Spike Spiegel
I'm sitting here filling out my Previews order form for the month of July, to turn in tomorrow afternoon, and once again I find myself in need of advice on manga. Now in the past, you guys have been only marginally helpful (if you bothered to respond at all), but I've got a feeling tonight's the night you people really come through for me.
Here's the deal. I'm torn on whether or not I should order this:
Japan TPB by Buronson and Kentaro Miura
Now apart from Dark Horse's description, I know absolutely nothing about this manga. I'm familiar with Buronson's other works (Fist of the North Star), but the truth is I'm only interested in this because Miura is the artist, and because I like Berserk. But that kind of mentality can get you into trouble, as I know all too well from experience; just because a favorite artist is involved in a project doesn't mean it's not a piece of sh*t, especially when it's an early work of his. And because I'm on an excruciatingly tight budget as of late, I'd like to avoid marking myself down for a possible $12.95 turd.
So that's where you guys come in. Hopefully, one of you Berserk fans knows a little something about Miura's collaborations with Buronson, and can help me make my decision. How does it compare to Berserk? And how is Miura's artwork? I know it's a pre-Berserk project, and I'm not too keen on Miura's rougher style from early volumes of that series.
Also, a few months ago I ordered King of Wolves TPB by the same team. Is it related to Japan somehow? Did I make a mistake in ordering that too? If the answer is yes, then you can understand why I'd like to avoid compounding that error by ordering Japan.
Just looking for some info, so that I can make an informed decision. And I'd appreciate some sort of clarification by tomorrow morning, before I send my order to the LCS. If not, then I'll just take the safe route and not bother ordering it.
Thanks in advance!
Here's the deal. I'm torn on whether or not I should order this:
Japan TPB by Buronson and Kentaro Miura
Now apart from Dark Horse's description, I know absolutely nothing about this manga. I'm familiar with Buronson's other works (Fist of the North Star), but the truth is I'm only interested in this because Miura is the artist, and because I like Berserk. But that kind of mentality can get you into trouble, as I know all too well from experience; just because a favorite artist is involved in a project doesn't mean it's not a piece of sh*t, especially when it's an early work of his. And because I'm on an excruciatingly tight budget as of late, I'd like to avoid marking myself down for a possible $12.95 turd.
So that's where you guys come in. Hopefully, one of you Berserk fans knows a little something about Miura's collaborations with Buronson, and can help me make my decision. How does it compare to Berserk? And how is Miura's artwork? I know it's a pre-Berserk project, and I'm not too keen on Miura's rougher style from early volumes of that series.
Also, a few months ago I ordered King of Wolves TPB by the same team. Is it related to Japan somehow? Did I make a mistake in ordering that too? If the answer is yes, then you can understand why I'd like to avoid compounding that error by ordering Japan.
Just looking for some info, so that I can make an informed decision. And I'd appreciate some sort of clarification by tomorrow morning, before I send my order to the LCS. If not, then I'll just take the safe route and not bother ordering it.
Thanks in advance!