. I was fucking relieved to see she looked great. I had seen other girls from my teen years, and they had drastically changed. Some had ballooned into real moomoo’s, others had their face changed in what must have been some type of surgical experiment. This girl however...she looked just how I remembered her...except she was a woman now and she had really big, tight, firm bongo's.

Fortunately, I had just finished playing basketball and I stank like a motherfucker. So, I know that I had my natural Spanish fly thing going on. Thank Buddha I've been taking care of myself and eating right. My skin was clear, my body looked decent...I felt confident enough in my appearance to talk freely.

I told her how nuts I was about her when I was a kid. She seemed really taken with it, and later on when I said I had to split she asked me for my phone number. Will something come of it? I don't know. I hope so. It was cool regardless. Really cool. My first crush...man, I would’ve never believed I'd see her again. The whole experience was interesting and almost surreal. I like moments like this...talking about wanting something to happen, then it instantly happening. Cool.


Thats great, you really can't say much about this. Time will tell, but asking for your number and not the other way around is a great plus. Good luck.
just take it day by day, you never know, maybe she's changed for the worse. Regardless, go live out the fantasies you may have had back in the day, and make up for lost time...

Well, I ran into mine last year. It was really nice to see the girl, catch up, go for dinner, go for drinks, go to her apartment, etc... But anyway, I pretty much grew out of the old days, and she really stayed the same, but I realized that what I used to want, I don't want now.

Good luck!


shitting in the alley outside your window
biff, you rule. thats all there is to it. you're a great fighter, i don't want no rematch.



Banstick Emeritus
Good job, man - I'm happy for you. Take it for what it is, and enjoy it.

Hell, even if nothing else becomes of the situation, you were able to talk to say now to this girl what you wanted to say years ago. That's always a good feeling.


Now that you're a baller you get all the fine ladies. Spruce up those rims and you can take her on the town!

Seriously though....way to go.


I had a somewhat similar thing happen to me some weeks ago.

The girl still looked smoking but she had 2 kids :/ That kinda sucked
Thanks fellahs, I sincerely appreciate the kind words.

biff, you rule. thats all there is to it. you're a great fighter, i don't want no rematch.

Thanks man. Ditto. Any time you do feel like setting up Duran/Leonard IV, pm me.

just take it day by day, you never know, maybe she's changed for the worse. Regardless, go live out the fantasies you may have had back in the day, and make up for lost time...

Well, I ran into mine last year. It was really nice to see the girl, catch up, go for dinner, go for drinks, go to her apartment, etc... But anyway, I pretty much grew out of the old days, and she really stayed the same, but I realized that what I used to want, I don't want now.

Good luck!

Thanks chief. Very good advice.

Hell, even if nothing else becomes of the situation, you were able to talk to say now to this girl what you wanted to say years ago. That's always a good feeling.

Exactly. Like Wasabi said, the girl may be different now and not be what I'm looking for. But, its a great fucking feeling to be able to speak trutthfully without fear of consequnce. If something happens, alright cool. If not, hey...no sweat.

evil ways

Man, what are the odds of that. Make sure you find out if she has some excess baggage in the form of children from a previous relationship before making any big moves. Unless of course you don't mind about that sort of thing.
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